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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami and Florida AVIATION Historical Photos Gallery - Airports, Airlines, Aircraft - All Years - click on image to view > Early 1950's - the Goodyear Blimp L-Ship Enterprise N3A on the northeast side of Watson Island
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1950's Courtesy of Stan Meade

Early 1950's - the Goodyear Blimp L-Ship Enterprise N3A on the northeast side of Watson Island

Northeast side of Watson Island, Miami, Florida

Thank you to Stan Meade for contributing this great old image of the Enterprise.

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Dave 29-Mar-2023 17:36
I was lucky enough to get a ride on the blimp, when I was 10yo. The thing I remember most about that ride was, you could actually stick your head out of the window. While it was on the ground, and you looked up at the balloon itself you could see it undulate in the breeze. Scared the hell out of me, I sat in the middle of the bench seat in the rear. Other than the pilot and copilot, I was the only other person, in the gondola.
Jose 14-Sep-2021 00:03
The rides were 30 minutes long and they charged $7.50 for adults and $5.00 for children. I was lucky to take a ride on that blimp in 1973. I found out that part of the agreement with the city for the blimp to land there was to offer rides to the public.
Don Boyd02-Sep-2014 03:32
Those of us in South Florida were uniquely lucky in being able to go up in the Goodyear Blimps when they were based in the winter on Watson Island. Goodyear never offered blimp rides to the public in other cities hosting a blimp and it was because their lease on Watson Island with the City of Miami required it.

Guest 01-Sep-2014 20:49
David Bulgarelli
I can remember my brother and I going up in the mid 50's. My parents were in Miami for a meeting and gave us the opportunity to go. I have always remembered what a great unusual occasion
Tom Wnuck 21-Jul-2012 00:02
I remember my Mother taking me down to Watson Island & forking over the 5 bucks..what a thrill..I got an extra long ride because there was a WTVJ cameraman aboard filming the construction progress of the Julia Tuttle Causeway..cannot remeber the exact date but it is an unforgettable childhood memory for me
Jeffrey Alman03-Mar-2010 02:36
remember how awesome it was to see it fly over you at dusk in the summer with the fantastic multi-colored lights flashing a fantastic (pre-computerized world) design and the rumble? roar? buzz? VIBRATION of it's engine(s)
Don Boyd27-Nov-2009 00:54
Goodyear used to sell Christmas gift certificates good for a ride and I think they were about that price in the late 50's. I got a certificate every Christmas and went up every year a month or so later and I loved it. The tickets were $10 in the mid 1970's and the last time I went up we had a party of 6 and we filled the gondola's six seats. It truly was awesome and it's a real shame that Miami lost the blimp to Pompano Beach.

Lee Martines26-Nov-2009 20:46
I remember when you could take a ride on the Goodyear blimps over Miami for $5. That was several hours salary at that time, so I never did get to go, and have regretted it ever since.
Jeff 20-Oct-2009 13:32
Photo from the Seth and Myrna Bramson Collection... originally owned by me.

Photographer either the late Ernie W. Skog of Ernie's Studio & Camera Center or Bob DeGise of Florida Photo.