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FEB-1964 Courtesy of Ray Finn

1964 - Miami area band "The Vibrations" posing for publicity photo at the Key Biscayne Hotel (comments below)

Key Biscayne Hotel, Key Biscayne, Florida

Thank you to Ray Finn for contributing this old image of The Vibrations posing for a publicity photo taken by Eli Silverberg on the ocean in front of the Key Biscayne Hotel on Key Biscayne.

Ray was lead singer/guitar player for The Vibrations and they played events at Tropical Park, Golden Glades and many PAL (Police Athletic League) dances from 1960 to 1966. They were also featured every third week on Rick Shaw's Saturday band show.

Ray says that their photographer, Eli Silverberg was coincidentally was doing a shoot of the Beatles a few hours later at the Deauville Hotel on Miami Beach and he invited them along. They got to meet the Beatles and the Beatles' photos were shot in color and the Vibrations could only afford black and white photos. The Beatles made their second appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show during their visit to Miami.

Ray is now retired and living in the Ocala area.

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John Mascaro 12-Aug-2010 18:07
This is great news to find the photos and write up after so many decades! Former Surfin' Vibrations Rhythm guitarist/Singer John Mascaro (Ft. Lauderdale-Aug. 12, 2010.)