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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> DOWNTOWN Miami, Bayfront Park and Port of Miami Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1950 - Crowd enjoying a concert at the new Bayfront Park Bandshell in downtown Miami
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1950 Courtesy Dr. Paul S. George-MDCC

1950 - Crowd enjoying a concert at the new Bayfront Park Bandshell in downtown Miami

Bayfront Park, downtown Miami

Thank you to George W. Young for sending this image.

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Guest 01-Aug-2021 23:48
I lived in Miami with my family from 1948 (when I was 4 years old) to 1962. The family often went to these Caesar LaMonica concerts at Bayfront Park. I remember being fascinated by the Timpani, the big drum. I enjoyed all the music but always got a big thrill when the Timpani came in.
Dave Martinez 15-Aug-2020 19:07
Yes, Caesar LaMonica played at the Bayfront Park Bandshell and the Olympia Theater. I am 82 and moved to Miami from Key West in 1945 and saw him many times at both venues. Another question I have for others is did he play for Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis and Jane Russell on the Palm and Hibiscus Islands in the late 1940's and 1950's?
Mark Weiser 27-Jun-2019 23:10
My family came here in the 50s. I liked the Square Dances, when Caesar LaMonica wasn't performing
Erle Grubb 29-Sep-2016 05:08
On August 25, 1955, at age 11, I played in this bandshell with the Youth Orchestra under the baton of Caesar LaMonica (spelling?). I shared a stand in the first violin section with my teacher, Attilio G. Canonico, a graduate of the Royal Conservatory of Naples, Italy. This was my first professional "gig," so to speak. Also being a photographer from an early age, when I came across this photo of the Bayfront Park Bandshell, the dramatic grayscale image took by breath away. And all of the bulbs across the 3 exterior arches appear lit! An impressive shot. Don -- if you have this image in a larger pixel size, I would love to have it to use as a spread in a memoir, for its impact.
Guest 29-Jun-2014 00:23
I am researching a history of Ceasar LaMonica's military service. If anyone remembers him, I would like to speak to you. Please email me at
Don Boyd17-Oct-2012 16:46
Thank you John, and many others for commenting here and giving us information that we wouldn't know about without extensive research. I invite you to make as many comments, as lengthy as you want, all over this website under different photos that you have memories of. History is disappearing way too fast with our older folks passing away and your comments are helping to preserve those precious memories.

John Stearns 17-Oct-2012 15:15
My aunt Dorothy Stearns Mayer, had a beautiful voice and sang freqently in the bandshell with, and was a good personal friend of Ceaser Lamonica . I remember him visiting Aunt Dorothy often at my granddad's home, Col.DAStearns, in Buena Vista, 37th st. I attended the bandshell and enjoyed the music many times. That was probably in thie 1940s. I'm 94 now. John Stearns
Terri Tone Oster 20-Jul-2012 17:33
My Father John Tone was a favorite Basso of Ceaser LaMpnuca and sang for many years from the late 1950s all the way thru to the early 1970s. I even sang with my Father in a medly from Camelot with LaMonica in his 90s conducting.
Lori 06-Sep-2011 18:18
Did the Caesar LaMonica Orchestra also play at the Olympia Theater (for the silent movies) and at the Royal Palm Hotel? Where can I find more info about the early members of his orchestra?
Mary Anne C 12-Mar-2011 05:19
Does anyone recall Henry Fillmore conducting here? (The UM Band of the Hour rehearsal hall is named after him). My parents used to take me to the concerts at Bayfront as a toddler.
Lowell Conlan 09-Dec-2008 23:39
My Dad, Ron Grimm was the construction superintendent for this structure and the original Sea World at Key Biscayne.
MSH 57
Guest 27-Jul-2007 15:56
I remember Ceasar LaMonica in Bayfront Park. My sister Sonya and I use to play in the youth orchestra he conducted there.
Jeanne 29-Jun-2007 17:06
My grandparents attended many concerts at Bay Front Park...I love these memories.
Elena Iannacone 24-May-2007 02:54
Yes. I remember Ceasar LaMonica very well. My sister, Florence Carilli Leonardi was an opera singer and sang many times with his orchestra.] We lived in Miami for 32 years before we moved to Ormond Bch, Fl. My oldest daughter went to Morningside Elem. Sch. and we lived adjacent to the American Legion, which was on the bay off Biscayne Blvd. and N.E. 67th and 68th streets. The children loved to roller skate at the legion. We moved to Miami from Mass. in 1948. It truly was a"sleepy little hollow."
When we moved from N.E. 67th St. to No. Miami Beach, we lived right next to Greynolds Park.My three children loved playing there, especially climbing "the mountain." which they clained was the tallest point in Miami. (fact or fiction!)

Thank you for helping back in time,. It was a great journey. I am 87 years old, now, and living in N.C.
Guest 23-May-2007 19:26
Does anyone remember Ceasar LaMonica, the conductor of the Bay Front Park Orchestra?