Does anyone remember when one of the local radio stations ran a promotion where they actually dropped 45's from a helicopter over the high schools? I think it was WFUN or WQXI. It was right before the Beatles came to Miami. I was lucky enough to be in the high school parking lot and I was rewarded with several 45's-many that I still have today, including Green Tambourine and Turn, Turn, Turn.
15-Apr-2012 08:51
Yes! I was on the WQAM plane - won a ticket; not an easy thing to do. All the favorite DJs went - Murdock, Sherwood, Shaw, Dunlap. Reading this article, I had no idea a doctor and a nurse were aboard - or police officers! However, Louise Harrison Caldwell was also along for the ride - George's sister. It was an incredible trip, my first plane ride (and a jet!), and I still have my QAM Beatle button with my name, seat number, my ticket to the concert, and a QAM orange pennant they gave us. Oh, and I also still have my contract we had to sign in order to go. I took pictures with a small Kodak camera - still have those, too. What a time! ~sharon a.