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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Non-public backup directories and photos - don't DELETE - you will lose the good photos and directories too! >> TEMP - DELETE when you figure it out right >> Memories of MUSIC, Radio Stations, Musical Groups and Links to Oldies Videos Photo Gallery - click on image to view > 1970's and 80's - the interior of the Hollywood Sportatorium during a concert
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1970's Sun-Sentinel

1970's and 80's - the interior of the Hollywood Sportatorium during a concert

Hollywood Boulevard, Broward County, Florida

Thanks to Mark Trembicki I now have a gallery of his Sportatorium ticket stubs displayed at for my site's viewers to enjoy. If other viewers still have old Sportatorium ticket stubs please send a cell phone or digital image of them to me at and I will add them to the gallery.

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John 04-Feb-2017 14:21
Hey Mark, I was at that Boston show in 1977. My first concert. I was 15. Would love to find a copy of ticket stub. I lost that one over the years.
Don Boyd18-Jul-2016 20:32
Mark, the gallery of your old Sportatorium ticket stubs is now up at the preceding image or go to to see the images. Thank you very much for submitting them to me via e-mail and for your patience with me in getting them up. Three cheers to Mark for contributing his images! : )

Don Boyd30-Jun-2016 07:02
Mark, thank you for commenting and describing all the concerts you went to and the year. When you find all your ticket stubs can you lay them out in groups of 4 or 6 and take digital photos of them? If you send me the photos I would like to add them to this site, with links to the photos from this page, so that viewers can see how many concerts were held at the Sporto. A lot of memories from the place are fading away and I would like to preserve more history of the place before it all disappears in the trash and in many minds. Thanks!

Mark 30-Jun-2016 05:44
Saw Boston there in 1977, opening bands John Miles and Starbuck (Moonlight Feels Right song)-price ($6.50!!), Alice Cooper 1978, Lynyrd Skynyrd 1977 just before the plane crash, Black Sabbath 1978 opening band Van Halen! Springsteen in about '81-The River tour, Police in '82 Ghost in the Machine-Joan Jett was opening band, The Firm w/ Paul Rogers & Jimmy Page around '85, Robin Trower around '78 or '79. Bunch of others... Gonna pull out ticket stubs, saved them all.