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1969 Florida State Archives

1969 - Groundbreaking ceremony for the Theodor R. Gibson Health Center at Miami-Dade Junior College South Campus

Kendall, Florida

From the state archives description: "Unidentified women wearing bathing suits and holding shovels for groundbreaking of the Miami-Dade Junior College south campus Theodore R. Gibson Health Center."

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Alan Selvaggi 06-Mar-2013 04:21
I lived on 112 St and 107 Ave from 1957-1987. We would ride our bikes all over the campus while it was being built. They made the field and tennis courts first and we loved to go down there and play. There was nobody around and no water fountains either while it was being built. We took all the water we carry on our bikes over there. I graduated from Dade JR. South in 75. I went on to become a photographer and worked on the Dinner key boat show ad campaigns during the late 70's
Don Boyd11-Mar-2008 00:47
Thanks Cintia, I never noticed the smile. Great catch!

Cintia Pardiņas 10-Mar-2008 16:43
Don: If you look closely, you'll remember that the young woman on the right was Miss Dinner Key Boat Show 1060's from your previous photos. Her swim attire in this one seems to cover a bit more but the s,ile is the same.
Cintia (then aka Cindy) Pardiñas
Rob 05-Feb-2008 21:12
We thought "why would they build a college campus in the middle of nowhere?" We used to shoot guns at the end of SW 112th Street, past SW 117th Avenue. Took night classes in 1969 at South Campus in photography so I could get a key to the darkroom. Other students in their twenties seemed old to me at age 14.
Jeff Jenkins 08-Sep-2007 22:46
LOL at Don's comment!
(But yes, it is a jaguar, not a leopard.)
Jeff Jenkins 08-Sep-2007 22:44
I graduated from Miami-Dade Community College South Campus (I think its now called Miami Dade College, Kendall Campus) in 1979. Those women in bikinis make me want to go back! LOL!
Guest 04-Jul-2007 01:39
Don Boyd19-Jun-2007 01:41
That's funny, I never looked once at the leopard while working on the image and I didn't notice. Don
Guest 17-Jun-2007 04:15
The "Leopard is not wearing pants!"