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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> 1950 to 1959 Miami Area Historical Photos Gallery - click on image to view > 1950's - Matheson Hammock, Coconut Grove
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1950's From a postcard

1950's - Matheson Hammock, Coconut Grove

Matheson Hammock, Coconut Grove, Florida

The photographer was Verne O. Williams, who I believe was a photographer for the Miami Daily News for years.

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Don Boyd30-Apr-2016 22:25
THE famous Ron Urban married to Pat Urban and owner of that speedy yacht we cruised on a few years ago?

Ron Urban 30-Apr-2016 19:59
Wow, this brings back so many memories when I worked for law firm on Miami Beach 1978 to 1985
Lynne Dietert 15-Jun-2011 19:40
Really enjoyed looking at these wonderful old photos!
Elyne Chaftez 01-May-2011 03:56
In the 50's we drove, but in the 40's my parents would ride their bikes every Sunday with my brother on the back of my father's bike and me in the basket on my mother's bike. We would go behind the concession stand and wade through the mucky sand to the sandbar where there were sea urchins, horseshoe crabs, star fish, etc.

There was a floating platform (on the same side as the concession stand) with a diving board that we loved to jump off and we would run (just an expression...hobble is more like it) all around the rocky path circling the water, stopping only to pick the bleeding heart snail out of the rocks.

Does anyone remember the migration of the crabs? You had to leave by 5 o'clock our you couldn't drive on the main road. You would have to wait out the migration... the crabs covered the road so you could no longer see it. I left Miami in '69 and I have always missed the white silky sand and the coconuts of Matheson Hammoch.
Guest 04-Apr-2010 21:59
SO much fun at Matheson Hammock in the 1940s and 1950s. Met up with an "old" school friend (we graduated from South Miami Jr. High in 1958), and we remembered the day we swam across Matheson Hammock, stepped on a dead fish, and tore back to shore. What adventurers we were! Carol Jo (Robinson) Pettit,
Lowell Conlan 09-Dec-2008 22:54
I wonder if there are any photos of TiHitian Beach that was on the way to Matheson Hammoch