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1930 Florida State Archives

1930 - Robert E. Lee Junior High School in Miami

3100 NW 5th Avenue, Miami, Florida

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Angel Cruz 16-Feb-2025 16:46
My name is Angel Cruz I went to REL from about 1966-1969. It’s hard to remember all of my precious friends who went to school with me. If anyone has the yearbook for those years please reach out my email is Feel free to reach out if you remember me. My cousin Pablo Cruz also went there.
Guest 13-Nov-2024 23:43
Susana Lopez, I attended Robert E Lee Jr HS on 63 and 64. Have very good memories of those years.
David Martinez 28-Aug-2022 16:13
Below, Peggy Thomas makes several comments that seem to me the timeframe of about 1950 to 1952 when I attended Robert E. Lee. I played trombone and then Marvin Macabee (spelling) was the band teacher. The coffee company was Holloway Coffee and of course Marieta Bread she mention created the wonderful aroma walking to school two blocks away from home. I lived at 280 NW 33rd Street. My name is David Martinez and my sisters Yolanda and Yvonne went there as well and my cousin Ismael (Tony) and Luis Martinez went there as well. Was anyone in the band and remember Mr. Macabee and know what happened to him? Peggy Thomas expressed her gratitude to Mr. Boyd and I too appreciate his efforts to maintain the site. I worked for Eastman Kodak and have kept many images of the area included in podcasts and books done about the arrival of Puerto Rican families in the area. At Buena Vista Elementary on 29th and 2nd Avenue I helped two Cuban children to learn English. They were Luis Cruz and Mirta Mora. Mirta ended up working at Florida Power and Light along with my wife Dorothy. Both went to Edison High School and were recruited through interviews and typing tests and became IBM Machine Keypunchers.
Guest 26-Jun-2022 23:34
I had some great memories My inane is Marlene Serpa grades 8 and 9 year 1973-1974
Loved the smell of coffee and bread.
The only thing I didn’t like was all the fights against the whits and blacks. Every last day of School following vacation the Administration would tell you not to attend school.
Raymond Lopez 16-Jun-2022 06:49
I attended Robert E. Lee Jr. High for all of 7th through 9th grade, 1964-1967
To this day, the phrase that was above the entrance to the hallway that went to the office coming from the beautiful courtyard, Tempus Fugit, is even more relevant and time has indeed flown by.
Melrose Elementary 1958-1964
Miami Springs Sr. High 1967-1970
Raymond Lopez 16-Jun-2022 06:49
I attended Robert E. Lee Jr. High for all of 7th through 9th grade, 1964-1967
To this day, the phrase that was above the entrance to the hallway that went to the office coming from the beautiful courtyard, Tempus Fugit, is even more relevant and time has indeed flown by.
Melrose Elementary 1958-1964
Miami Springs Sr. High 1967-1970
Ralph Proenza 28-Jul-2021 13:28
I attended R.E. Lee from ‘57 - ‘60 (7th grade thru 9th) coming from Santa Clara Elementary School. Mr. Morris Gateman taught me to play the clarinet (I still play it). My 8th-grade teacher got me going on writing (I have even published a few small books on Amazon & Good memories from those years including crushes on Norma Tanner & Artis McChesney. How sad that bad elements caused the demise of such a good school. But I will keep the good memories of Robert E. Lee Jr. High.
Lois Huffman 12-Jun-2021 22:34
I attended Robert E Lee in 1948-1949. I attended Melrose Elementary and then we were bused to REL Jr High until we were eligible to go to Miami Jackson in the 8th grade. My home room teacher was Mrs. Roberson, really sweet. I had Miss Brown for Geography and my math teacher was Mrs. Stoterough (?). She was really a great teacher and my 8th grade math was a repeat of what she taught us in 7th grade. I remember the tradition of throwing a boy from the 2nd floor into the fish pond in the patio during the last week of school. I hated being bused to school at 7:00 and then waiting while the bus returned to make a second pick-up before school started. Very cold and wet in the patio while we were waiting.
Valerie Shuart Edwards 08-Jun-2021 13:49
I was a student in 1948 from Melrose and then my family moved to 79th Street out of the district but the principal allowed me to stay and finish . Then seven of us went to Edison, otherss going to Jackson or Miami High. Interesting we never really learned about the Civil War or the devastation and horror of slavery. Thank God, today's students are taught about civil rights.
Valerie Shusrt Edwards
Nick Stoffel 26-Mar-2021 17:16
I did my student teaching there in the fall of 1964. I taught English and as I recall, we were reading a translation of the Odyssey in the 9th grade classes. My lead teacher was nice and I also got to know the teacher in the adjacent room, but the only name I remember is the principal was Mr. Otto. At that time many of our students were Cuban refugees and I recall one even had an article published in a local anti-Castro magazine. Pretty impressive for a 9th grader.
Johnny 16-Mar-2021 12:43
I went to REL in the 80s when there was a custodian name Columbia. I also knew Eddie Lopez
julie 16-Mar-2021 12:34
My kids father Johnny Turner went to this school in the 80s.
jahaira 23-Feb-2021 01:56
i went to REL in the 80's . I was there the last year before they so call close the school. I remember Mr. Smith and the Security Guard Don. There was a lot of drug dealing there. I witness a student on the motorcycle had his leg cought in the back wheel, they had to aputate part of his leg. my PE teacher i had a crush on him.
Guest 27-Oct-2020 23:09
Wow! I was there 1964-65, I don’t remember all my teachers, only one comes to mind, Mr. Pernnel, I’m not even sure if thats the correct spelling, does anyone remember him? I do remember the Restrepo (PR) brothers and cousins, many Puerto Rican’s at REL during those years. I have great memories, had a great time and made good friends.
Tony Lugo 27-Jul-2020 23:24
Good memories at this school I still have good contact with all my boys from that time many of them past away RIP to my boys botella head little chino P.R. Eddie and many more me Ronald baker Mario Iron head Papo and more are still here thank God for blessing us with good health we later became 34st players if you from around there you know what’s up AKA LUGO 1979-1981
guest, Peggy Thomas 04-Dec-2019 21:34
Just found this site. Great photo, thank you Mr. Boyd. I also lived in Allapatta. attended Kindergarten at Moore Park, 1st and 3rd grade at Santa Clara, 2nd at the new Allapatta Elementary and cme back there to finish grade school. (The District was changing Allapattah's boundries for several years.) Remember Manor pool and the tennis courts there? After 2 yrs. at Lee, went on to Jackson. My father owned a small clock shop at the corner of 7th Ave. and 31st street for many years. I was forbidden to go to Andys', but spent 9 cents for the all day movies at the Strand, skated at Dexter's and got sick to my stomach over the coffee smell from Marieta's bread building. My grandparents lived on about 26th St., close to 5th Ave. I remember walking w/them to the Royal Castle across from the train station. Miami was so different back then and I'm grateful for the wonderful memories. Our church was St. James Presbyterian on the South side of 29th Street. Turns out that Ms. McClure was my other set of grandparents' land lady. Somewhere in Coral Gables. What I wouldn't give to enjoy a birch beer, 2 sm. hamburgers and ff from that Royal Castle and my grandfather sitting next to me.
GUEST 20-Nov-2019 20:52
Eric Rodriguez 28-May-2018 01:27
Hello all.
Not sure how many people are still following this site, but I attended in the early 80's and would love to chat with some folks from back then. Still in contact with two close friends from those days (Pete Fernadez and Martin Ruiz). I am Eric Rodriguez and would love to reconnect with some old friends.
maky m. 04-Nov-2017 14:23
The remaining vestige of REL, Robert E. Lee Park, may be renamed in the near future.
L. K. 27-Jul-2017 05:49
My dad went to Robert E Lee Jr High in 1925-1927. I didn't know it had been torn down and replaced. Figures. It is not my Miami anymore. Sad.
Don Boyd22-May-2017 01:05
Joe, I'm sorry to say that Robbin Learned passed away several weeks ago in Hialeah. But thank you for answering him.

Joe Motes 22-May-2017 00:24
Robbin Learned 15-Aug-2011 17:22
Joe Motes, Did You and Your Dad, go Bowling at Hialeah Lanes, in The early 60's ? If so, I lived in that neighborhood, and You and I became friends there at Hialeah Lanes. I remember us having Vanilla Cokes, from the Restaurant there. And many times: Your Dad: treated us , and other friends to Vanilla Cokes. I hesitated to write this here, but I figured You would see it here. I always thought that Robert E. Lee JR. High was A Neat Looking School, Very Impressive Looking, and I heard from many friends, who attended REL : that it was A Good School. Best Regards !!!!!! Robbin .

Robin, although 6 years late in answering, this could not be me as I did not have a father anymore while living in Miami. Sorry
Lisa Hoffman 02-Dec-2016 13:34
Hi! Are there any Citrus Grove Jr. High grads out there? I attended from 1966-1969 then on to Miami Senior High! I had great teachers at CGJH. Namely Mr. Cohen.
Hiram 22-Nov-2016 13:38

I used to play wicked ping-pong (none could return my serve of fire) and table hockey at Wynwood Park on 34th and 2nd avenue back in 1962-1965 with my best friend Eduardo Lorenzo. I lived on 30th and 2nd.
I carved a valentine on a sidewalk-tree with "A.S." for Alina Segura and H for Hiram at W. Park.
She was a heart-throb from my fifth-grade class, at Buena Vista Elementary, Miss Hanling's class, above the Library, in 1963. But she loved Paul of The Beatles. I remember her class report regarding her crying for them at Miami Airport.
A few years later, the valentine was three times bigger, as the tree grew.
Maybe it is still there.
You are so right about changes: in '61, cars were parked with windows down, doors unlocked, keys in the ignition, and registration above the visor. We slept (no air conditioning) with doors and windows open, bug-screen doors closed but unlatched, after watching Rod Serling's The Twilight Zone originals or The Untouchables on the black and white.
We left brand new x-mas bikes on the yards (no fences) without any locking devices. Newspapers were sold on plain wire stands where one found a pile of bills and change resting on top with a cement-filled Dixie cup as a weight against the breeze. A roll of plastic was used, by any passer-by, to cover the stand, if it started to rain and nobody stole a penny. Some even returned the folded paper to the stack and left the change. I cried privately, when I drove around the old blue-collar neighborhood in the '80s. The more bombed out and vandalized the houses were, the more layers of fencing and "NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH" signs they had encircling them. Every face I saw peered out from their little fortresses with suspicion and hostility. I have photos of each period and it is heart-breaking to look at them. Even the gentrification of late is ugly and mean. What a drag it is getting old, said the song.
Hiram 22-Nov-2016 12:48
Hi Margarita Acosta!!!

My name is Hiram. I was the little cousin of Nelson Alba.
My brother, Omar, Luis Madruga, and I played awful music at parties you attended and at your house.
I played rhythm guitar and sang in the key of Z ... remember?
Margarita Sanchez' sister, Carmen, recently tied the knot with Madruga!
He had worshipped her since way back then.
I worshipped you for a few years, pure and chaste from afar!
Bet you never guessed.
I would have died of embarrassment if you had known!
It was your eyes Acosta ... limpid pools of liquid moonlight.
But when you patted me on the head, said I looked like a little Paul MacArtney and would I be your "your little boyfriend" I could have died :)
Have you heard from Nadia and Nidia?
Rosendito went to Edison with me, but never returned my "hello" in the hallways. He was a big football hero.
My brother, Omar, is semi-retired from the priesthood. Maybe you went to his church.
I taught college physics and math, worked in NASA's project SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) and just retired from twenty-four years of teaching in a school like Lee, in South Central Los Angeles.
And I still can't sing.
But I still remember your beautiful face as if no time had passed.
I hope you are very happy 😍
Gooddog 22-Nov-2016 11:41
Hey, Mr. Gay was my gym coach, in 1965, at Lee: good old Tempus Fugit , Green and White Lee.
He walked in the gym room just as I was about to set a bully on fire : I had just doused him with a large, anodized aluminum glass of rubbing alcohol from the stock room and I was about to flick a beautiful, heavy, nickel, cylindrical lighter the coach kept in his desk. We used to skip gym every day and hide in the gym helping to clean up the towels and his office. Coach never knew that he inadvertently stopped a small tragedy. I also came within one second of dropping a CD lead brick on Gerome's neck, from the top floor, because neither administrators nor parents would get that little psychopath off my back. I'm so glad I held back. But I learned from Charles (below) that he went on to butcher woman and her daughters and wound up in Chattahuchee (sp?) jail for the criminally insane. Who can see the future!? That school was like a prison yard with some 9th graders as old as 23, using fake names and pimping the young girls. Selective service regularly dragged them out from gym class to join the service. Coach later became Principal when I was in college. I found, when I visited Lee, in 1972, that Principal Gay now had an in-house police officer and the 9th graders as well as the retention of failing students were gone. It seemed much nicer than the dangerous jailhouse it was when I attended. A year before I went there, it had been a fantastic school with real 4-star cafeteria food made from scratch and reviewed by the Miami Herald and Miami News restauranteurs at 4 out of 5 stars by pro standards. There were dances every Wednesday evening at the beautiful center patio with fountain. The school was redistricted just before I got there and it resulted in a racial-politics driven crime wave and mass teacher exodus. Ms. Rogenstein, Mr. Holt, Ms. Allenius, and many others quit. All the elective courses like three types of band, wood shop, metal shop, industrial art, drafting, etc. were vandalized out of existence and the cafeteria was a war zone using plastic spoons and paper plates to prevent stabbings etc. Every bathroom was claimed by a distinct ethnic gang and the commodes were bombed out with m-80's and cherry bombs; the partitions ripped off the floor. We went through 12 math teachers in one year, in my class, and the last one didn't know his times tables. I barely made it out of there alive. My thanks to Charles MacArthur who did not remember saving me from Gerome a few times: I ran into Charles at USF, in Tampa, in the Nautilus Gym. He never remembered his kind deeds. Merita Bread and day-old donuts anyone?
JIM COX: Ms. Tidwell was my HR and English teacher. She had the ceiling ringed with Confederacy portraits. She retired a few years after I transferred to Edison Jr. High, I learned from Principal Gay, when I visited, in 1972.
Bob king 05-Jul-2016 05:47
Hi my name is bobby king I went to robert e lee 66,67 I saw mr gay posted here and wanted to see if he remembered he stopped me at ruby falls in lookout mountain Tennessee and said king what are you doing here,he was my guidance counselor and also wanted to thank mrs Patricia allgood she and Mr dukes changed my whole life by getting me to read books thank you !!! Thank you mr gay for for getting me on the right track !!!
Don Boyd14-Sep-2015 19:47
And Sergio, your 1969 softball players photo is now up at: for all to enjoy. Thank you for contributing the photo because it is thought-provoking to wonder how everyone's lives turned out for them since the photo was taken. At least it is for me. Thanks again!

Don Boyd13-Sep-2015 01:58
Sergio, if you can scan your photo and send it to me at:
I will glad to post it on this site and give you credit on the photo, under the photo and in the comments below the photo. Thanks for your consideration.

Sergio Arce 12-Sep-2015 13:13
I found a picture taken with a polariod camera. This is the only thing I have from those days. We played softball against other schools. the names were Raymond Washington, Snop, Goodwing, Octavio Gomez, Bobby Ortiz, Herbert Valdes, Ciro, Carlos Garcia, Chucki, Cleveland, Taylor. I remember Goodwing in my Biology class. some are first names,others are last names, but is what I have at this time. This picture was taken June 9, 1969.
Sergio Arce 11-Sep-2015 12:11
Carlos, I remember that during those school years you lived in a house same block as I did 24th st between 21 and 22nd ave. I do remember a lot of people from those years. My problem is last names. Gerbacio, Nelson( i used to call him bermudita). I'm going to try to find a picture from those days.
Sergio Arce 10-Sep-2015 18:47
Carlos and classmates.My name is Sergio Arce I attended 67 to 69. I remember Spanish class with Ms Perez and Mirta and Marta were in the same class. I also remember Camarioca. I lived a couple of blocks from Comstock elementary school. At that time I used to play baseball with Los Cubanitos baseball league.I went to Jackson high for a year and moved to new jersey. I found this post , because I was looking for the street address of the school. I do remember also eduardo y eugenio matienzo, Gilberto, Vicente, The science teacher was a blonde lady can't remember her name. We had our Cuban group outside in one of the corners in front of the school. Every morning we used to tell jokes. There were sisters that used to to lived near 28th st and 22 nd ave.
Maky M. 18-Jul-2015 22:16
Nicole, the principal was Mr Jones. Mr Smith was the assistant principal and was in charge of the paddling. I attended REL in 86, 87 and lived in front of the park on 30th Street. I also had Mrs Smith. Mr Lerena was my PE teacher in 7th grade. I took French with Ms Gurry in the 7th and 8th grade. Mrs Chi was my 7th grade math teacher and Mr Walton my 8th grade math teacher. Do you have any pictures of the school at the time? If yes, and you can share, pls reply on this forum. Thx
Alina Fundora 10-Jul-2015 00:38
Hi old friends,my name back then(1966-1968)was Alina Garcia.Wish I knew where all my classmates are.Had great memories of this school,anybody who remembers me please write.( Conejero,Marta y Mirta(twins),ect.Gilberto Hernandez(Cuco).
Guest 24-Jun-2015 06:24
I just might know you Nicole, lol. I also attended REL in those years. I always had good things to say about those days. As far as I know a lot of us didn't make it but those that did still keep in touch. I was in the last 7th graduation class that had to switch to the newly built Booker T. Washington.
Nicole 10-Jun-2015 02:39
I attended REL back in 86-88. I lived across the street from the school. I remember the principal Mr Smith, who used to paddle me a lot because I was involved in a lot of fights. I tried being a good girl the only time I was able to cut loose was at school at home my mother wouldn't let me go outside so I was free when I went to school. Some teachers I remeber Mrs.Lewis, Mrs. Smith with the buck teeth, who tried to set me up with her son who looked just like her but he was very smart. Ms. Oppenbom who was a hippie and her dad was a miami judge, that @$€=* pour the trash from the pencil sharpener in my hair. I almost got exspelled - I think that was her last year teaching. You can tell I'm still traumatized (Lol). I had the handsome Chinese Jamaican teacher for science class, we use to call him HoeTung. Mr. Wilcox was my pe teacher who taught me how to play softball and basketball in which I recieved a college scholarship later on. He was also my basketball coach at Centeral than later he followed me I believe,(lol) to Edison but as a football coach. I remember the band teacher Mr . George who later pass away from cancer I heard. I have great memories of the school and students that lived in the area. I remember a lot but don't want to say because a lot of my friends they were involved in gangs or dated gang members. The block was crazy with the whole Cano (RIP) situation. I remember the day when everything went down I was at the PR resturant getting toast w/ butter when someone said little girl I need you to run home and don't look back but I did and saw him watching me and what I saw made me run even faster. That was the last day I saw Cano, I wounder were is all his children and how they turned out, because I too could relate my dad got murdered in the same year, still a cold case. I loved the school. Great Memories.
Jim Cox 09-Mar-2015 18:13
I attended Robert E. Lee in 1948-49 for my 7th grade year after attending Santa Clara Elementary for grades 1-6. I would not have gone to Lee at all except that Miami Jackson did not have a 7th grade, only 8-12. Nevertheless, I really loved my one year at Lee. Excellent teachers that I remember include Ruth Tidwell (Eng), Ms Hansen (Everyday Living), Madeline Crandall (Music, she turned me on to classical music for which I am eternally grateful), Doc Shannon (PhyEd), Mrs. Barnhill (Math) and the Dean of Boys, Harold Rash. Does anyone remember this poem?

In the distance I can see,
the prison walls of Robert E. Lee.
The walls are made of sticks and stones and
the Warden's name is Mattie Mack Jones.
Art Pechersky 07-Mar-2015 21:58
I attended REL in 1954-55. I'd like to hear from any of you that also attended way back then.. I can still remember several names, e.g. Stuart Ross, Luda, "Frenchy", Emilio Rodriquez, Joyce and Emma Rodriquez, Gettleman, and even others on good days.
James Anderson 23-Feb-2015 10:17
My name is James Anderson I attended Robert E. Lee in 1967 them moved to New Jersey. Carlos Betancourt your name sounds very familiar do you remember or recognized my name by any chance. Or anyone else that attended the same year that I did. I have some great memories from that year at Robert E Lee Jr. High
Charley Rodriguez 24-Aug-2014 10:48
Great school, went there in 63-64, never forget skipping school to see the Beatles at the airport and walking from gym when some kid told me Kennedy had been killed. And what I hated the most was getting the vaccinated for smallpox that left that scar on the left arm. Funny how memories from the past come rushing when long forgotten.
Carlos Betancourt 17-Oct-2013 19:45
Bill check your email I sent you a movie clip Only The Strong had parts filmed at REL
Bill Long 17-Oct-2013 15:30
I'm looking for photos of the interior of Robert E. Lee. If you have some please contact me. Bill Long
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Don Boyd21-May-2013 04:02
OR, are you talking about YOUR personal blogger that is hosted on another site? It depends on which company is hosting your blog as to how you can delete comments.

Don Boyd21-May-2013 04:00
Tell me which comment to delete and I'll delete it for you, along with your comment asking how to do it and my comment here.

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Someone left me a comment on my blogger. I have clicked to publish the comment. Now I wish to delete this comment. How do I do that?. .
Don Boyd20-May-2013 02:47
I used to let my laptop run all the time but I recently changed it to go into sleep after 15 minutes of inactivity, even though it's a pain to get the power back on, type in a password, and then wait a few seconds for the screen to appear.

The adjustments are available in your power settings. On my laptop there is a symbol and power plug symbol on my task bar in the lower right corner. Once I click it a screen will come up where you can adjust your power settings - click "more power options" and you should then get a screen with various power options - click on "change plan settings" and you'll get another screen that will allow you to set the time for dimming the screen, shutting off the screen and putting the computer to sleep depending on what power plan you choose.

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A friend has a computer that turns itself off after a certain period of time of inactivity. And all you have to do is move the mouse a little, and the computer comes back on. Maybe the computer is not completely off, maybe this is called hibernate or standby or something. Is this a good thing to do or should I just let my computer run? How do you get the computer to do this auto shut off thing as I described at the start of this paragraph?.
Judy Stephens 17-May-2013 01:12
1954-1959: those were my years, I remember walking into the Library after 3 one hushed sunlit afternoon: the burning sunlight turning the dark mahogany wood a burnished gold. truly the building should have been saved. Ms. VerSchure, Mr. Messmore for math, so many wonderful teachers. "To Judy" published in the "Travelor" one day...leave our boys alone, from all the girls who know...." I was famous. Played Mary at our Christmas play, anyone there those years., Ann Kay, Eleanor Kruglinski, Martha Scott, WS Barton, so many lovely others., contact me: Judy Stephens, e mail:
Luisa Sacerio 15-May-2013 21:21
Luisa Sacerio
Oh dear, those were the days my friend we thought it never end Mary Hopkin utube)
Carlos Betancourt 06-May-2013 19:45
For all you that attended REL between 1967 - 1970 the big auditorium, cold showers in the gym room, those big open windows that let all that fresh air in, sitting on the rocks in front of the school waiting for class to start,
The tunnel that went under the stairs (great make out area) The cafeteria food fights, us boys watching the girls wearing those funky gym suits lol, the smell from Meritas Bakery next door? The dances in the patio?
Anyone remember the open houses at the Hungarian and Electrician Halls?
And the many house parties and quinces?
How about the YMCA pool and Curtis Park pool? Or just swimming in the river.
Going shopping at Northside Shopping Center, Jeffersons and Sears on Biscanye Blvd. or downtown.
The little record store on the corner of NW 17th Ave & 36th St. Or The Royal Castle right across the street.
Racing slot cars at the hobby shop.
My my growing up in Allahpatta was the greatest.
Amaury Sanchez 05-May-2013 23:17
Francico might have known my brother if ur the same Camarioca that lster on went to Edison..his nane Julio Cesar Sanchez ...let me S perez.... mrs linares was my art teacher in the 9th grade...lovely lady...I remember her very fondly.
Guest 05-May-2013 23:11
To Francisco lopez...are you the same Camarioca that went to Edison? You might have been friends with my brother...his name...Julio Cesar Sanchez
Richard Martinez 25-Apr-2013 00:30
I attended REL from 79-81. Anyone around here from that time? Hope to hear from a few!

Don Boyd02-Feb-2013 18:12
Uninstall Firefox and then reinstall it by using another browser to get to the Firefox download site.

escorts 02-Feb-2013 01:59
Firefox wont start but when I open a link that opens firefox, It works fine. What do I do?
S. Perez 22-Jan-2013 15:13
Hi Miriam. I was amazed while reading your comments. I too grew up on 29th St. And many of your memories are similar to mine. Our family shopped at the Kwik-Chek on 27th Ave. between 28th and 29th St. My husband and I used to play tennis at Moore Park, and going downtown to the beautiful (now non-existing) library at bay-front park was always pleasant. We graduated from Jackson High (which has also been torn down). You are correct Miami has changed drastically in the past 20 years. Oh, yes, the pool you remember was the Venetian Pool in Coral Gables, and it is still there as far as I know. It has been around for 80 plus years. I have photos of my father there in the 1940's.
S. Perez 22-Jan-2013 04:18
My husband and I attended Robert E. Lee in the '72/'73 school year. I worked in Mr. Gay's office for an hour a day. We were both in Mrs. Linares' art class. I have fond memories of this school and was distressed when the building was torn down, but tearing down historic buildings is so common in Miami. My husband painted a picture of the school for Mrs. Linares as a retirement present from her fellow teachers. Somewhere I have photos of the painting; I'll have to dig them up.
armando perez 02-Jan-2013 06:46
That facebook page not working or something wrong . I also will like to mention two friends that i had in Robert E. Lee. I do not remember their last name. but the three of us used to hand together. Carlo and Sosa if we reading this my email is,
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Amaury Sanchez 26-Dec-2012 02:17
I went to robert e lee.from 1970 to name is Amaury Sanchez..and I grew up in Wynwood ..nowcalled..Midtown...I definitely remember mr. Samuel.L.Gay...I was moved by reading he posted on this web e mail is by any gay u happen to read this..Carlos Betancourt sounds familiar. . But can't d say 4 sure. ..
Teachers I remember were. .mr. Hamilton. .phys paredes..phys . Ed..another thing I can't forget were the racial tensions. .. But those in those 3 years I grew up. .I have both good and bad memories. . Back then teachers were allowed to paddle...amazing..I remember. holsum bakery. .. Where u always smelled fresh bread every morning. .I took band. .so I remember my music teacher. ..August love to get contacted by anyone who this appeals to...aver all ..thethey were fond memories.
Carlos Betancourt 19-Nov-2012 17:13
To All former REL alumni's I create an open group page in Facebook under
Robert E. Lee Jr. High Miami
All are welcomed to join and if you know others please let them know alsoso that we can share stories and photos.
armando perez 12-Nov-2012 01:44
Hi , I went to Robert E. Lee 1962 and moved . Continue in Ada Merritt Jr. High school., Class of 1965. Searching for old friends from school I discovered a group of Ada Merritt Jr. High on FaceBook . I had small reunions with them and we planning to have a small reunion in Ada Merritt in January. My email is . I see there is some from Robert E. Lee and some Ada Merritt. Glad to find this place . Thanks I be back to read more of your writting.
Miriam Lozano 28-Aug-2012 22:32
I read through some of the comments on here and it brought back so many memories. Carlos, I did not think anyone remembered the Pirates Park. I remember that is where my ex-husband took me for our first official date. How fun was that? I also went ice skating at the Ice Skating rink on 36th street. That is where I celebrated my 13th birthday. Oh, the fun we had. Some of your memories are a lot like mine....we lived on 29th St and 27th ave and I remember on Sunday's my parents would dress us up and we would walk or take the bus all the way downtown to Bayfront Park. We would spend the day at the Zoo there (remember that) and feeding the pigeons (parque de las palomas). I remember going to Moore Park too and watching the "big" guys from Jackson preparing for football season. My favorite pool was the one in Coral Gables though. That one was beautiful and it had waterfalls and slides and all. Is that still there? Yeah, Miami has changed a lot since those simple days. We moved to Oklahoma after hurricane Andrew and then when we moved back in 2000, it was like moving to a new state, everything was so different and the people were so obnoxious, it was not pleasant for me any more. I love Miami and still call it home, but I would never live there again. I like the simple life.
Miriam Lozano 28-Aug-2012 19:16
Thank you Carlos and Luisa for hooking me up to this web site. How exciting it is to be able to hook up with old friends and old memories. I went to REL at the end of the 60's. I have wonderful memories and made some great friends while there. I especially remember the smell of bread and coffee in the morning and I love the courtyard. I remember that we did our Romeo and Juliet play out there and it looked so real. I was involved in a lot of things while I was there so it is very sad to know that the school was torn down. I am with Mr. Gay (hi, do you remember me), it should have been kept as a historical landmark. I live in Illinois now but every time I am in Miami, I try to drive by and visit the old jaunts. Some of my fondest memories are of friends like Carlos and Luisa and Julio and Maria Hernandez, Giselle Alam, Emma Serralta, Gloria Perez, Nancy Sardinas, and many others. Some of my favorite teachers: Mrs. Alemany, and Mrs. Milian, Mrs. Alexio and Mr. Triana and so many others. I would really love to hear from any one that went there during those last 3 years of the 60's - some of us moved on to Miami Jackson and Edison and others to Miami High and Miami Springs. Does anyone remember the 8th grade prom: Age of Aquarius? What fun that was.
Carlos Betancourt 26-Aug-2012 01:24
Maky you want to see images of REL go to You Tube and type in
Only The Strong it's a movie filmed there you will see a lot of the school
I bought the movie at
Carlos 1967 - 1970
Maky M. 25-Aug-2012 00:57
21-Dec-2010 17:05 Minin L Soto wrote:
> I attended REL back in 1987 and they still had the parties in the middle of the court yard it was awesome. Even though things were getting bad when I left the school I had lots of good memories. Back then paddling was allowed to those who skipped school and did other things. The 3rd floor became the detention and indoor suspention floor. I was a good girl so I never got to see what that floor looked like. LOL I luckly have pics of friends in the class rooms. I miss those friends greatly. To bad i don't even think we had year books.

OMG, "Pappa Smith" did the deed :) My name is Maky and also graduated in 87. What teachers did you have? Back then I was an ESL student, but had some regular classes. Some of my teachers were Ms Chi, Ms Smith (Katia ?) Mr Walton and Ms Gurry.
Maky M. 25-Aug-2012 00:37
I guess many of us have something in common here, REL. I graduated from REL in 1987. The school was demolished in the mid-to-late 90's - had been condemned/closed in the early 90's due to asbestos. I wonder if anyone here has images. or perhaps video of the school. If anyone does, please respond - shall follow up with my e-mail addy. Thx.
Ron Lofaro, PhD 20-Aug-2012 16:27 original comments were done late at night/early in the AM...many typos etc; I apologize. One correction...asking Denise Preziosi, not Denise Johns if she me. I remember the school/students with great fondness...good time in my life!!
Ron Lofaro, PhD 20-Aug-2012 07:57
I see I did not post an email address:
Ron Lofaro, PhD 20-Aug-2012 06:49
I taught at Lee in 1964...algebra; sad to hear it has been taught down! If Cathy Foote or Denise Johns or Margie Acosta happen to read this, give your old teacher an email. Take are, Ron
Guest 10-Jul-2012 20:23
Luisa Sacerio
Greetings: to all the classmate Robert E. Lee (Generals), despite the fact that our school
compare to the Robert E Lee Jr High in Jacksonville, a group of student gather and rebur
bished the school and its beautiful. Our memories stands, like we have noticed through the
years nothing stays the same, but we preserve the memories, and pass it on to our children, families, and friends. Please!! if anyone holds the yearbook 1968 please let me know at lets communicate (those were the days my friend we thought it
never end)
Guest 09-Jul-2012 20:10
Joe Motes, Thank You , for Your Reply. I Thought sure , that You were The Joe Motes, who I Knew from Hialeah Lanes Bowling Alley , as A Kid. When I saw Your Name, I just had to check. I never went to Robert E. Lee JR. High, But I knew kids that did, and I always thought REL , was A Neat Looking School, and The area neat too. I too: am sorry , that it was Torn Down, and Replaced, and Renamed. That was Real Disrespect, To Alumni of REL, and to The General Himself. He was A Great Man !!!!!! Nice To Talk with You. Robbin Learned.
Joe Motes 01-Jul-2012 00:44
Robbin Learned, sorry I never got back to visit this site, I did not have a father so that could not have been me on your question to me.
But I do remember all the the follow names The principal was Mr. Caruthers – the first year I attended (’63-’64). Otto Stradley began as principal during the ’64-’65 year. Teachers & Administrators: Mr. Tom Smith- dean for boys, Doc Shannon, Mr. Bailey, Ms. Murray (Student Council & counselor), Ms VerShure - dean for girls , Ms. Zoraya Ines (office), Mr.Burgamy (Civics), Mr. Eichlin (Science), Mr. Ron Lofaro (Algebra), Ms. Milian (Geometry), Mr. Holt (Science), Coach Martin, Mrs. Carroll (PE), Ms Nelson, Mrs. V. Pike (History), Mrs. Quincy (Library), Ms. Gloria Morales (Library), Mrs. Calvera (Spanish), Mr. De Alejo, Ms. Roberson, Mr. Keene, Mr. Buff, Mrs. Alice Todd (Home Ec.), Mr. Provost, Mrs. Pruett, Mr. Harry Holton, Mrs. Gonzalez, Mrs. Helen Draughon, Mr. Wagner, Ms. Alexiou, Mrs. Tidwell,
I also remember a teacher that was arrested for murdering his wife and dumping her in a drum into the canal near the airport.
And I definitely remember Mr. Gay. I just don't remember who was my Band teacher, I played the Sousaphone for 3 years.
Joe Motes
Guest 24-Jun-2012 01:22
I went to REL from 1962-1965 and graduated from Miami Edison in 1968. I have a lot of good memories from REL.

Ana Maria (Carmen) Arcia
Elizabeth Tamny 21-Jun-2012 18:50
Did anyone here attend Robert E. Lee in the school year from 1937-1938? I am looking to look up something in the yearbook for that year - if there is one.

Thank you for any help!
Bill Eades 18-Jun-2012 22:15
I attendes Lee in the 60's Coach Martin was the best. It's a shame when they tore it down the gave it a diffrent name. I still live in Dade County if everyone contacted everyone you knew from R.E. Lee we could have a R.E. Lee lunch, if you like the Idea contact me, send your (name,e-mail & phone ) include when you attended Lee. E-mail me at ( ) or call me anytime at (786) 426-1174
Be safe,
Carlos Betancourt 18-Jun-2012 16:58
It's really nice hearing from old schoolmates I guess
You also know that Robert E. Lee was also torn down,
Coming back from the beach I stopped and started taking a video of the school but was only able to get about 5 minutes (my battery died) I came back 2 weeks later to take some photos but sadly the school was gone.
I ran the video on my TV and took photos of the screen and was able to get some images I posted them on Classmates.
Miami has changed a lot in the last 30 years.
But it was a nice place to grow up in.
Well let me get back to work. Lol
Carlos Betancourt 18-Jun-2012 16:19
It's really nice hearing from old schoolmates I guess
You also know that Robert E. Lee was also torn down,
Coming back from the beach I stopped and started taking a video of the school but was only able to get about 5 minutes (my battery died) I came back 2 weeks later to take some photos but sadly the school was gone.
I ran the video on my TV and took photos of the screen and was able to get some images I posted them on Classmates.
Miami has changed a lot in the last 30 years.
But it was a nice place to grow up in.
Well let me get back to work. Lol
Guest 17-Jun-2012 13:08
Hi Carlos. I was in 9-6 at REL. Yes, I still live in New Jersey. I am a special education teacher and my husband is a sports editor for the Philadelphia Daily News. I have not been back to Miami in over 30 years. The house I lived in behind the Melrose Elementary field was knocked down.
Carlos Betancourt 08-Jun-2012 19:15
Hi Debbie I think I remember you what was your homeroom number?
I have a copy of the traveller with your name listed in the staff, but no article written by you on that issue. Do you still live in New Jersey?
Guest 03-Jun-2012 03:22
I was so excited to find this site. Carlos, I think I remember you from Melrose Elementary. My name was Debbie Meyer. I graduated R E Lee in 1969 and was the scholarship winner that year. My friend, Janet Howard and I used to file things for Mr. Gay in the guidance office. I also wrote for the Traveller. I left Florida and moved to New Jersey after 9th grade. I have nothing but fond memories of the school.
Carlos Betancourt 17-May-2012 01:26
Mr. Gay I remember you I was in your class in 1968 / 1969 school year
I believe in the third floor on the north side. Science was one of my favorite subjects
Very nice to hear from you again after so many years. I hope all is well with you and thank you for being there for us sudents.
Samuel L Gay 12-May-2012 04:11
I worked at R E Lee from 1965-1979. First as a Physical Education teacher, then Science, followed by Guidance Counselor, finally as an Assistant Principal. I left in 1979 to accept the principalship of Carver Middle School.
I too thought R E Lee was a unique building and should have been preserved. I really enjoyed my years at Lee.
The students were terrific and the faculty was second to none. Glad to hear that so many of you have fond memories!
Luisa Sacerio 02-May-2012 20:42
Greetings, Ms. Jane Flack,
my name is Luisa Sacerio
I just read your comment in re RELEE, I take the liberty on behlf my
classmates 66/69 to thank you....
Luisa Sacerio 02-May-2012 20:03
Hi! Carlos, my e-mail is ( is an lower (L) I have sometime
difficulty logging but I have sent multiples e-mail to different classmates and I am
hesitant to post a different one. I'm sorry to know you and Daisy relation. I live in
Los Angeles, often I am homesick of Miami, I get very content when I read comments from classmates. There's a classmate by the name Sergio Gongora he attended lee same years as us. e-mail me so the three of us can communicate
chaito!! Luisa
Jane Flack 01-May-2012 12:23
I have worked for MDCPS since 1974. I have a meeting this afternoon at Jose de Diego Middle School. I haven't thought much about Robert E. Lee Junior High since I left there in 1980 and when I saw the address, I realized it must be the same place. I'm sure the new school is nice but the old school? That was beautiful! Too bad we allow old buidlings to crumble to the point that all that's left is to let them fall. I taught social studies there 1978-1980, my name was "Miss Brownsey." I was there during Mariel, during the 1980 riots, Ideal Garcia was the principal. I'm sure it will be strange this afternon to be there and realize that I have last been on the spot June 1980.
Carlos Betancourt 28-Apr-2012 22:15
Hi Luisa
I tried to email you but it did not go through is the I. Part of yout email address ?
I was Daisy's boyfriend for over two years.
You have a good memory for names you still live in Miami?
I love finding people from my past. I'm in classmates but not a member there are alot of names there from Lee.
Luisa Sacerio 27-Apr-2012 17:20
Luisa Sacerio
Hi! Carlos, I ment to type (my frituritas de bacalao con cafe con leche)
Luisa Sacerio 27-Apr-2012 17:14
Hi! Carlos, of course I remember!!! Daisy we had gym together we use to gathered
around the school basketball court with Grisel Suarez, Martha her sister Josefina Reyes
Mario Rodriguez, (el gallego) Raul Diaz, Omar Navarro, (el toti) Orlando (el viejo), Julio I can't remember his las name he was in charged at lunch time the gate between the
cafeteria and the art room. Carlos, I am so glad to hear from you, if I am not mistaken
I have sent you e-mails on (sneaky) my email, please reply
and also el gallito twice a week I use to stopped there getting of the bus #26 and before homeroom my (friturias de bacalao/cafe on leche was my treat) chaito!!

Carlos Betancourt 24-Apr-2012 16:50
Luisa do you remember a girl named Dasiy Fleitas?
I have the 69 yearbook where I was in 8-3
Carlos Betancourt 23-Apr-2012 15:36
67/68 I was in in 7-3 in 68/69 8-3 and 69/70 in 9-3
I remember El Gallito my friends and I went there for cafe con leche y tostadas
Luisa Sacerio 22-Apr-2012 23:28
Hi! Francisco Lopez (camarioca) my name is Luisa I attended REL 67/69 my homeroom was 8-3 my teachers Miss Parcell science teacher Mr. Kay math Mrs. F. Carroll civics, Mr, Thomas math, Ms, Woodman P>E> August Sylvas music band, in this post no ones mentions (el gallito) on 7th ave n.w. the bridge walking from 7th ave n.w. Francisco if you have the yearbook(s) 67/69 please let me know my e-mail My picture is 68 if I not mistaken 5th page left page fourth roll from the top.
considering your attention Luisa Sacerio
Luisa Sacerio 22-Apr-2012 23:26
Hi! Francisco Lopez (camarioca) my name is Luisa I attended REL 67/69 my homeroom was 8-3 my teachers Miss Parcell science teacher Mr. Kay math Mrs. F. Carroll civics, Mr, Thomas math, Ms, Woodman P>E> August Sylvas music band, in this post no ones mentions (el gallito) on 7th ave n.w. the bridge walking from 7th ave n.w. Francisco if you have the yearbook(s) 67/69 please let me know my e-mail My picture is 68 if I not mistaken 5th page left page fourth roll from the top.
considering your attention Luisa Sacerio
Art Pechersky (Kaufman) 23-Mar-2012 21:07
Art Pechersky
I attended REL in 1953-54 before moving to Germany. I still remember Emilio, Joyce and Maria Rodriquez, "Stu Meat", "Frenchy", Ludmila, and so many others. I hope others from that era read this note and post one of their own. I'd love to hear from you. It's amazing how those of us that are older than dirt can remember 1954 but have trouble with Tuesday.
Francisco Lopez Camarioca 09-Mar-2012 23:22
I wane to Robert E Lee 1966 - 1967.Do you remember "Tom is a boy Marry is a girl Repeat!"? That was Mrs Cabrera ALL DAY LONG ! Then Mrs. Halloween, Mrs Ines she was a life saver! It wasn't easy but I still remember and love that school !! How about,oscar diaz (el enano,gonora?)
Francisco Lopez (Camarioca)
Ed Haley 15-Jan-2012 17:21
In my previous note I said the REL principal's name was Mattie Smith.. I realized later that her name was Mattie Mack Jones.
EdHaley 14-Jan-2012 18:04
My name is Edward Haley. I went to REL from 1940 til 1944. I wonder if there are any others who were there at this time. At the time Mattie Smith was principal and Ethel Evans was our home room teacher. I lived a couple of blocks north at 3332 5th Ave. After REL I attended Miami HS until 1947 when I dropped out and left Miami for good.
. My father was involved in the Writers Project of the WPA. The Masonic Temple just off Flagler St near the river was the theater they used. This was during the Depression.
I do recall the atrium inside the school where we had dances and I have a picture of our 1944 graduating class on my wall at home. But I have never had a chance to speak ti anyone who was there at the time. Looking at the earlier I recognized the name of Doc Shannon. He was the coach and a really helpful guy to me on several occasions.
Guest 12-Jan-2012 03:48
So many memories and great friends from Robert E Lee! From the aroma of the Merita Bread bakery and the roasting coffee, the wonderful teachers who helped me become the person I am today, to the beautiful courtyard where we all used to meet – these are all memories that I will cherish. I left REL after 3 years and went on to Miami Springs Sr. High – although a few of my friends also came to Springs, most of my REL friends went to Edison and Jackson. As I open the pages of my 1964-65 yearbook, so many faces are familiar. Unfortunately there were no names identifying the pictures. Here are some of the names of teachers and friends that I remember (I was lucky to have quite a few of my teachers and friends sign the yearbook!) Hopefully this will jog your memories too and bring a smile to your face… as it did to mine.
The principal was Mr. Caruthers – the first year I attended (’63-’64). Otto Stradley began as principal during the ’64-’65 year. Teachers & Administrators: Mr. Tom Smith- dean for boys, Doc Shannon, Mr. Bailey, Ms. Murray (Student Council & counselor), Ms VerShure - dean for girls , Ms. Zoraya Ines (office), Mr.Burgamy (Civics), Mr. Eichlin (Science), Mr. Ron Lofaro (Algebra), Ms. Milian (Geometry), Mr. Holt (Science), Coach Martin, Mrs. Carroll (PE), Ms Nelson, Mrs. V. Pike (History), Mrs. Quincy (Library), Ms. Gloria Morales (Library), Mrs. Calvera (Spanish), Mr. De Alejo, Ms. Roberson, Mr. Keene, Mr. Buff, Mrs. Alice Todd (Home Ec.), Mr. Provost, Mrs. Pruett, Mr. Harry Holton, Mrs. Gonzalez, Mrs. Helen Draughon, Mr. Wagner, Ms. Alexiou, Mrs. Tidwell, Mr. E…. Many more that I recognize but can’t remember their names.
Friends: Diana Travieso, Maria Garcia, Socorro Rivera, Cecilio Santiago, Ramiro Bernal, Jeanette Quintero, Alice Ingram, George Davis, Octavio Sanchez, Nora Curbelo, Maria Elena Castellanos, Teresita Crespo, Sonia Triana, Mona Thornton, Ahmed Pena, Hortensia Gomez, Carol Tillman, Betty Laughlin, Esther Eisenman, Judy Schrader, Bruce Homer, Leonor Villanovo, Larry Olson, Josefina Peron, Eugene Fontanez, Robinson Olaguibel, Walter Radowicz, Nelson Vidaurrazaga, Christine Brown, Fernando…, Adelita Feria, Marciano Cardona, Victor Abru, Carlos Rodriguez, Pablo Esquijarosa, Lorenzo Brice, Debbie Schmidt, Gary Toms, Anna Vidal, Denise Suarez, ‘Big’ Ralph, Stan Grantham, Tommy Chochoon, Lottie Brown, Patty Arnold, William Ward, Rafael Estopenan, Neil Waters, R. Alpizar, Gary Smith, Christine, Elsy, Jose Alen, Margarita Gutierrez, Martha Mann, Teresa Korkos, Lynn Taillon, Roger del Rio, Linda Urquhart , Yvonne Anderson, Maria Elena Hernandez, Alexandra Gordils, Miriam Gordils, Enrique Gonzalez, Juana Garcia, Oletha, Julian Orion, Robert Leavitt, Melvin Jones, Tom Wood, Gary Smith, Miriam Perez, John Mauri, Rafael de la Vega, Richard Stephens, Georgia C., Carlos Gonzalez, Manuel Torre, Elsa Ricardo, Raysa Rodriguez, Madeline Pereira, Enrique X, Alicia Saavedra, Amy Fernandez, Don Patterson, Jose Mory, James Flagg, Rita Howard, Larry Lugo, Jerry Mega, Vicente Zalsuer, Dennis Kostijo, Armando Acosta, Otho Gonzalez, Raul Robaina, Carlos Lopez, C. Wilfredo, Joseph Johnson, Jorgelina Morales… Alicia Munoz, Margarita Sanchez, Rosendo Suarez, Marlene Casanova, Roberta Delman, Carole Kent, Estela Lopez, Mancy Martinez, Denise Johns, Mary Anne Fischer, Carlos Jimenez, Nury Martin, Tommy, Nestor Suarez III, Cathy Foote, Zoila Sanchez, Cleo Prieto, Rene Fernandez, Sue Hanna, Evelyn Arebalo. Hope you’ve found happiness in your lives… Love - Margarita (Margie) Acosta
Luisa Sacerio 14-Sep-2011 23:45
Hi! my name is Luisa Sacerio, I attended Le in 67-68-69 great school. What a pitty. I, wonder why it was demolished. I remember Mrs. F. Carroll, Miss Parcell science teachers, Mr.Washington, always making sure we were on time in class. Mr. Perez, Mr. T. Smith math teachers, Mr. A. Sylvas band instructor. My classmates in bandwereOscar, Robert trombone players, Le, sax, joan trompet, and I drummer. Please
if anyone communicate with them, please inform me.
thank you
Robbin Learned 15-Aug-2011 17:22
Joe Motes, Did You and Your Dad, go Bowling at Hialeah Lanes, in The early 60's ? If so, I lived in that neighborhood, and You and I became friends there at Hialeah Lanes. I remember us having Vanilla Cokes, from the Restaurant there. And many times: Your Dad: treated us , and other friends to Vanilla Cokes. I hesitated to write this here, but I figured You would see it here. I always thought that Robert E. Lee JR. High was A Neat Looking School, Very Impressive Looking, and I heard from many friends, who attended REL : that it was A Good School. Best Regards !!!!!! Robbin .
joe_motes01-Aug-2011 21:06
I went to Robert E Lee Jr High 1964-66, my favorite teacher was my Science teacher, Mrs Francis Carroll. My Principle was Otto Stradley and I think my Assistant Principle was Mr Caruthers and my Bank teacher was Mr. Keenee, I think, as I placed the Sousaphone all three years. I only remember a few friends, Johnny Watson, Linda Taillon, and Marlene O'Connor, and that's all I can remember. I lived on the conner of NW 7th Ave and 30th Street. I still have one of my year books from 1964-65. I did go to Santa Clara Elementary and for my Sr High, to Miami Edison. I drove by there last year, it's so heart breakening to see it gone, it's nice to see this 1930 photo.
Carlos Betancourt 09-Jul-2011 23:57
Hi Mary Lou,
Miss Tidwell was my homeroom (7-3) teacher in the 7th grade for 1967 to 1968, she was the sweetest teacher I have ever had I'll never forget her. Your name also sounds familiar what Elementry school did you go to? I went to Melrose Elementry. Do you remember Daisy Fleitas, Julio Hernandez, Miriam Palacios?
I left REL in 1969 to Citrus Grove Jr. High. Robert E Lee was a blast I had so much fun there I looked forward to go to school everyday. Hope to hear from you again.
Mary Lou Hilerio28-Jun-2011 21:03
Hi, my name is Mary Lou( Hilerio) Olmeda I also have great memories of the best school ever. I went to REL in 67-68 I was there in 7th and 8th grade I also remember Mr. Perez,Mr. Moore Ms Inez,Miss Tidwell. I had English with Miss Tidwell in 7th grade ,had science with Mr. MooreI believe in eighth grade,does anyone remember Mr. Porter ,he was seventh grade science and then he moved to Texas I believe,my sister also was here her name is Rosa Linda (Hilerio)Rodriguez. I moved from Miami in 1980 to Lakeland,Fl.. Carlos Betancourt,your name sounds familiar to me. Would love to hear from old friends
chijuban15-Apr-2011 00:28
Dear all,
what wonderful memories! I am a PhD student at FIU in Miami and I hope you will be pleased to know that I am writing my doctoral dissertation about Wynwood and how it has changed over the years. My focus has been mostly the post-1950's changes: highways, immigration, the decline that some of you remember in the 80's, and recently its transformation into an Arts District and everything else. I lived in Wynwood myself for 2 years, 2006-2008, right in front of the new Jose de Diego school that replaced Robert E Lee, and right next to the Bakehouse Arts Complex, which used to be the bakery that so many of you can probably still smell when you close your eyes. Things have certainly changed.
I would love to get a chance to hear from people who could tell me about their experiences and views of the neighborhood and how it's changed. Those of you who posted email addresses, I will try to contact you soon. I look forward to learning about those years and those people's histories who aren't written about anywhere in newspapers or other archives. Mr. Boyd, Carlos, Robbin, anyone else: Please contact me if you're interested in sharing your experiences of Wynwood or if you can put me in touch with others who might.

Thanks for considering it.
Marcos Feldman.
Claribel Saavedra 16-Mar-2011 20:02
I went from 69-71, the best school ever so many memories.Teachers Mr Duke, Mr Triana principal Mr Moore (later to be my daughters principal at Gable) fond memories, love to meet up with more of my friends from back then. Also Officer Anderson..loved him...
Guest 23-Feb-2011 11:49
Lee we love your green and white with with colors flying high . Lee we sing our praise to you, a name that will never die . Loyality we we pledge to you, faith and honor too. Here is to our alma marta
Debbie Altman Meeks 17-Jan-2011 22:13
I went to Robert E lee in 1967-1968 than moved to Georgia, my memories are of a guy named Edwin G and the coffee smell from the plant.
Minin L Soto 21-Dec-2010 17:05
I attended REL back in 1987 and they still had the parties in the middle of the court yard it was awesome. Even though things were getting bad when I left the school I had lots of good memories. Back then paddling was allowed to those who skipped school and did other things. The 3rd floor became the detention and indoor suspention floor. I was a good girl so I never got to see what that floor looked like. LOL I luckly have pics of friends in the class rooms. I miss those friends greatly. To bad i don't even think we had year books.
Carlos Betancourt 22-Jul-2010 18:58
Wow no one has posted in a long time, anyway to all who attended REL there's a movie called ONLY THE STRONG (1993) a lot of scenes film at REL you can see the frt of the school, hallways, stairs, inside classrooms, the court yard, the back where the basketbakk courts were, and even inside the restrooms.
You can check out clips on UTUBE, I bought the movie at
It's exciting to be able to see the school again.
Carlos Betancourt 1967-1970
karen 26-May-2010 03:08
wow, I attended 7th grade back in 1977 and would like to find classmates from that era. I used to know Denny Pimentel, Edwin Rivera, Marisol Rivera.
Regina Risher 11-May-2010 22:49
I have so many memories of this school. Attended from 1954 to December 1956 when we moved and I transferred to Westview Jr. High. I wrote a little column in the school paper under the name of Maggie Mendez about the goings on at REL. The aroma of bread baking and coffee roasting in the nearby businesses would make our mouths water.. Also remember the store across the street where I bought fritos, candy and sen-sen. There was jukebox in the lunch room and we could always find someone dancing to the music. Also the dances in the courtyard after school were so much fun .
Carlos 28-Feb-2010 15:44
Good luck searching. I also have another intresting site:
When you go there look for the Allapattah, Memories of Miami forums there you'll find lot's of post of people who lived and grew up in that area I started a post about Robert E. Lee some years back and have gotten responds.
This site is totally free all you do is sign up. I'm there under: cuebanmade54
Check it out you may find people that you have known.
Guest 28-Feb-2010 01:07

I'll check it out - glad to hear that some of us stayed around - we live in NMB but looking to move - maybe to Broward....
Carlos 25-Feb-2010 21:26
If you go to Classmates, and type in Robert E. Lee Miami you'll find alot of names of former students. Funny you should mention the school newspaper I still have two copies from 1969 the name of the paper "The Traveller" was the name of the horse that Robert E. Lee rode during the Civil War. I have photos posted on classmates under my page "Carlos Betancourt". (you don't have to be a gold memeber to checkout names in classmates, I'm not I only use the free service.)
Carlos 25-Feb-2010 20:16
Hi Mary,
I remember Mrs. Milan, I remember some of my teachers Mr. Perez, Mrs. Tidwell, Mr. Gay, Miss. Goldstein, Miss. Alamery.
I live in Broward County now (West Miramar), but I still drive around my old neighborhood of Allapattah I have alot of memories still there.
Mary (Halloran) Smith 25-Feb-2010 03:52
Hi Carlos, I dont remember my home-rooms but I had Mrs. Milian for Algebra, and Mr. Williams for social studies, and I was on the school paper.

Do you still live down here?
Carlos 24-Feb-2010 00:57
Hi Mary
I went to Lee from 67 68 69 who can forget Mr. Smith I felt his paddle many times, the aroma from the bakery was mouth watering in the morning.
What was your homerooms? I was in 7-3, 8-3, 9-3.
I loved that school and still miss seeing it there.
Mary (Halloran) Smith 23-Feb-2010 03:33
My name is Mary and I went to Robert E Lee in 66-67-68 - The best of the best. I still live in Miami and go by there from time to time, in fact, my friend Carmen was just here from Calif and we were talking about the school. The smell of the baking bread and the coffee is still a great memory. I remember Mr. Smith too - my poor brother felt his paddle more than once. It's a shame they tore the bldg down. It would be great to hear from more great students from REL. After REL i went to Miami Edison, although at the time I wanted to go to Jackson. Carmen and most of my friends went on to Jackson. Hopefully more people will get in touch on here.

Mary Halloran Smith
bill clausen 15-Feb-2010 20:51
I attended Robert E. Lee 1958-59 after attending Buena Vista Elementary. Living on 31st Steet I remember the fragrance from the Marietta bakery . All appear to be gone as well as a large part of 31st street. The movie theater on 7th Ave which I spent most of my Saturday afternoons is now a shelter......Bummer!
Robbin P. Learned 15-Sep-2009 20:02
A Good Frind Of Mine, Noel Martinez, attended Robert E. Lee JR. High, after Santa Clara Elementary. He went to Robert E . Lee, in 1962, and Then His Family Moved To West Hialeah, near Miami Lakes, and He Transferred in To Palm Springs JR. High. I Remember another Robert E. Lee Student, Who Once Had Real Neat T- Shirts on, Like Big Daddy Ed Roth Sold, in Bright Colors, and With Neat Funny Cars, and Rat Fink Creations , Ect., and He Told Me: That He Made Them Himself, at Robert E. Lee JR. High, in A Silk Screening Class. Another Indication Of What A Great School, Robert E. Lee JR. High was. Robbin, an Admirer Of Robert E. Lee JR. High.
Robbin 09-Sep-2009 23:53
Hey Carlos, Good Post, as usual !!!!! I Wish I Could Find That Time Machine Too, I Would Take A Few Spins Back in Time, in it. Best Regards !!!!! Robbin.
Robbin 09-Sep-2009 23:50
George C., I'm Glad You Found This Site, and I Enjoyed Your Post. I Received The Board Of Education, on My Keister, Quite A Few times also, But at Miami Springs JR. High, and Palm Springs JR. High, in Hialeah. The Funny thing, is That The Same Dean Of Boys, MR . Arthur Hugh Smith, who Paddled Me, with The Board of Education, at Miami Springs JR. High, in 1963-64, Paddled Carlos B., at Robert E. Lee, Like 3 Years Later. MR. Smith had Transferred to Robert E. Lee. He Probably: Used The Same Board Of Education, Just in Different Schools. Sorry About Your Bike, and if I Find Your Bike, I Will Return it To You, and Beat The Crap, outa The Thief that Stole it, from You, at The Strand Theatre. I Remember The Strand Theatre. I Like Your Term : Board Of Education, That was Very Clever. Best Regards, George. Robbin P. Learned, of Hialeah.
Carlos B. 08-Sep-2009 23:36
Hi Guest,
I went to Lee in 67, 68, 69 it was a hell of a school I had a great time. I too remember the Merita bakery and the coffee plant. The paddle master was a Mr. Smith I visted him many times. OUCH!!
I did not go to Miami Jackson I ended up at Miami High. Sadly both Robert E. Lee and Miami Jackson High were torn down. If you find a time machine let me know, if I find your bike I'll let you know. LOL
Carlos Betancourt
Guest 08-Sep-2009 19:05
George C.
Hello all, including Robbin who directed me to this REL site. I went to Lee, 7th, 8th, and 9th grades from 1950 to 1953, then to Miami Jackson for 10-12. I think the bike rack where I parked my Schwinn Phantom was to the front right of the building as shown in the photo. I'm not sure of the spelling but I think the Boys' Dean was Mr. Blackmer way back then. I still have the imprint of his "Board of Education" on my butt. I remember the Merita Bread company near by but also recall the smell of coffee from the coffee roasting plant close to the school. By the way, if the person who stole my Schwinn from outside the Strand Theater one night when I was in the 10th grade reads this, I'd really like to have it back. (good luck George). I wouldn't want to repeat Junior High but it would be nice to be able to go back in time for a quick visit to Lee and to Jackson. I actually had hair then. Good health everyone.
Robbin P. Learned 07-Sep-2009 04:32
Josie Ritter, I Still Remember You, at Rustic Roller Rink, and I Got Your E- Mail, Back in February, But Have Never Been Able To E- Mail You Back , a Reply. I Want To Contact You, and Speak with You, So Please Contact Me Here, if You Get This Message., . You Can E- Mail Me, But I Can't E- Mail You Back. If You See This, and E- Mail Me, Please Give Me Another way to Reach You, Besides E - Mail. When I Think of Robert E. Lee JR. High, and Look at The Picture Of it Here, I Think Of You !!!!!! Best Regards , and Love !!!!!!! Robbin.
Hugo Amaya 04-Aug-2009 22:51
This is a very old picture but it did look like that when I went there in '83. I am from El Salvador and I remember we were a small minority. Most students were from the Caribbean and Northern Central America. But I have great memories from E Lee. I remember after school a lot of us just hung out breakdancing and carrying boomboxes. Mr. Tablada was my Spanish teacher(I don't even know why they had me take Spanish!). I had a class way up in the attic with a very nice lady -Ms. Rappaport; she was my English teacher and sometimes she put the tv on and played MTV videos -just great, watching The Eurythmics "Here comes the rain again." I also remember Mrs Ortiz; i would like to find her and say how sorry I am for the hard times I gave her; one day I made her very mad but she also had tears in her eyes. Anyway, Robert E Lee was very nice if you were a student there. I had a friend named Sady from Honduras and Benjamin from Puerto Rico. If they read this, "Hello!" to them...
Carlos Betancourt 18-Jul-2009 13:57
I got a copy of the 1969 yearbook the names of the students were not printed. If this is the year you have, on the 8-3 page 2th row from the btm 4th photo from the left that's me I was wearing a black turtleneck under my shirt. Maybe ypu remember my good friend Julio Hernandez. He's on the 8-4 page 2th row from btm 1st photo on the right side, we still hang around a lot, I,m going to do a photo shoot of the old neighboor hood it has changed alot. I lived on NW 22th CT. just north of 36th St. How long have you been away from Miami?
Jackson High School was also torn down they built a new one But the new school where REL was has also a new name. I remember Mr. Smith and his paddle, Keep in touch, it's hard to find people from those days.

Carlos Betancourt 16-Jul-2009 20:53
Ok Ramon
I'm also in classmates but not activated for a gold membership, I have heard stories about Classmates and payments.
I'm adding my e-mail address to this post.

Ramon Diaz 14-Jul-2009 06:33
Yes, I was in homeroom 8-6 and I want to say 9-9 with MRS Millian and I had english class with Mr Perez.. Carlos your name sounds very familiar, I am sure we know each other. I am in a business trip out of the country but when I get back I will look for my yearbook to see if we can fine more out.
Guest 22-Jun-2009 16:04
I also went to Lee in 1967-1970, I got some images of Robert E. Lee just before being torn down. I was in homerooms 7-3, 8-3, 9-3 do you remember your homeroom?

Carlos Betancourt
Ramon Diaz 19-Jun-2009 07:38
I was searching the web looking for my junior high to show my son and when I found this site all the memories of the times came back. I went to Robert E Lee 1968 to 1969, right after a teachers strike. I remember Mrs. Ines, Mr. Smith the assistant principal with his paddle. I no longer live in Miami but I miss it a lot.
Robbin P. Learned 13-Jun-2009 23:59
Josie Ritter, If you Read this Forum, or if Any Friends of Josie, Reads This: Josie, Please E- Mail Me Again, at : I've Tried to E-Mail You Back a Reply, since your E- Mail to Me, on February 16, 2009 , To no Avail. I still Have Computer Problems. I can Receive E- Mail's , But Cannot Send Them. Would Love to Hear From You Again. Robbin, From Rustic Roller Rink.
Robbin 27-Apr-2009 02:27
Carlos Betancourt, Thanks !!!! And I'm Glad You Found out, about My New Site, and I Look Forward, to You Coming there, To Join Myself, and My other Friends
'who used to Live in Miami, and Hialeah, But now Live in other States, and 1 Lives, in Gainesville, Fla., and 1 other Friend, Still Lives in Hialeah, Like I Do !!!! I Think you will Enjoy Our Site, We Have Fun, and Discuss: You Name it, Everything !!!!!! Talk To You Soon, on Robbins' Memories !!!!! Best Regards !!!!! Robbin.
Carlos Betancourt 26-Apr-2009 18:21
Congratulations on your new site, I'll be posting soon.

Robbin 25-Apr-2009 22:34
Don Boyd, Thanks a Lot, For Directions, To Robbins' Memories, on This Site, and All Of The Others !!!!! I Appreciate it !!!!! All The Best !!!!! Robbin.
Robbin 25-Apr-2009 22:31
Carlos Betancourt, Join us , on My New Site: Robbin's Memories !!!! Don Boyd Made The New Site, For Myself, and all Of My Friends, To Knock Ourselves out on, Having all Kind Of Topics, and Discussions !!!! You Are Certainly Welcome There, and Belong , with Our Bunch !!!!! Stop By !!!!! Best Regards !!!!! Robbin.
Don Boyd23-Apr-2009 14:16
Bob, the link to Robbin's comments as he mentioned, is - it's in the Hialeah gallery of photos at the bottom.

Road Runner 23-Apr-2009 01:21
Bob Sara, Yes, I work: Monday- Friday 3-11 Shift, and Off Weekends !!!! I'm off Work, Right Now: Doctors Orders, Because of A Diabetic Ulcer, on My Left Foot. I've Had A Bad Time Lately, and for the Last 3 years, with This Foot Problem. The Doctor Said: I Need to Stay Off it, as Much as Possible, So I've Been out, for 3 Weeks now, Trying to Stay Off My Feet, all I can. It's Always Something. We will Definately, Have those Arnold's Royal Castle Burgers Together ASAP, and Go Down Swift & Company Memory Lane !!!!!! I'm Looking forward, to That !!!! In The Meantime, Take Care, Bob !!!!! Talk To You Soon!!!!! Ps-- By The way : Have you Been to: Robbin's Memories Site, Here, on Don Boyd's Sites ??? That is My Site, for Myself and Friends, which you are !!!!! Stop By there, and Join in on our Discussions. You are Most Welcome !!!!! Road Runner .
Bob Sara 23-Apr-2009 00:50
Road Runner, I'm off on alternating Thursdays and Sundays. Do you work a standard Monday to Friday schedule? Let me know, and we'll figure out a day to meet and talk over old times. My email is
Robbin P. Learned 21-Apr-2009 16:20
Bob Sara, Great Idea !!!!! Sounds Good , to Me !!!!!! We'll Coordinate, a Day, and Time !!!!! That Kathy Frost, was A Fox !!!!! Her Dad, was a Hialeah Police Officer, in East Hialeah, when I was an Elementary School Kid, and I Remembered Him, when Kathy came To The Miami Sales Unit, From FT. Lauderdale. I Never Tried for Her, But The Desire, was Definately There !!!!!! Talk to You Later !!!!! Robbin-, Road Runner.
Robbin P. Learned 21-Apr-2009 16:12
Bob Sara, Didn't Your Mom And Dad, Own A Small Grocery Store, in The City Of Miami ???? I seem to Remember , that you told me that, once, and I Rememember your Mom's First name, Because , you told me, in a way, that I would Remember it, easily !!!! Best Regards !!!!! Robbin.
Bob Sara 21-Apr-2009 12:54
Hey Road Runner, last night after I wrote the post to you, I remembered that you were Road Runner. Some of the names you mentioned from the days at Swift I hadn't thought of in years. I dated Kathy Frost for a while, and I must admit I do think of her from time to time. I left Swift in the fall of '78 and went to work in the car business. I moved to San Francisco in '81, and lived in the Bay Area until I moved back to Miami in Dec of '06. Still in the car business. I never went to Lee, but my dad had a grocery store near there, Quality Food Market on the corner of NW 15 St and NW 7 Ave. Most of the kids in that neighborhood went to Lee and Jackson. In fact my wife is a Jackson grad, class of '68. Maybe we can get together for a few burgers and a birch beer at the Royal Castle on NW 125 St one day.
Robbin P. Learned 21-Apr-2009 11:42
Bob Sara, Yes, it's Me, Road Runner !!!!! I Remember You, also !!!! George Clark, Henry Turgeon, Henry Morales, Don Burgess, Mike Cohen, Angie, The Freezer Man, Neil Hamilton, Henry Parmer, Pablo Molinero, Leo , Kathy Frost, George Knight, Ect. The Good Old Days !!!!!! Remember: George Knight's Wedding, at Sunrise Prespreterian Church, and The Reception, in Miami Lakes, at A House ????? I Was A Truck Driver, 1st, at Swift Metro Foodservice Branch, in U. S. Cold Storeage at N. W. 37th Avenue, and N. W. 71St Street, near Armour, and then, after 2 years there, I Transferred, To The Swift Fresh Meats Sales Unit, where We Worked together at, on N. W. 36th Avenue, and 112th Street. I worked For Swift & Co., and Swift Independent, a Total of 14 + Years, and Quit, Before Mapelli Brothers Took Over. Small World, HuH !!!!!! This was a Pleasant Surprize !!!!! Did You Go To Robert E. Lee JR. High ????? Just Curious !!!! I Did not , But Had a Lot of friends , who Did, in The 60's !!!!! We sure worked Hard, at Swift, Didn't We ????? I Wore My Poor Back out, Carrying Those Quarters Of Beef !!!!! Especially, Delivering, To Publix, Grand Union Whse., El Libanes Supermarket, on Flagler Street, and Lots of other Good Customers, We Had !!!!! I Never would of Believed: That Swift and Armour, The 2 Chicago Giants, of The Meat Packing Industry, would Go out of Business !!!!! Same , with Wells Fargo Armored, who sold out to Loomis. I worked for them, for 14 years, and Quit. I now work In Security, for Securitas Security, The Swedish Company, That Took over: My Company: Pinkerton, and Burns INTL. . My Post, is at Eastern Financial Florida Credit Union Headquarters, in Miramar !!!! I Still Live Here, in Hialeah. Good To Hear , From you Bob !!!!! Robbin.
Bob Sara 20-Apr-2009 16:32
Robbin, I saw in an earlier post that you were a driver for Swift and Co. Was that the Fresh Meats division located behind MDJC, down the block from the Nabisco warehouse? I worked there as a salesman, and later a manager in the mid seventies. Your name rings a bell for me.
Robbin 04-Apr-2009 16:59
Carlos Betancourt, Hey Carlos, How's Everything ??? I , was glad to see another former REL Student, post a story !!!!! Did you ever go to Sewell Park, again Recntly ???? I know you said you planned to go. Hope all is well, with You, My Friend !!!!!! Robbin.
Carlos Betancourt 02-Apr-2009 23:07
Hey, another exLee student found this web site awesome! I sure wish more people would find it too. Lets here it for Robert E. Lee "GO GENERALS" it's been 39 years since I walked through those hallways and sat in one of those rooms with the big airy windows.
Yep I can still smell the aroma of the Merita bakery that was next door. also the aroma of coffee coming from across the street. In my mind I can see the dances held in the courtyard, the rush of going up and down those stairways during class change, Robert E. Lee you might be gone but my memories you and of my years there will be in my heart until I also gone. Sometimes I sit back and start to relive those days. Some songs just totally take me back. It's hard for me to drive by there and see that my old friend is gone such a shame. LEE, here's looking at you kid!
Robbin P. Learned 01-Apr-2009 17:17
Sheryl Dingman, Hi, Though I never went to Robert E. Lee JR. High, I had friends, who did, and saw and admired, a Girl Student, from Robert E. Lee JR. High, at Rustic Roller Rink, in Hialeah, in 1962, when I was 11 years old, and A 5th Grader, at Hialeah Elementary, and That Girl, Josie Ritter, was I think : 13 years old, and I was told: A Student , at your school, Robert E. Lee JR. High, Are 2 Reasons, why I am Here, on this site, and The other 2 Reasons, are: I always thought, that Yor REL, Looked so Neat, Historic, and Very Impressive, and Because I am a Civil War History Buff, and General Robert E. Lee, is My Absolute Favorite Leader, in The Civil War. I Respect Him Highly, Because: He was a Very Fair Man, A Great General, Who Led Small Numbers Of Unorganized, Volunteers, with Less Arsenals, ect., than The Northern Unions' Organized Trained Soldiers , and in many Battles, His Confederates Won, and Held Their Ground, Real well Overall !!!!!! I still Ride By Where your School was, in Wynwood, Just To Remember : The School, and The General !!!! I guess you know, That They Tore The School Down, in I Believe: 1997, and in 1999, a New Modern White , with Blue Accents , 3 Story School, opened, with A New Name: Jose De Diego Middle School. A Big disservice, was done, to Alumni, of Robert E . Lee JR. High, I Feel, and also: Major Disrespect, To The Honor, Of The Great Late General Robert E. Lee, and To The Dade County School Board, I Say; SHAME ON YOU !!!!!!! They Could Of, and Should Of : Named The New School : Robert E. Lee Middle School !!!!! That's My Feelings , on The Matter !!!!! Please Excuse My Editorial !!!!! I enjoy Reading , and Writing Here, on Your Old Schoo'l site, and I Just wanted to : Say Hello !!!!!! I went to schools in Hialeah, My Hometown, where I still Live, By The Way. For Junior High, I went to 2 Schools: Miami Springs JR. High, and Palm Springs JR. High, and Then Hialeah High, Class Of 1969. Nice to Meet You !!!!! Best Regards !!!!! Robbin P. Learned.
Sheryl Dingman (maiden name) 30-Mar-2009 21:23
I am so glad to see this picture even though it was taken a couple of decades before I attended Lee (1958-1961). Lee was the best school I went to and I remember just about everything! I worked in the dean of boys' office in 8th grade - his name was Mr. Blackmer I believe. A bunch of us liked to play "slam" with a basketball before school in the 7th grade. I remember Mr. Brannon, Miss Lamb, Miss Robison, Miss McClure, Mr. Krasner, Mrs. Draughon, Mrs. Huggins, Mr. Moore. I ran for 7th grade city commissioner -- my campaign manager was Patty Fisher. Kendra Crawford ran for 9th I think and she dated Ken Majeski. I remember smelling bread baking in the morning and coffee being ground in the evening (or maybe the other way around). There was no airconditioning and we had those big windows open. Whenever we had an assembly we sang the national anthem but we also had to sing "Dixie." It was great. I loved the courtyard. I remember Patty Fisher, Consuelo Garces, Bernadette Martin, Margaret Patrick, Palma Bruno, Connie Biddix, Iris Owens. When I moved o out of the district my mother called Miss VerSchure, the dean of girls, and asked her if I could finish out 9th grade at Lee. Miss V. said it was okay as long as I didn't miss any days because I couldn't get there and I couldn't be late. It worked out and I graduated in 1961. My family moved a few times and I lost my 1961 yearbook, so if anyone has one you'd like to sell me please let me know. I guess it's our age or something but I'm remembering all this fondly and writing my autobiography. As I go over all the things I've been through I see people and circumstances from the perspective of a grown-up and am learning a lot! We had bomb scares in 1959 and we'd all have to go outside and stand on the sidewalk while the bomb people searched all over for the bombs that weren't there.
Robbin 20-Mar-2009 18:29
To Former Student Of Robert E. Lee JR. High, Josie Ritter, I say: Hi, and Please E- Mail me again, and I will Try to Get back to you some way. My E- Mails Don't Go, I only Receive, so if you E- Mail me, please Give me a P. O. Box address, or some other way to reach you. I Don't know if someone tryed to use my name, or if it's my computer. ????? I'm going to Change computers soon, and see. I Hope you get this message, I am anxious to Exchange Conversation with you finally, after over 47 years, of Time Lapse !!!!!! Love, Robbin.
Robbin 20-Mar-2009 03:05
Carlos Betancourt, Yes, I Have Been on The Old Loop Road, and I used to Go Shooting of of there, a long time ago, and off Of Krome Avenue, and at Trail Glades Range, and where the Arch was, on the Trail. Dangerous now, though, to go there Shooting, except, at Trail Glades Range. And Gators, Yes, there are Plenty there, alright !!!!!!! Out by your House, there are plenty as well !!!! I've seen them, in the Canal Waterway, by my work, in Huntington !!!!!! They are around !!!!! I Don't Like them, They're very Sneaky, and Vicious, and cold blooded killers. In the Canal, between Hialeah, and Miami Springs, a Gator Attacked and Killed my neighbor Friend's Little Cocker Spaniel Dog, there, when we were 6 years old, and since then, I Hate Alligators, and I Have Shot and Killed Many of Them, when they headed toward me, and I Had A Weapon. No Regrets, whatsoever !!!!!! It was self defense. I Don't Look for them, or mess with them, But if they endanger Me , or anyone around Me, I will Shoot and Kill Them. Sorry, for The Sermon, I Got carried away !!!!!!!! Take Care, Carlos, Talk To You another time . Robbin.
Robbin 20-Mar-2009 02:48
Carlos Betancourt, Nice to Hear from you , my friend, and I'm very glad, you are doing well, after your surgery !!!!! And Congratulations, on Your 25th Anniversary. That's a real accomplishment !!!!!! Salute !!!!!! I've Been, many times, over the years, to Whale Harbour, and Man, is that Buffet Good !!!!!! I Love it too, But I sometimes Get Sick, at Buffets , like Whale Harbour, Golden Corral, Hometown Buffet, and such Places, Because I Over Stuff, on everything. I Love Crab, too, Crab Legs, Crab Cakes, Crab Imperial, Deviled Crab, and Crabmeat Cocktail, MMMMM, Yum Yum !!!!!!!! I know it's sad, about Robert E. Lee JR. High, for me too, But Your Yearbook, Your tape, and your Memories, of your Time there, as a Student, are at Least something. But , I know, it would of been better, to have been able , to film more, of the school, and that's Rotten, But that will have to do !!!!!!! I know where Sewell Park was- - Is, but I never explored it, as you did, I only drove by there. I Wish I would have !!!! One thing, I'm sure of : when you went there, I know you saw Alligators, around there, in and around The Miami River. I'm very interested, in City Of Miami History, and things, around the City, Because I was Born, in The City Of Miami's Morningside neighborhood. I'm still watching, for your Beige Bug, and when I see it, I will yell to you: Hey Carlos !!!!! I'm driving, a 1999 Maroon Ford Expedition, with slotted wheels, and it's raised up a little bit, off the wheels. It's Got 4 wheel drive, if you need it, but I keep it switched off, To 2w. If you spot me, around your area, please Holler To Me !!!!!! I'm still working, near you, same place, same Shift,---- 3 to 11 P. M. . Take Care, Carlos. Later !!!!! Robbin.
Carlos Betancourt 19-Mar-2009 18:32
Robbin have you ever driven on the old loop road just off the Tamaimi Trail? talk about gators you see them all over the place, saw some deer there also.

Robbin 19-Mar-2009 16:59
Carlos Betancourt, Glad to Hear from You, and that you're Doing well, after your surgery, That's Great !!!!!!! I, also eat Breakfast, and other Meals, at Home, most of the time, But on the Weekends, My wife, and I , like to get Take Out, or go to some Restaurant, to eat, as a Special Weekend Treat !!!!! Congratulations, on Your 25th Anniversary, now That's an Accomplishment !!!!!!! Salute !!!!!! Mine was 27 years, in November, can't Believe it yet !!!!! I make my own Homemade Omelets, Toast and Sausage Gravy, BLT Sandwiches, ect., and I also have Frozen Toaster Waffles, Aunt Jemima Frozen Microwave Pancakes, Publix, and Oscar Mayer Fully Cooked Bacon, Publix Bakery Muffins, Toasted English Muffins, Ect. I Like to Cook, and I Make a Lot of Things Myself !!!!! That is Rotten, That you couldn't get more Pictures, or Footage , of Robert E. Lee JR. High, But I'm glad you at Least got some. I passed by Sewell Park before, and I know where it is, But I never Went there, and explored it , like you did, what a shame !!!!! I will bet, you saw lots of Alligators, around there, from or in The Miami River. I'm very interested, like you are, in Miami History, and REL JR. High, The Old Citrus Grove JR. High, ect. Could Be, Because: I was Born in Morningside, in The City Of Miami. ????? Take Care, My Friend, and Keep in Touch, always, Glad to Hear , from you. Oh, Ps---- I Don't know why, But Classmates.Com, cut off my access, to My Profile, a couple months ago, for no reason, so I can't even Get On Classmates, anymore. I paid up, for 2 years, and only had service, like 9 months. I wrote to them 3 weeks ago, But haven't heard anything, and I tried to Phone them, in Seattle, and you get no one. Talk to you Later, Carlos !!!!!! Best Regards !!!! Robbin.
Carlos Betancourt 19-Mar-2009 15:11
Robbin, I'm doing really good after my surgery. Back to normal work etc. I go to the Carretta mostly for breakfest once in a while. I prefer to eat at home it just tastes better. I did go down to Islamorda this past Saturday went to Whale Harbour the all you can eat seafood place. My wife and I were celebrating our 25th anniversity. Man did we pig out eating crab legs. I found a old vhsc tape that I had filmed REL just before being razed, it's only about 5 minutes long but sad to look at I remember the day I took it. the security guard would not let me go inside to film. He told me he would get in trouble for letting anybody trespass inside. 2 weeks later I went back to try again but the school had been torn down. I always want to kick myself for not trying harder and not taking home a piece of my school like I did at the Orange Bowl.
Even through it's a short video I would like to find someone who could turn it into a dvd.. Have you ever been to E. C. Sewell park on NW 17th ave and the Miami River? I been trying to find out what the ruins inside were, as kids we would go there on bikes and ride around there are caves across the street next to a small creek as kids we found that place really cool.
Take Care
Robbin 13-Mar-2009 16:35
Tom Davis, I never went to Robert E. Lee JR. High, as a student, I went to schools, in Hialeah, My Hometown, But I had a lot of friends, who went to Robert E. Lee, and I always was very interested, in That School. It was a Very Impressive Looking Bldg., and I understand, that it was a Real Good School. One of The Prettiest Girls, I ever Saw In My Life, wrent to Robert E. Lee, in the Early 60's, and That alone, made your School, Very Special, to Me. Her name, was Josie Ritter, and I saw her, skating, at The Old, now Gone : Rustic Roller Rink, in Southeast Hialeah, a little north of Miami Jai- Lai, in 1962, and to this Day, have never forgotten Her, or Robert E. Lee JR. High, in Wynwood, at 3100 N. W. 5th Avenue. Best Regards, To You Sir, and Take Care. Sincerely, Robbin P. Learned, Of Hialeah.
Robbin 13-Mar-2009 16:23
Carlos Betancourt, How You Doin??? Have not heard from you , for a while. I Hope you are recovering, nicely, from your operation. I keep watching, for your Beige VW Bug, when I'm around my Workplace, But have not seen it yet, But I'll keep my eyes open, watching, for it. I Go to La Carretta, by you, a Lot, Do you Like La Carretta ???? I Like their Food, it's Good. I Love Cuban Food. Las Vegas, is Good also !!!!! And La Lechonera, was even Better, at 22 and 22, in Miami, We Both agree, on That !!!!!! I still say: It was a Crime, To Tear Down Robert E. Lee, and Put a New School there, and not name it Robert E. Lee !!!!!! Political, and Racial, was all that was, Pure and Simple !!!!!!!! I Loved seeing Robert E. Lee JR. High there, and I , Too, Miss that sight !!!!!! If nothing else, History, was Lost !!!!! Take Care, My Friend. Robbin.
Robbin 07-Mar-2009 18:39
Josie Ritter, went to Robert E. Lee JR. High, in around : 1962 To 1965, I Think. I know she went To Robert E. Lee, just not exactly sure, about what years.
Robbin 07-Mar-2009 18:33
Josie Ritter, if you should read this, Let me tell you, that it was a Thrill, and a pleasant surprize, to hear from you, and I've tried, many, many times, in about the 2 weeks, since you E- Mailed me, But my E- Mail, on my computer, can receive, what others send to me, but I cannot send out E- Mails. So I feel frustrated, and Embarrassed, about not being able to Reply, to you. I Have Checked out your Music, andI Love it !!!!!! I want us to Be Pen Pals !!!!! Please E- Mail me Soon. Love, Robbin.
Tom Davis 19-Feb-2009 19:15
Hi Don: I just realized that the picture you have on the website of Robert E. Lee, Jr. High was taken in 1930. My Mother (Agusta Caroline Bunn) was most likely in the bunch of kids standng there for the photographer. Could you post a larger photo so I can pick her out? Would be great. Thanks for the great website! Best to yo; TOM DAVIS
Don Boyd19-Feb-2009 15:41
Tom, what a bunch of great old memories! Thank you for taking the time to post them here. I hope you hear from someone you knew many years ago. And hang in there no matter what. Don
Tom Davis 19-Feb-2009 15:11
Hello to all...I attended Robert E. Lee Jr. High from 1952-1954. I lived at 1030 W 42nd. Street and my folks were Gordon and Agusta Davis. My Grandparents (Joseph and Wrennie Bunn) lived at 3228 NW 10th Court just a few blocks from REL. Prior to attending REL I went to Santa Clara Elementary on 10th avenue and 30th street. I rode my Schwinn Commander Bicycle to REL daily. In 1953 I was a photographer and reporter for the REL school newspaper "The Traveler". My Dad was the official school photographer for Dade County and took pictures of classes at elementary and Jr. High schools in the county. He owned Florida Photo Corporation located at NW 37th Avenue and Flagler Street. My girlfriends at REL were Janet Bartlett, Linda Howell (my first "French" kiss) and I was in puppy love with a cuban girl by the name of Carmen Cabeza. I later attended Miami Tech High with her brother Eddie Cabeza. I played softball at Moore Park with Joe Montegudo. I was a member of the Miami Downtown YMCA and learned to swim (became a Jr. Life Saver) and played ping-pong. My sister Alice Ann Davis attended REL and later Edison High. Alice is a Real Estate appraiser and is still married to Bill Moses. She still lives in Ft. Lauderdale. I attended Miami Jackson High in Allapatta for one semister before switching over to Miami Tech High which was downtown across from Sears. I was in the auto shop where my instructor was Pat Morales. My best friend at Tech was Larry Haddaway whom I still keep in touch with today. Larry lives in North Florida. I remember the great school dances at REL held on Friday nights in the center courtyard patio. I often went accross 5th avenur to Gauzen's Grocery Store and bought Cokes and Candy. Also, YoYo's wer the "In" thing and the Duncan YoYo company sent guys to teach us out to do tricks with YoYos. I often went to the movies at the Strand Theater on 7th. Avenue where a Saturday could mean an on stage YoYo Contest, 10 cartoons, a Cowboy Double Feature, a Three Stooges Comedy and the weekly Chapter Serial like Captian America or King of the Rocketmen. I skated at Dexter's Roller Rink down from the Strand theater and drank cherry cokes at the local drug store. A phone call was a nickle and a hamburger was 15 cents. Mareta Bread company had a bakery close to REL and you could smell the lemon cookies and bread baking all the time. Regal Beer Company was located just down 7th avenue near REL as well. My Grandfather (Joe Bunn) was an ex-pro baseball player (1920's Baltimore Orioles) and he often took me to the Sun Sox games at the Miami Stadium which was brand new at the time. In 1953-1954 I worked after school (for $9.00 per week) delivering perscriptions for a local drug store. My family liked to dine out at "Pig 'n Wistle" Resturant on 7th avenue and 35th street. During High school I worked for Sears installing seat covers and later at Fincher Oldsmobile installing Air Conditioners in new 1955-1957 cars. I would like to hear from anyone out there that has an interest in Miami during the 1940's and 1950's. Today (at age 70) I live in northern Virginia with my 2nd. Wife and am retired, in bad health and broke. Don't ever get old unless you have amassed a fortune and can live in South Florida in the warm sunshine! Please contact me via e-mail at Best regards to all; TOM DAVIS
Robbin P. Learned 15-Jan-2009 07:10
Josie Ritter, If you Ever Make it to This Site, and Read This; I Saw you, and Admired You, and Fell in Love with You, at Rustic Roller Rink, Back in about; 1962, when we Both went there, and I was an Elementary School Kid, at Hialeah Elementary School, and you were a Student, at Robert E. Lee JR. High. And I Have never Forgotten You, to this Day, and I still can Picture How Beautiful You were then !!!!!!!!!!!! I would Love to see you again, and if you ever Read this; Please E- Mail Me, at Love, Robbin P. Learned, of Hialeah .
Robbin P. Learned 13-Jan-2009 18:35
Carlos, Sorry to Hear about Your Need for Surgery, But Glad you're Doing O. K., or On The Road to Recovery, anyway !!! I Know , you have Gone Thru Hell, and Have Had Much Pain and Discomfort. You are in My Thoughts, and Prayers, For a Full, and Speedy Recovery !!!!!!! Yes, I Had a Nice Quiet Christmas, and New Years, Thank You !!!!! I Did Have to work; Christmas Eve, 3 To 11, and New Years Eve 3 To 11, But I Had no Plans, anyway, so When I Got off at 11 P. M., Both Nights, I Came Home, and Went to The Computer, a while, and then went to Bed, no Big Deal. Where I work, Security is there All the Time, 3 Shifts, so we Have to Be There Holidays Too !!!!!! I Hate that, But it's a Paycheck !!!!!! Need the Paycheck, Don't we all ????? I Don't think a lot of People From Robert E. Lee, Know about this site, and that's why no one writes anything new. What A Shame !!!!! I Wish you all the Best, Carlos, for 2009, and Get Well Soon !!!!!!! Take Care, My Friend, Good to Hear From You !!!!!!! I Keep Looking out fof That Beige VW Beetle Bug !!!!!! If I See it, I will Beep, and Yell To You !!!!!!!!! Later !!!!!! Robbin.
Carlos Betancourt 13-Jan-2009 14:27
Robbin, how are you hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. I just had Prostste surgery last Thursday I was diagnosed with prostate cancer luckly it was found in time and had not spread. I will be on recovery for about 3 weeks.
About R.E.L yea its a same that there is no one out there to write some comments I would love to read some. I look on how my son's middle school is and now it is so differant, I enjoyed the most basic times of before. I love watching old movies where some one walks into a office and there are no computers. Like I had posted before my times at Lee will never be forgotten, there are some posts in sneaky kitchen about R.E.L. Well got to go can't sit in this chair to long my mid section starts to ache.
See ya
Robbin P. Learned 28-Dec-2008 07:47
Carlos Betancourt, Are you Still Around ???????? Sure wish some Former Students, or Faculty, would Write Something about Their Time, at Robert E . Lee JR. High. There Must Be Someone out There, that Reads This !!!!! It's Downright Pathetic, How This Site Has Died !!!!!! I'm Surprized , or more Like; Shocked !!!!! That School , was Said to Be A Great school, So Doesn't anyone Have Anything More to Say about It ???????
Robbin P. Learned 06-Dec-2008 07:25
Carlos, It's Funny, I saw it Before, But I Can't Remember What the Old Ctrus Grove JR. High Looked Like. Was it Part 2 Story, All 2 Story, Or all one Story, Like Citrus Grove Elementary, next Door?????? I'm Curious , Now, as to what the Old School Looked Like. I Think the Old Citrus Grove JR. High Was there, When I Was with My Girlfriend, of that Time, who Lived on N. W. 2nd Street, and Near 18th Avenue, and when I'd Leave Her Apartment House, to Go Home, I would Pass The School, and Turn Right onto N. W. 22nd Avenue. That was in 1973. And Carlos, I would Have to agree with You; Miami High, is a Beautiful Old School, and I Pleased, that they haven't torn it Down, Like they Did Robert E. Lee. Back in 1968, My younger Brother Bought a used V. W. Beetle, and Fixed it up Beautiful. Metallic Blue Paint Job, Black Vinyl Interior, Fancy Chrome Wheels, a Chrome Zoom Tube, ect., and that car was Like a Show Car, and My Brother only Drove it a bout a week, and Someone Ran into Him, and Totaled The Bug, and worse yet, was that when The Police Tried to Get The Guy who Hit Him, and Serve A Warrant, for His Arrest, They never could Find Him, He Hid, and Dissappeared !!!!!!! They were, and are nice cars, Well Engineered. Me, I Love The Toureg SUV. I Dream Of Owning One !!!!!!I remember The Hialeah - Springs V. W. Dealer, on Hialeah Drive. I Went to Polar Palace, a Few Times. And I went to Hialeah Roller Rink, Lots, and Lots OF Times, Skating. Had Lots Of Fun there. If I Ever See Your Beetle Bug, I will Start Beeping My Horn at you !!!!!OH, And Carlos, Have You Checked Out All Of Don Boyd's other Sites ????? He Has Old Hialeah Memories, Which I Write on, and Old Miami andDade County Memories, and old Coral Gables Memories, Both of which I also Write on. If you've Never ReadThem, I think you would enjoy them. I Remember; Gold Triangle, and went there Before !!!!!!Best Regards !!!!! Robbin.
Carlos Betancourt 05-Dec-2008 23:15
Robbin, I went to Lee for 7th & 8th grade for 9th using a false address I started at the old Citrus Grove I had some freinds there who also had come from Lee I went to Citrus because of this girl that I liked. from there I went on to Miami High, my memories of Citrus Grove are not as good as REL but I remember being on the school newspaper doing the artwork. Miami high was a blast it was and still is a beautiful school.. I would go ice skating at the Polar Palace on NW 36th St and roller skating at the Hialeah rink on West 29th St. I remember back in 1966 my Dad buying a brand new VW bug at the old Hialeah Miami Springs Motors on Hialeah Drive. I always loved VW bugs in fact that was one of my hobbies some years ago buying old bugs cheap fixing them up and selling them, I still own one a 1970 beetle which I restored back in 1999 I would enter it in local VW shows. I'm planning to restore it again when work picks up again. folks keep asking me all the time if I'll sell it but it's like part of the family. If you ever see a beige bug around Miramar Parkway thats me sometimes I take my son to school in it, he gets a kick out of it.
Remember the 5 & 10 on West 49th that burnt down? Back in 1978 I worked at the Gold Triangle Store across from Westland Mall which is a El Dorado store now.
well Robbin gotta go.
Robbin P. Learned 04-Dec-2008 08:05
Carlos, I used to Go To Northside Shopping Center, all The Time, Bfore Westland Mall came along. My Family, Loved Northside Shopping Center, Especially ; Sears, Harvest House Cafeteria, Streeter's Bakery, Music Makers, & S. S. Kressge's 5& 10. Remember, Funland Park, and Frank And Bun ????? Later on, When I Drove, and Had A Car, I Went a Lot, To 163rd Street Shopping Center too !!!! and Peaches Records, Blue Note Records, And MR. Coney Island. I Know where Your Monarch Lakes is !!!! It's Real Nice There !!!!!! I Go to Your Monarch Lakes Publix, and Mc Donald's, All The Time, as They are near My Work !!!!! I Went To The Hollywood Sportatorium, The Hollywood Speedway, and Dragstrip, I used to Shoot Guns, out At Hollywood Blvd., at U. S. 27, Back in 1969, and I Went To Hialeah Speedway, since The 50's, when I was a Little Kid !!!!! We Have Lived, My Friend, What Can I Say !!!!!! Later !!! Robbin.
Robbin P. Learned 04-Dec-2008 07:44
Carlos, Good to Hear From you again. I thought you Moved To Alaska, or Something . I Agree, with You, When we were Growing up, Miami, was A Great Place to Be, and we Had Some Neat Places to Go, and Some Good Times, we Had. As I Said before, I was Born in Morningside, near The Bay, But I Grew up, in Hialeah. But when I was a Little Kid, My Mom, My Grandma, and My Dad, would all take Me Downtown, To The Movie Theatres, Richards, Burdines, Woolworth's, New York Deli, The Miami Public Library, Polly Davis Cafeteria, ect. From Hialeah, We Took The # 29 Bus, and it wound around, and Eventually, Took us To Downtown Miami. I Remember The Miami Theatre, The Paramount Theatre,& The Olympia Theatre. Things were Better Back Then !!!!! We Had Fun !!!!! I Love Nostalgia, History, and The Past !!!!! Hey, I Remember The Chevelle 396, 4 on the Floor, a Fast, and Beautiful Car. And Pirate's World, in Dania, on The water, Loved it, and went there, all the time, Back in around; 1967. Great Place !!!! Neat Rides, Good Bands, and Music, and Lots Of Pretty Chicks. And The Drive In Movies, were Neat, Fun, And Great Places To Watch A Movie, Make Out, Go All The Way, Ect. And Figaro's , and Pizza Palace, & A. & W., were Great Places Too. And Lum's, We're Talking Wonderful Here !!!!! I Went To Lum's, all The Time, For HotDogs Steamed In Beer, Ollie Burgers, Baskets Of Fried Clams, Ect. I Miss Lum's A Lot !!!!!!! And Carlos, Did You Go To The Old Citrus Grove JR. High, or The New Bldg. ????? I Can't Remember What The Old Citrus Grove JR. High Looked Like. I Always Liked; Robert E. Lee JR. High, Shenandoah JR. High, Horace Mann JR. High, And Ada Merritt JR. High. In The Front, Horace Mann, Looks A Lot Like Robert E. Lee did, except for a Little ^ in The Middle, on the Roof. Horace Mann, is Still there, In El Portal, By Miami Shores, at N. W. 2nd Avenue, and 89th Street, if you've never seen it. I Ride By There sometimes, and Remember; Robert E. Lee JR. High. Carlos, Did you ever Go To Rustic Roller Rink Skating, in South east Hialeah ???? I went there, all the Time, and Saw Josie Ritter, of Robert E. Lee JR. High Skating there, in about 1961, and She was So Beautiful, a Real Knockout Blonde, and I Have never forgotten her !!!!!! She Looked Like Paris Hilton, Or Pamela Anderson. I Still Go By Wynwood, Often, To Go By Where Robert E. Lee JR. High was, and I Look At Jose De Diego Middle School, and I Can Picture REL there, and To Me, The Neighborhood, Has Character, it's Kinda Neat. And There's Some Foxy Mama's around the Neighborhood too !!!!!! I Don't Miss That Ever, I Always Notice That, Hey, I Am A Normal Male, Why Not !!!!!! I Am Proud To Be A Native Miamian, and We Have our Great Memories Too !!!!!!! Ever Go To See The Miami Marlins, at Miami Stadium ????? I Always Went There !!!!! Ever Go To Hialeah Roller Rink ????? I Did, all the Time !!!!! Talk To You Again Soon, Carlos !!!!!!!! Later !!!!! Robbin.
Carlos Betancourt 03-Dec-2008 21:17
Robbin like you I grew up in Miami and I'm always thinking of the good old days. remember Pirates World I went there the frist week it opened and during it's last days, Hollywood Speedway I used to take my Chevelle SS396 and race my buddies, what about those great drive ins So much has changed, where I live now was just a cow pasture just 8 years ago. I have taken all of my kids around my old neighborhood they say wow dad you lived around here? But I belive life was more fun in those simpler days. I would go to to the movies in downtown Miami by bus then go across the Port of Miami bridge and go swiming there, little did I know I would some day work at the Port. Remember Northside Shopping Center? 163th ST. Mall and Dadeland Malls when they were open air. the great Lums hotdogs brewed in beer.
Well got to get ready to go to work
Robbin P. Learned 17-Nov-2008 04:33
Carlos, I used to Deliver Meats, To all 5 La Lechonera Locations, when I was a Foodservice Driver. I also ate at La Lechonera, and Liked their Food. They Made A Mean Boliche, That's what I used to get at La Lechonera. I ate at the one you mentioned, many, many times, it was on 22nd Avenue, and 22nd Street, Right near the Railroad Tracks. And I Ate Lots, at the one, in Hialeah, at East 18th Street, and Palm Avenue. Another of my Favorites, was Ayesturan Restaurant, on 27th Avenue, and S. W. 7th Street. Great Cuban Sandwiches there. Do you remember, in Allapattah, on N. W. 17th Avenue, By The YMCA, at about 23rd Street, The Place With The Big Awning, called the Tree ??????? They Made The Best Pan Con Lechon, around. I went there, all the time. And Riviera Bakery, on 17, and 17, was a Regular Stop For Me, When I Was on The Wells Fargo Armored Trucks. And I also Loved Figaro's on 49th Street, went there A Lot, Great Old Movies, and Pizza. I Took Girls There on a Date. Oh, I Forgot to tell you, In JR. High School, at Palm Springs JR. High, My Best Friend, was Noel Martinez, and His Family, used to Live Near Santa Clara Elementary, and Before Palm Springs JR. High, He Went To Santa Clara Elementary, And Robert E. Lee JR. High. He and I Played Baseball, and we used to Go to Miami Stadium, a lot, To watch The Miami Marlins Games, and we Got in Free, By Jumping over The High Fence, over By Youth Hall, on the Northwest Corner. We Had some Great Times. The Good Old Days !!!!!!! I Pass Monarch Lakes, all The Time, on Miramar Parkway. I Work At Eastern Financial Florida Credit Union HeadQuarters, Off I- 75, and Miramar Parkway. My Younger Brother , was A Police Officer, on The Miramar P. D., And He Retired, on The Drop Program, 3 years ago. Carlos, Have you Checked out all of Don Boyd's Sites ???? He has a Lot of Neat Sites. I Write Comments, and Stories, on The Memories Of Old Hialeah Blog, all The Time, Check it out !!!!! Take Care, My Friend. Later !!!!! Robbin.
Carlos Betancourt 16-Nov-2008 21:34
Rancho Luna yea I remember it. La lechonera on NW 22th Ave & about 19 st was my favorite. also Figueros Pizza that was on 49th St. in Hialeah, after I got married to my x-wife we lived in Hialeah. Now I live near where you work in Monarch Lakes in Miramar.
Robbin P. Learned 16-Nov-2008 20:58
Carlos, I remember, you said that after you went to Robert E. Lee, you went to Citrus Grove JR. High, Did you ever Eat at Rancho Luna, on 22nd Avenue, and about N. W. 2nd Street ?????? That used to Be My Favorite Restaurant, at one Time, Back in The Day !!!!!!! Robbin.
Robbin P. Learned 16-Nov-2008 20:52
Hey Carlos, No, I Don't work in Wynwood, Sometimes, I Take Weekend, or Mostly Sunday Drives, around Allapattah, Wynwood, Citrus Grove, Shenandoah, Brickell, Coral Gables, ect. I enjoy that !!!!! I Live in Northwest Hialeah, near Miami Lakes, and I work in West Miramar, off I- 75, and Miramar Parkway. Back in the 80's, I worked for Brinks, and our Branch, was Right near Robert E. Lee, over off 7th Avenue, at 32nd Street, and I went By Robert E. Lee, all the Time. Back in the 70's, and Early 80's, I Drove a Foodservice Truck, for Swift & Co., Swift's Premium, and I used to Be in The City Of miami, all the Time, By The Produce Center, Miami Stadium, Allapattah, Overtown, Little Havana, Flagler Street, N. W. 7th Street, all over, making Deliveries, to Publix, Bodegas, Meat Markets, Restaurants, ect. And Back in 1973, I Had a Girlfriend, who lived on N. W. 2nd Street, around N. W. 18th Avenue, and for a few Months, I moved in with Her, and then we moved Off 12th avenue, just East of the Orange Bowl, so I Know all of the City Of Miami Areas well, and Really Like them. And, after all, That makes sense, Because, I was Born in The City Of Miami, in Morningside, around 64th Street, and Biscayne Blvd. Good to Hear from you My Friend. Later. Robbin.
Guest 16-Nov-2008 00:52
It,s Me, Carlos
Guest 16-Nov-2008 00:51
Robbin do you work around the Wynwood area?
Robbin P. Learned 14-Nov-2008 06:34
Hey Carlos, Good to Hear From You. I wondered, what Happened to you. As for; Classmates.Com, I Have My Own Issues, with them, They are Crap !!!! I've Been to Sneaky Kitchens Before, and I saw your Write ins, But it's Been Quite a Long While, since I've Gone to the Site, so I will Go there, again, to check it out. It's too Bad, that you didn't get to Read My Profile Stories, on Classmates, as I Think you would of enjoyed them. I Meant well, sending you there, for that reason. I Remember, the Old Miami Jackson, and I've seen, The New Miami Jackson. I Still Ride By Where Robert E. Lee was, and By Miami Jackson, and around Wynwood, and Allapattah, once in a while, I enjoy that !!!!! I Remember Curtis Park, The Stadium, and Pool. Did You Ever See; Horace Mann JR. High, in El Portal, By Miami Shores ????? It is Very Old, and Looks a Lot Like Robert E. Lee. I Really thought no one was ever going to write anything again on this Blog. It Looked that Way. It's Good, that you Gave it a new addition. Best Regards !!!! Robbin.
Carlos Betancourt 13-Nov-2008 18:21
I,m still around never tried to acess your profile stories, I do not like went there once and and started to get e-mails from them all the time.
I visted a freind of mine that attended REL with me he still lives in the same house. (44) yearsIt's like going into a time machine I remember riding my bicycle to his house and sometimes his mom would prepare lunch for us.
We would ride our bikes all over the place to the YMCA pool (before it was torn down to build low income buildings) to Curtis Park on 20th st.
I went around my old neighborhood a took photos of differant places that brought me memories I made a dvd a gave copies to some of my old friends.
I took a photo of Miami Jackson Sr. High before it was torn down. Try going to stroll down to the Allapatah fourms you'll find stories from people who when to REL I started a fourm on Lee.
Robbin P. Learned 06-Sep-2008 04:38
What Happened to all The Robert E. Lee People ????? Nobody writes about the school anymore !!!! How Sad !!!! I Like to Read About The School, It's History, Former Students, Teachers, Happenings, that took place there, ect., and I'm Quite sure others Do, as well. And Carlos Betancourt, What Happened, to You, You Disappeared, for Quite a while. I Know there's a lot of people around, that went to Robert E. Lee, and I for one, would like to Hear your stories about Robert E. Lee JR. High on 5th Avenue, in Wynwood.
Robbin P. Learned 01-Aug-2008 11:09
I Never Attended Robert E. Lee JR. High School, I Grew up in Hialeah, and attended all of My Schools, in Hialeah, with the exception of Miami Springs JR. High School, But I Knew some people, who went to Robert E. Lee, Back then, and I used to Ride By the School, sometimes, over the years, and To Me , The School Looked So Impressive, and Like it Belonged there, as you passed it on 5th Avenue. And as a way of Remembering the Sight of the School, and the people I knew, who went to school there, and to Remember Josie Ritter, a Beautiful Blonde who went there, back in1962-1963, who I Had a Huge Crush on, Back then, I Ride By The Site where REL was, and The Memories I Have, Come Back, to me, But on 5th Avenue, especially, The new school there, Does not Look nearly as Impressive as Robert E. Lee Did. The front of the new school,-Jose De Diego, on 5th Avenue, is Short, and only, The Auditorium, and Front Entrance, School Sign, ect. I think they should have Put the Long 3 Story Bldg., that's on 32nd Street, on 5th Avenue, and Made the Entrance, in the middle, like REL, and then the new school would of looked Better, on Robert E. Lee's Site. That's My Opinion !!!! Robbin P. Learned
Robbin P. Learned 13-Jul-2008 04:27
Gail, The New School on The Site Of Robert E. Lee, is Jose De Diego Middle School, and it opened new, I Think in 1999. I never went to Robert E. Lee, But I Had Many friends, who Did, and I always thought Robert E. Lee, Looked like a neat School. I am sorry they tore REL Down, and it was a piece Of History lost. A Crying Shame !!!!!!! General Lee, would be very Disappointed., and so am I.Best Regards !!!! Robbin P. Learned
Gail12-Jul-2008 18:55
Went to Robert E. Lee in '57 and '58..but it sure doesn't look like this now, and the name has changed.
Robbin P. Learned 10-Jul-2008 06:48
Carlos Betancourt, What Happened to you, You Disappeared, since your Last Writing, About Robert E. Lee JR. High. I Miss You My Friend. You never made it to Read My Profile Stories !!!!!!
Robbin P. Learned 15-Jun-2008 01:14
Carlos Betancourt , It's funny, I was just thinking, today, that I should tell you , how to access My profile stories, and Classmates . Com. , so here Goes; You can Try out Classmates . Com, for a while, for free, you just join, and later, maybe 2 or 3 months , you can upgrade to gold, for 3 months, or 2 years, like I Did. It cost me $60.00 for 2 years, not Bad, I don't think. Anyway, what you do, is this; Type In Classmates. Com, and they'll ask you for information, ect., and you provide that, then when you're on Classmates. Com, you should join for your school--, Robert E. Lee JR. High School, and then you'll notice on your Main Page, Home, on the left side, you have Communities. Click on Communities, and add my school, -- Palm Springs JR. High School, which is in Hialeah, to your communities. Then when you want to go to my profile, you will click on Palm Springs JR. High, on your communities, and it will take you to Palm Springs JR. High's Site , and then, you go thru the alphabet to the L's and you'll find my name, and you will click on it, and it will take you to my site, and then you may have to click on profile, to get to my stories. If You have any problems getting there, Let me Know, Here, or E- Mail Me, at Good Luck, and if you make it to my Profile, Please leave me a Message, there on my profile. Talk to you Later !! Robbin
Carlos Betancourt 14-Jun-2008 22:37
How do I find your profile, where shuold I go?

Don Boyd13-Jun-2008 21:04
I erased a few of them and left one or two. Don't worry about taking up space - you are not preventing anyone from posting their memories. Best regards,

Robbin P. Learned 13-Jun-2008 17:59
Don Boyd, If you can do that, can you please erase my stories, on this site, I feel like I might be taking up too much space, and preventing others from writing, and besides, my stories have been here for a while. Thank You Sir !!!! Ps-- I am enjoying all of your other sites, and the constant new material . Thanks For Everything !!!! Sincerely , Robbin P. Learned
Robbin P. Learned 13-Jun-2008 06:24
Carlos Betancourt, I enjoyed your account of Robert E. Lee JR. High. and Thank You, you answered my question, regarding the nickname. I wondered if , Because Miami Jackson was the Generals, and was so close to REL, if REL could of been The Generals, But now, thanks to you, I know. You probably read my stories, here, about your school,- REL. And even though, I never Attended REL, I always wished I did. It looked Neat, and I'm sure it was !!!Robbin P. Learned And Carlos, I write stories, on my profile, stop by, and read them, and I Hope you enjoy them. They are on my Palm Springs JR. High Profile .. Take Care, Carlos !!!To get to my profile, you can find my name on REL also, I'm listed on your school, as a Community, I added,Cause I liked your School.
Carlos Betancourt 12-Jun-2008 21:44
I went to Robert E. Lee from 1967 - 1969, I rememeber having classes on the 3th floor facing the Merita bakery and the smell coming in the windows would make your mouth water, yes the school had a nickname THE GENERALS the colors were green and gold. There was a huge auditorium on the south side, a center courtyard, and beyond the cafeteria another open courtyard.
The school offices were on the rightside as you walked through the front of the school along 5th Ave. I had classes during my time there on all 3 floors but the 3th was my favorite because of the breezes coming in the open windows. there were portables along the west end of the field and the boys & girls locker rooms.
My best friend and I have my fond memories of Lee and growing up in the Attapattah area. Back when they started to tear down the school I took some video of it, I even took some inside the 1st floor hallways somehow I have misplaced the video and can not find it. I also have a yearbook from 1967 or 68.
I wonder why REL just like the Miami Stadium and now The Orangr Bowl were torn down and why the new name on the ugly school that they built there. maybe because of racial issues, (Lee being a general for the south during the war.)
Still it was a great school to have been a student at and I miss it being there.
Guest 10-Jun-2008 01:49
I went to REL from 1957 to 1960. It was a neat school. I always hung out at Andy's Drugstore on 7th Ave before and after school. If there is anyone out there that when during those years I would love to e-mail with you. My e-mail is
Robbin P. Learned 28-Apr-2008 18:02
I am very interested in the old, now torn down, and gone,- Robert E. Lee JR. High, in THe Allapattah- Wynwood area. I'm hoping a lot of former students, teachers, principals, and anyone else who attended the school., ect., will write something about the school, and their memories, ect. , of it. I would like to know as much as possible about what the school was like. Basicly, all I know about it was how the outside of the 3 story Bldg. looked, little else, and my curiousity about the school has become an obsession. Though I never attended Robert E. Lee, I always thought it was a neat school, The Historic , and impressive 3 Story Bldg., and especially, when you saw it from I- 95. And I had friends, who went there, but I never asked them about the school, and now, I have no idea, where they are. Let's get some Alumni of Robert E. Lee JR. High to share their memories of the school. I enjoy this, and Most of all, THANK YOU, MR. Don Boyd, for your Great Sites, You are Gold, Sir!!!! Robbin P. Learned
Guest 19-Apr-2008 10:34
Besides the photo on this Don Boyd site, I would love to have some other pictures of Robert E. Lee Jr. High Miami, so if anyone has any , please E- Mail me at :, and I will pay you for them. Also, I never found out for sure, what Robert E. Lee's Nickname was, and I must know,so if anyone knows, please share it with me. I always guessed it would have been The Generals, but never knew for sure. And if Josie Ritter, who went to Robert E. Lee, around 1962, and skated at Rustic Roller Rink is still around, I would love to hear from you . If so, please contact me at .I remember you from Rustic Roller Rink, I skated there also, when you did, but I was maybe 2 years younger than you, but admired how beautiful you were, and to this day have never forgotten you! I think I remember seeing you at Rustic on saturdays, and I asked someone who you were, and they told me; oh, that's Josie Ritter, and she goes to Robert E. Lee JR. High . Bye!
Guest 30-Mar-2008 12:24
i attended lee in the early 60, i learned to enjoy reading after taking a reading course there. i also had mrs roper for history. this lady taught me how important history and currnet events are. i also remember the friday night dances in the center court and the playing of retreat at the end of each school day. they may have torn it down but they can't erase the memories. Buford Bailey, Wytheville VA
Guest 30-Mar-2008 12:16
i attended the school in the early 60's. i did not know it was torn down. how sad.
Guest 11-Feb-2008 03:51
great school, i taught math and science there 1969-70.
richard (mr.B)