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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> DOWNTOWN Miami, Bayfront Park and Port of Miami Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1927 - Downtown Miami
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1927 FloridaStateArchives

1927 - Downtown Miami

Downtown Miami, Florida

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Guest 13-Mar-2011 21:18
The only one's who care were born here, northern folks came here to exploit and just make 'fast' money, then left. This is why we are always harping on northerners, reborn carpetbaggers from Civil War's post period. Not to dismiss our own profit greed, caught up as a result of this kind of activity. Books upon books try to explain the reasons (fractionally I'm afraid) because SO MUCH happened in such a short time, it seems a blur. The 'Wonder City' is aptly sloganed from that time, like millions of ants atop an anthill, but with individual goals & reasons for doing what they were doing...maybe 'We Wonder City' is better, many agree that the saying, 'a millionaire one year, bumming a cigarette the next.' says alot about Miami. My slogan would be, 'A City of Contradictions'...and 'So Be It', our byword. Rodney Clutter, 2011
Betsy Peacock 12-Oct-2010 22:28
I'm looking for anyone who might have a picture of a bookkeeper at a Miami Beach Hotel back in the 50's OR a picture of a beautiful tiny brunette who worked at a Miami bank in 1953. Please contact me at
Betsy Dunlap Peacock
kinseeker26-Apr-2010 05:59
This marvelous picture shows NE 4th Street. just to the left of center is the First Christian Church where I grew up along with Arva Moore Parks. (It is the white building between the two houses.)
Almost dead center is White Temple Methodist with its steeple on 2nd Ave. On the SW corner of 4th St and 2nd ave is Luke's Drug store where we would go to have a Coke between Sunday School and Church.
Across 4th Street from the Christian Church with the big square flat roof is the Three Score and Ten Club. It was a retirement hotel where well to do northerners would come to spend the winter.
White Temple is the center of Miami Dade Downtown Campus today.
Lee Martines 31-Jul-2009 21:56
I feel it's a real shame that the "old time" residents of Miami, who have a sentimental attachment to some of the early buildings and places in the county have in some cases been forced to leave the area. People such as Miami historian Arva Moore Parks have an uphill battle to try to preserve some of the important architecture and historical sites, since the city and county leaders, as well as rhe resident populace generally have no feeling of historical preservation.
Guest 02-Feb-2008 20:10
The Park in Downtown was 'Bayfront Park"-
Later an attempt to assinate Pres FDR failed and they hit Gov. "Cermack"?? of Chicage Circa 1936.
as well as I remember.
Barney Roberts Resident 1925-1948
R K. Aguilar 18-Dec-2007 03:19
The city has always been very beautiful. Sadly, too many new residents don't know the history of the city mostly because nothing is permanent. The old buildings are not preserved just torn down. I grew up here in the 70's so I miss the old Sears Tower, the park in downtown (can't remember the name) where the pigeons flocked in great numbers. The shopping places like JByrons and the old Walgreens all gone. Goodbye Orange Bowl there is almost nothing left in downtown Miami that is truly the city's history.