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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area GROCERY STORES and Food Markets Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1971-1972 - Lorri Levenson's Food Fair employee name badge
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1971-1972 Courtesy of Lorri Levenson

1971-1972 - Lorri Levenson's Food Fair employee name badge

Miami Beach, Florida

Thank you to Lorri Levenson for contributing this image of her employee name badge from when she worked at Food Fair in the 1971-72 time frame at their store on Collins Avenue and 74th Street on Miami Beach.

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Dave Schultz 26-Mar-2020 07:30
I also worked at Food Fair, In the early sixty's SW 87th ave & coral Way,
Suzy 05-Feb-2014 05:26
I remember working at the store in Skylake. The cash registers must have had a gazillion button for tax, non-tax, produce, meat, grocery, maybe even to the point of poultry having it's own button. I swear you had to press 6 buttons for 1 item. I hope they didn't use my tapes as a means of inventory ;). What a procedure it was. Especially if you weren't sure if something was taxed or not. Not the quickest, that's for sure.
larry 15-Jan-2014 01:19
i was a bag boy at the Treasure Island store.