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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Non-public backup directories and photos - don't DELETE - you will lose the good photos and directories too! >> TEMP - DELETE when you figure it out right >> Memories of MUSIC, Radio Stations, Musical Groups and Links to Oldies Videos Photo Gallery - click on image to view > WQAM top songs for 1969
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WQAM top songs for 1969

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Guest 27-Apr-2017 17:35
Joe Gonzalez from the Bluetones;

What ever happened to the Canadian Legends band in Miami.? I know they played at many of the same venues we did in the 60's. Any copies of their records left anywhere?
Joe Gonzalez 01-Jan-2013 18:55
Joe Gonzalez
I was part of a rock band in Miami from 1962-1966 called the Bluetones. We played at Hialeah Municipal, North Miami Armory, and many other venues sponsored by the radio stations at that time... Born in 1948, went to Archbishop Curley HS and now live in Surfside Miami Beach.. By the way, we also played at Surfside Cummunity Center in the 60's.. I am now 65 years old..What great times..
Sue Wallace 22-Feb-2007 16:33
Born in Hialeah in 1942, I remember all the good things about Hialeah,, We were a sleepy little town that was so safe... My favorite hamburger place was Kelly's, past the airport on Lejune. Second was Frank n buns on 27th ave... thats where I met my future husband,, been married now for 46 years and 4 kids and 4 grandkids later,, we moved to Broward County 21 years ago to get out of the "rat race" Hialeah had become. Husband graduated from Hialeah High in 57, as all 4 of my kids graduated from,, I went to Notre Dame Academy for Girls..Hialeah was a great place to grow up in.. Royal castle on the corner of 4th ave and hialeah drive and the Essex Theater were some other good "hang out places.