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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> Beatles' Song Titles > "Lady Madonna"
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"Lady Madonna"

"This Coptic fresco from Karganis in Egypt dates from the 3rd century AD.
It shows Iris suckling her son Harpocrates; considered a parallel
with the Madonna and Child of Christian iconography."
(The Crucible of Christianity, edited by Arnold Toynobee)

"Lady Madonna" (1968):
The on-line encyclopedia says that "the piano playing on this song was inspired by
1950s rock/blues pianist, Fats Domino. McCartney recalled in 1994,
'Lady Madonna' was me sitting down at the piano trying to write a bluesy boogie-woogie thing ...
It reminded me of Fats Domino for some reason, so I started singing a Fats Domino impression. It took
my voice to a very odd place.' Domino himself covered the song later in 1968, and
it became his most recent U.S. Hot 100 hit (peaking at exactly #100)."

Kodak Z650
1/8s f/2.8 at 6.3mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Cindi Smith31-Jul-2010 03:15
ery, very nice. I've loved your work all month. This is a nice piece for the song. Well done!
Guest 31-Jul-2010 00:43
Another wonderful image for this challenge Carol!! Well done!!
Jola Dziubinska31-Jul-2010 00:09
Superb fresco example, nice find for the song.
Laryl30-Jul-2010 20:17
very different art there.. good find and presentation
LynnH30-Jul-2010 15:30
Very nice pick. I like it with the framing you've made. V
Rosemarie Kusserow30-Jul-2010 09:36
Great addition to your outstanding and wonderful gallery, I really enjoyed your works as well, this is a great find for the song Carol, V
Rosemarie :o)
Have a nice day!!!
Stephanie30-Jul-2010 09:30
Cool image for the song Carol!
Mieke WA Minkjan30-Jul-2010 08:01
beautiful processing Carol V
Knox O30-Jul-2010 03:59
very nice for this song and thanks for the interesting background info
Coleen Perilloux Landry30-Jul-2010 02:04
I have really enjoy your challenge photos.
Guest 30-Jul-2010 01:55
Well documented imagery. V.
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