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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area HOTELS and MOTELS Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1951 - the Sea Breeze Motel at 16151 Collins Avenue, Sunny Isles
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1951 - the Sea Breeze Motel at 16151 Collins Avenue, Sunny Isles

16151 Collins Avenue, Sunny Isles, Florida

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Guest 03-Jun-2024 15:35
My wife and me stayed at the Sea Breeze in Sep 1996, when we were a young couple (not married in those days)That was our first long distance trip from Germany and our first voyage ever. Great memories. We still have all that paper stuff and Flyers from this Trip, because it was our first voyage.

Thank you for sharing
Peter 04-Mar-2024 15:17
I stayed at the SEA Breeze in April 1989 with other students from Germany. It was my first time in the States and I still love to remember the wonderful times. Came back in 2003 and 2013 but unfortunately couldnt find any trace of that hotel anymore. Thanks for sharing your picture and comments.
Stanley Needham 03-Feb-2021 16:31
My family stayed here in the summer of 1950 when I was 5. The salt water pool is where I learned to swim, bribed by the promised of an ice cream cone. My daughter and her husband gave me a subscription to StoryWorth for my birthday a couple weeks ago. It's a service that compiles short stories about events in a person's life into a book, and the second chapter is about childhood vacations. Why I remember the name of the Sea Breeze Motel after 70 years is a mystery, but I was delighted to find a photo of it to include in my story.
Allan Waldman 02-Nov-2016 01:13
having been a cleanup boy on the pool deck, it would be unfair not to mention Jimmy Doyle, the pool manager. during the 60's on until it was torn down.
Sam Smith 14-May-2015 10:12
Dear Chris Peaker,

My wife and I stayed at this motel with our children Gordon and Audra, during that same week. We sued to dine across the road at a Café run by two guys who were Jews. Lovely people. What a concidence;
Sam Smith
ps we now holidymake at the Catamran Resort, Mission Boulevard, San Diego.
Best wishes
Chris Peaker 14-Oct-2014 17:54
Stayed here in July 1981 I was 11, it was the week Princess Di and Charles got married. lovely place and the staff threw a big party for the wedding. Obviously it has been demolished now. Can anyone shed any light on what stands in its place ?
Guest 19-Jun-2013 00:53
I stayed here twice as a kid in the mid-70's with my family. I remember going down to the little lobby where they had an old-style projection TV and watching "Baretta" with my older brothers! It was all magical to me at 10. Shocked to see that it's all gone. Wpuld have liked to go back once again
Guest 14-Jun-2011 20:01
i came from germany and we sray there in the early 90s. has anyone pictures of this lovely place ? please send it to :
Guest 26-Oct-2010 19:44
Good to find info about the Sea Breeze. Had a great vacation there in the early 80's. Remember having breakfast there and chatting to the very friendly staff. Also remember going to the Aztec next door and listening to the piano in the bar.
Betsy Peacock 12-Oct-2010 22:48
Looking for anyone who might have known who the bookkeeper was in 1953. I've recently learned that my biological father was a bookkeeper at a Miami Beach Hotel in Miami in 1953. I'm not after a reunion,(unless he wants to meet me) but I would like to learn his name, health history, and see pictures of him.
Dalec6z06 25-Aug-2010 18:43
In the mid 60s we would surf behind the Seascape and the pool manager would try to hit our boards w/ a big 2 X 4. Either the Seascape was directly next to the Sea Breeze if I remember correctly or else the name changed to Seascape. I believe the Sea Breeze was next door to the Seascape. Great memories!
AnaMaria 22-Mar-2010 04:01
Castaways was great, indoor pool, the tiki bar, what memories.
thomas webb 21-Dec-2009 18:05
i stayed at the seabreeze with my family in the 60's and early 70's. my dad loved this place! he and my mom would walk down to the castaways and party with "stanley the great" in the tiki bar.either myself or my sister has a postcard of the seabreeze and glasses from the castaways. the castaways had the first color tv i ever saw. fond memories
Guest 31-Jul-2008 23:12
Thanks for answering. I think I stayed there in 1981 - was it next to the Aztec? If so it was great - happy memories. Don't suppose it's still there? Probably flattened for condos by now.
Guest 20-Jul-2008 21:23
Yes, I stayed there in Dec 81/Jan 82.
Guest 16-Apr-2008 22:54
Was this still open in late 70s early 80s