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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area CARS, Car Clubs, Car Rental Agencies, Car Dealers, Drag Racing, Auto Shows, Speedways - click on image to view > 1955 - Otis Bodiford in his "Old 92" at Hialeah Speedway
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1955 Courtesy of Otis Bodiford

1955 - Otis Bodiford in his "Old 92" at Hialeah Speedway

Hialeah Speedway, Hialeah, Florida

Thank you to Otis Bodiford for contributing this great old image of him and his car at Hialeah Speedway.

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Mary 16-May-2020 02:58
I grew up at Hialeah Speedway! My dad and I went every Friday or Saturday night for years. I was about 7 years old when the Speedway opened up. Later on, my dad's Disabled American Veterans chapter built their home out in front of the Speedway on Okeechobee Road.

Good times.