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20-FEB-1930 Florida State Archives

1930 - Dade County Agricultural High School, N. W. 2nd Avenue, Miami

Miami, Florida

It later became Miami Edison Senior High and is now Miami Edison Middle School

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Guest 09-May-2017 22:24
I posted comment above regarding memorial bricks. I have since visited Edison
and found the bricks beautifully displayed where the original patio was in 1960's.
I saw Lynne's brick, the auditorium and that was all I recognized.
The staircase is still there. Great "closure " for me. Such a great school.
Wintermeer15-Mar-2017 12:01
Excellent documentary style! It does breathe history! ~V~
Lee Martines (MEHS '57) 25-Nov-2010 01:45
The patio area with the commemorative bricks was part of the renovation program. It is located directly behind the front of the building and covers a large open area. It is accessed by walking through the main front entrance.
Guest 20-Jun-2009 00:42
I would like to know where the "Patio" is now. We purchased a memorial brick for my sister, Lynne, who graduated in 1962. Were these removed during renovation or are they still there?
Wilson Wright, Tallahassee 17-Jul-2008 01:58
I seem to recall Ed Mason who is now in his 90's telling me that the team was the Lemon City Aggies. Could it have been Lemon City Agriculturl school.

An yes I to remember Marjorie Weatherup teaching Latin in that corner room in 1946 or '47 Boy she was tuff.
Julian Huff 11-Jul-2008 14:46
I started in 1st grade in 1935 and my big brother started in 33. The lower grades were called Edison then and my cousin Mary Ledbetter graduated in '37. Her class ring says Edison also. The name must have changed in the early 30s. I got to high school'44. Spent many happy(?) hours there.
Art Funk 27-Feb-2008 15:48
The view is of the southwest corner of the building. I spent two years trying to learn Latin in the corner classroom in 1957-59. By that time the grassy area next to where the two girls are walking on the sidewalk was occupied by the auditorium.

In the nineties the building was renovated. It had been slated for demolition and replacement but thanks to efforts of the Miami Edison Over-the-Hill Gang the school district decided to retain the main wing of the building and replace the rest of the building. The gymnasium and auditorium were retained with only minor changes. I visited the middle school in 2006 and found it beautifully renovated and maintained.

In speaking with some of the students I found that they are aware and proud of their Aggies/Red Raiders heritage.
Guest 31-Aug-2007 15:39
It became Edison Sr High School, but not sure of date.
My father, Eugene Head was there when agriculture school and I went to Edison in 1961-1964. IT has been converted to a Jr high now
Paul Swisher 13-Jun-2007 00:08
My mother, Pauline Marcoux Swisher graduated class 1934(?) always called it Lemon City Agriculture High and referred to herself as a Lemon City Aggie.
Don Boyd31-May-2007 15:46
In 1930 it was the Dade County Agricultural High School. It was later renamed Miami Edison Senior High. Don
Guest 31-May-2007 11:57
Miami Edison SR High school, Now Edison Middle