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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area CARS, Car Clubs, Car Rental Agencies, Car Dealers, Drag Racing, Auto Shows, Speedways - click on image to view > 1964 - Yellow Rent a Car on Collins Avenue (A1A), Sunny Isles
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1964 - Yellow Rent a Car on Collins Avenue (A1A), Sunny Isles

Collins Avenue (A1A), Sunny Isles, Florida

The Suez Motel is visible in the background on the left side. Those cars look exactly like our Driver's Education cars that we drove at Hialeah High.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Mary Anne C 03-Jun-2011 05:36
I went to MDJC in a 64 Valiant, and I wish I had it today. Traded it for a '68 Barracuda. Wish I had that, too!
Guest 31-Jan-2008 20:40
give me the 59 plymouth Fury with Torque-flight push button transmission-opps!! I forgot --it didn't have "Park", so don't forget to put it in neutral and engage the emergency brake!!
DaveDave 04-Dec-2007 20:36
Tom is right. The push buttons were outlawed in 1965. Only the Toyota Prius today does not use the "PRNDL" layout. Curiously, Chrysler Corporation automobiles introduced pushbutton automatic transmission controls for their PowerFlite and Torqueflite transmissions for the 1956 model year but they had a host of problems. Ford adopted an electro- mechanical push button tranny system called "teletouch" on their butt ugly Ford Edsel in 1958. My neighbor on SW 10 Street had one of these and I remember it was "cool" to sit in the driver's seat and push the buttons.
Tom 01-Dec-2007 18:13
The car is a '64 Dart. The two behind it are 1964 Plymouth Valiants. Same great engine and durability. Must have been a smart rental company to stock them! If those cars had auto transmission, yes, they would have been the famous push button trans. '64 was the last year for those. There was a national safety law in 1965 that made all manufacturers adhere to the same shift pattern, the P-R-N-D-2-1 we use to this day.
miamicrg08-Oct-2007 20:19
Didn't the '64 Dodge Darts have that push button gear shifts on the dash? Or did that come out in the later 60's?
Dave 27-Jul-2007 16:14
Sven: You sure know your engines! It was a honey of an engine used in all types of cars and trucks well after this date and you could repair it yourself without a computer. I had a friend that put almost 500 thousand miles on an engine like this and it didn't burn a drop of oil.
Guest 03-Jul-2007 12:17
You just can't beat the old 225 c.i.d. slant six Mopar engine. These cars lasted forever unless you wrecked 'em or didn't miantain them which was cheap to do. The drive train would last a good 300 thousand miles before wearing out.
Dave 01-Jul-2007 17:22
It looks like a 1964 Dodge Dart to me. They were pretty good reliable "compact" cars of the time. The 6 Cylinder was indestructable and got about 25 miles to the gallon.