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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami and Florida AVIATION Historical Photos Gallery - Airports, Airlines, Aircraft - All Years - click on image to view >> All-American Airport / Miami International Master Field / NAS Miami South Field #1 / MCAS Miami / MASTERS FIELD Gallery > 1950 - Florida Air National Guard Lockheed F-80C Shooting Star mishap at the 1950 All-American Air Maneuvers held in Miami
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13-15-JAN-1950 State archives

1950 - Florida Air National Guard Lockheed F-80C Shooting Star mishap at the 1950 All-American Air Maneuvers held in Miami

Master's Field, Miami, Florida

Thank you to my good buddy Eric D. Olson Esq. for identifying the aircraft type for me. Eric also says:

"I think they flew them from 1949 through 1950. They transitioned to the F-84 Thunderjet during the Korean War. During the period before the Korean War, the FANG formed a four ship aerobatic team using the F-80C's called the "Florida Rockets." The plane in the photo is NOT one of the Florida Rocket planes. Those planes had the title "Florida" written above the elongated badge on the nose with the word "Rockets" written underneath the badge. I think the nose flash on all of the FANG F-80C's was painted dark blue."

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