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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> DOWNTOWN Miami, Bayfront Park and Port of Miami Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1927 - Dade County Courthouse under construction in downtown Miami
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1927 Florida State Archives

1927 - Dade County Courthouse under construction in downtown Miami

Downtown Miami, Florida

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Guest 01-Sep-2015 22:22
The John B Orr Construction Co. - the base had to be enlarged to support the tower.

Tom Orr
Nancy Foye-Cox 28-Apr-2010 19:29
I worked in the courthouse for Dade County government from 1974 to 1977 and then again from 1981 until the year the new Metro-Dade Center, Dade County administration building, opened. My last office was in the upper reaches of the building in the area which had at one time been the County jail. I remember seeing the turkey buzzards "up close and personal" up there when they roosted on the top of the courthouse annually. I remember that the courthouse was the tallest building in the southeastern US at the time it was built.
radio lady 13-Feb-2010 09:29
I remember there was some sort of clinic in the courthhouse at one time. My brother and I had our tonsils out there around 1950.
Guest 10-Oct-2008 07:41
I was born and grew up in Miami and the court house held many memories of it. As a kid my mother would take us kids down town to sit on the court house steps to watch the Orange Bowl Parade each New Year's Eve night. (1940-45)
Guest 02-Feb-2008 20:13
It was rumored and I think a fact that the Co. Courthouse,
Sank into the Ground 2 Feet I can remember the construction.
Barney Roberts
Guest 23-Jun-2007 13:30
What a great trip back in time! Thank you. My family moved to Miami in 1939 and I went to school at Miami Edison, grade school through graduation. It was a wonderful place to live. I remember bonfires at the beach, and the Edison/Miami Hi football rivalry. What great times we had! I worked in Downtown Miami for several years before marrying and living in Hialeah, near the high school for for 30 years. Seeing all those "landmarks" brings back good memories of growing up. Thanks again. Ouida Blount Dupuy