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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area INDIVIDUALS and GROUPS Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1982 - Michael Kandrashoff with a large snook at Watson Island when there were fishing boats (comments below)
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1982 Courtesy of Michael Kandrashoff

1982 - Michael Kandrashoff with a large snook at Watson Island when there were fishing boats (comments below)

Watson Island, Miami, Florida

Thank you to Michael Kandrashoff for contributing this old image. Michael says: "I mention the "Reward" boat a lot because today that boat sits in back of a private home not far from me. I discovered it by accident. Mom also has a 32 pound kingfish hanging on the wall that was caught on it. See the large white box on the left, those were trash cans. The nights I stayed at the marina all night, the rats would come out and run back and forth between the fish boxes and those garbage cans. I made a sport out of using them for target practice using iceballs and I got real good at it. On occasion I would even get them walking the ropes tied from the dock to the boats. By the way, you can see the "Reward" here again, in the back of the other blue boat."

"At this time I had my own 12 foot boat, and I kept it tied between the Reward and the dock. I got tired of having it get dirty from fish guts and bait from the Reward, so I moved it over to the other side of the pier where the Island Queen sightseeing boat was. Once day the captain of the Island Queen came in a little too hard and crushed the side of my boat, but I fixed it."

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