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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area CARS, Car Clubs, Car Rental Agencies, Car Dealers, Drag Racing, Auto Shows, Speedways - click on image to view > 1974 or 1975 - flyer advertising 4 car drag racing at Miami-Hollywood Dragway way out west on Hollywood Boulevard
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22-MAR-1974 or 1975 Courtesy of Ellie Medina

1974 or 1975 - flyer advertising 4 car drag racing at Miami-Hollywood Dragway way out west on Hollywood Boulevard

Hollywood Boulevard, 9 miles west of the Turnpike

Thank you to Ellie Medina for sending this old image that was sent around in e-mails.

Does anyone know the year that this could be from?

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Eldon Raison 22-May-2016 11:43
I remember going there via my big brother during the 67' thru 70' period. I remember also when the second strip was built. Later became the staging lanes. Later, the oval track was built then the Sportatorium. I remember great class racing before the bracket days. Car like The Colonial Banshee, Hemi Inc., etc... It was the best times of my young life. Thanks for the chance to share.
A.D. Lasseter 29-May-2012 17:10
I be leave this was 1974 or 75 I was the starter on the east drag strip. It didn't last long because the west drag strip was short and people were not making the turn and crashing through the guard rail. I be leave the first car to not make the turn was a 1969 road runner and ended up flipping side to side at over 100 mph. I left there in 1975 and don't remember how long they ran that west track.