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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami and Florida AVIATION Historical Photos Gallery - Airports, Airlines, Aircraft - All Years - click on image to view >> Glenn Curtiss Field, Miami Municipal Airport, Amelia Earhart Field Photo Gallery > 1948 - Amelia Earhart Field (former Miami Municipal Airport) and Master (AKA Masters and Master's) Field
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1948 Sherman Fairchild - Fla Memory Project

1948 - Amelia Earhart Field (former Miami Municipal Airport) and Master (AKA Masters and Master's) Field

Northwest Dade County, Florida

Thanks to George W. Young for sending this image by Sherman Fairchild and part of the Florida Memory Project. The view is looking east-north-east with LeJeune Road in the foreground on the west border of Amelia Earhart Field, the Little River Canal on the right (southern) border), and NW 27 Avenue on the eastern border of Master Field. NW 119 Street is visible at the top intersecting 27th Avenue at the east side of Master Field. The taxiway over the Seaboard Air Line Railroad tracks connecting the two airports is still visible but was eliminated later. More views and details of these airports are located at

Master (AKA Masters and Master's) Field in the background was part of U. S. Naval Air Station Miami at the time this photo was taken.

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Guest 22-Jul-2009 18:52
My Dad was stationed at Masters. We lived a few blocks from there on 122nd St. Master's phased out and Dad's ASW unit moved up to Opa Locke. In '59, that unit moved to NAS Lakehurst.

I saw my first drag race at Amelia. Sure was alooooong time ago. Thanks from my Sis and BIL for the memories.

Ray Webster
Guest 10-Jul-2007 04:39
The dark line on the R.side of the photo, is a canal running east to west. The first Lrg. Hangar (lwr. r.h.c.) became the Hialeah Maintenance Facility, Hia. Police Sub-station was built in front of the 4th plane. The Streets in Hialeah were East 53rd St. at the canal, and proceded to 57th were "Coco-Johns" was (just north of Mintons Garage & Gas sta. E. 56th St. on Lejeune Rd. (East 8th Ave.) Manarite * Trader- Johns was the "Other Bar" on N.W. 27th Ave across from Masters field. the "Air-Shows" in the 50's. Car "Inspections" next Milander Pool & Lowe Hanks, in the 60's .
The dark Hanger in the Middle was moved So. East of it, Amelia Elementary & Hialeah Jr. High was built, around 1964 on E. 7th Ave. The North end of Amelia Field was E65th Street. MINTON owned the Dump mentioned, as well as a Trading Post in OpaLocka (N.W. 135st. & Alibaba across from St. Kevins Episcopal Church). During the Missle Crisis,, both Fields became a Sea of Olive Drab, with huge missiles on tractor trailors southbound on LeJeune daily. the infamous Jean McNaly on E.52 &2nd ave. Direct Gas station on the west side of Palm ave. across from Jack Cherry's station, the 5 & dime next to Snows Jewelers in Food Fair Plaza. the "Hobbitt House" on the s. side of E. 56 street between 3rd and 4th ave. with all the Plaster of paris Creatures in the yard. Van der Carr's Sculptures on e. 6 Ave. & 27th St. the Granduer of the Hialeah Race Track. Essex Theater on Hialeah Drive, around the corner from the Dairy Queen,/ V. W. Dealership on 10th Ave./ the Disney World of Sea Food Houses = the Chesapeake on N.W. 36th Street./ Luby Chevrolet 27th Ave./ Hurricane Donna !
DeVita pedalling his Tricycle on E. 4th Ave./ Mrs. Moonie, the Nun of Palm Springs Elem./ The Coach who would cheer so hard at the PEP RALLYs in the Hialeah H.S. CourtYard, His Teeth flew out ! The Golden Chicken* that flew up the Springs High Flagpole (1965?)! Julius Caesars E. 4th Ave &
49th St. Palm Springs Twin Theater/ J. Byrons/ Diamonds/ the Hitching Post BBQ on Okeechobee Rd
Wally Bray 20-Jun-2007 03:04
Another thing I remember is a drive-in movie on 27th Ave just north of master’s field. I don't remember the name of it. And a dump on LeJeune Road at about 119th Street. I remember going to the drive-in movie with my brother and parents in the station wagon to see a double feature. Lady and the Tramp first and then Teacher's Pet staring Clark Gable and Doris Day. I don't know why I remember these details. I was so little then. I remember the dump was fun. It was like going on an exploration and finding treasure. After we threw trash off the pick-up truck my father would go over and talk to his buddies while my brother and I would go exploring. My father would only let us take home one item that we found. Him too. But we had to keep it a secret from our mother. She hated junk.
Don Boyd19-Jun-2007 03:37
A small clarification on the Miami-Dade College comment: only about one half of the easternmost airfield in the background (Masters Field) is part of MDC now. The other half from 32nd Avenue to 37th Avenue is warehouses, along with the airfield in the foreground (Miami Municipal/Amelia Earhart). Don
Wally Bray 19-Jun-2007 03:01
This is now Miami-Dade College North Campus. I grew up on N.W. 26th Avenue and 103rd Street. I remember my mother putting my brother and I down for a nap and the military jets would fly over our house and me and my brother would go to the window and scream at the jets and my mother would always have have to come in and put us back into bed. Opa-Locka Airport a couple miles north was back in those days a Marine Air Base. It had a hospital where I was born in 1951.
Don Boyd07-Jun-2007 16:28
Not true. These were entirely separate airports. The airfield on the bottom is between NW 107 Street and NW 119 Street on the east side of LeJeune Road. The airfield at the top extended from NW 107 Street to NW 125 Street, east of the railroad tracks and over to NW 27 Avenue. Opa-locka is north of NW 135 Street and between Red Road and Douglas Road (NW 37 Avenue), or about 2 miles north of Miami Municipal/Amelia Earhart Field at their closest points. Don
Ed Japhe 07-Jun-2007 16:15
I believe that this Airfield eventually became to be known as Opa Locka.