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1939 Courtesy of Linda High Thompson

1939 - a Miami Daily News story and photo of the graduating class from Miami High

Miami, Florida

Thank you to Linda High Thompson for contributing this great old image. Her dad Jack High was in the graduating class. Please click on "original" below to view this image at the largest size.

Listed left to right:
First Row: Beth Mitchell, Isabel Kent, Bebe Fineman, Jean Twyman, Lillian Burden, Eddie Northern Hodges, Anne Fryer, Sarah August, Naomi Grossman, Ruth Windham, Marion Frederick, Jane Esaring, Louise Lancaster, Faye Williamson, Mary Turner, Eloise Nelson, Rose Mae Tucker, Louise Waller, Betty Bruce, Elaine Inscho and Joy Willis

Second Row: Bettye Kirtland, Clementine Smith, Margaret Weaver, Virginia Veach, Patty Orteil, Roberta Van Brunt, Mildred Whitman, Shirley Kagey, Edith Coates, Marjory Hudson, Elizabeth Cone, Lillian Willis, Elizabeth Bata, Barbara Coblenz, Lucille Jones, Betty Kellerman, Rose Ware, Roseanne Washington, Tillie Zacke, Joy Wideman and Marjory Versch

Third Row: Merton Simon, Harold Wright, Howard Schwartz, Bill McKenzie, Carlyse Hisey, James Matthews, Warren Sawyer, Eugene Wood, Bill Slater, John Reid, Henry Pohl, Marvin Walls, Fred Tittie, Jack McLinden, Richard Shanen, Talmadge Williams, Herman Glimpse, Lester Vohs, Jack High, Charlie Sehrt and Robert Rosenthal

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 24-Jun-2015 19:55
Everybody was Anglo back then how times have changed over the last 75 years
Guest 24-Sep-2010 03:07
My mother is in the class of MHS 1939, She is in the front row with a white blouse and dark skirt. Name was Faye Williamson. thank you for photo. I have her yearbook.



My mother looked like one of the prettiest and best dressed. Maybe I am prejudiced. I remember her being very pretty when I was little and even later on in life.

Also, Just behind Mother was a girl named Roseann Washington and she is definetly black. Guess no one talked of that back then.
