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1912 Florida State Archives

1912 - Henry Flagler's Royal Palm Hotel in Miami

Miami, Florida view map

Millionaire oil baron Henry Flagler extended his railroad down the east coast of Florida to Miami from West Palm Beach around 1900 and built the Royal Palm Hotel so visitors would have a place to stay. The hotel was located about where the former Dupont Plaza Hotel used to be on the north side of the river.

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Guest 07-Nov-2009 21:57
My parents talked many times about the awesome events held here. My father and sister happily talked about the time he bought my sister a formal gown and my dad took her dancing there. She was about five or six.I was always upset because I had not had the chance to visit or enjoy this grand hotel. There are many colorful stories that were told by "the old Miamians". I loved hearing them talk about times and places that were vibrant during that early and exciting time in Miami. My father was an architect and added so many beautiful places to our already beautiful home town. Thanks for sharing this. I so enjoyed it!
Frank Schulwolf 24-Oct-2009 16:27
My parents moved to Miami in 1925. My dad, an architect, was then in the wrecking business. I think it was around 1929 that my father wrecked the Royal Palm.

The building was demolished because it was rife with termites. There was considerable structural damage and I believe it was beyond redemption.
Ray08-Apr-2009 02:25
If I remember local reports correctly... This building was painted yellow. I think that was a Flagler trademark.

The foundation of this building was re-discovered recently. Most of it had been under a surface parking lot for years. When they cleared that for a new building they found the foundation and some plumbing of this building. I think the Herald had some photos of what was found.

Jill Atwater 15-Feb-2008 16:37
I wonder if the "old Indian burial grounds" have any connection with the current Miami Circle now being preserved?
Juan R. Pollo 19-Oct-2007 05:14
The Royal Palm stood closer to where the Dupont Plaza was eventually built, on the north side of the Miami river. The aerial pictures on the '20s page show it perfectly. And the problem was that it was entirely made out of wood and was destroyed by a fire. The area was an old indian burial mound and during construction numerous bones and artifacts were unceremoniously dug up and discarded.
Guest 29-Aug-2007 03:42
I've been to the Inter-Continental many times.... sure wish THIS was standing there instead. It's a shame what this beautiful city has become. Why must all signs and history from our past be torn down, concreted and flattened? It's such a shame....