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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> Beatles' Song Titles > "BECAUSE"
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(Best viewed in original to see the cricket)

According to Lennon, "Because" was inspired by Ludwig van Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata".
"Yoko was playing Beethoven's 'Moonlight Sonata' on the piano ...
I said, 'Can you play those chords backwards?', and wrote 'Because' around them.
The lyrics speak for themselves ... No imagery, no obscure references."

"Because" is a ballad written by John, (credited to Lennon/McCartney) and
performed by The Beatles. It features a 3-part harmony vocal performance between
Lennon, McCartney and George Harrison, overdubbed three times to make nine voices in all.
The results of this have been compared in sound to the Beach Boys.

Because the world is round it turns me on
Because the world is round...aaaaaahhhhhh

Because the wind is high it blows my mind
Because the wind is high......aaaaaaaahhhh

Love is all, love is new
Love is all, love is you

Because the sky is blue, it makes me cry
Because the sky is blue.......aaaaaaaahhhh


other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 30-Jul-2010 22:45
Another nice close up Carol!
LynnH29-Jul-2010 17:08
Wow, so green and colorful! Nice catch of the cricket too.
Maaike Huizer29-Jul-2010 13:14
This a beautiful macro. Nice catch. Nice light.
Mieke WA Minkjan29-Jul-2010 08:01
I nearly missed the grasshopper...but then I noticed it. Great catch
norbi29-Jul-2010 07:46
A great macro. v. norbi
Rosemarie Kusserow29-Jul-2010 07:15
I love this little grasshopper, fine colors and details, V
Rosemarie :o)
Thanks for the fine comments for the songs, it is very interesting and let me understand the Beatles more and more, thanks for that Carol!
Laryl29-Jul-2010 06:49
cute little green guy.. he's saying bet ya can't see me!
borisalex29-Jul-2010 05:57
Hard to see, good find and colors!
larose forest photos29-Jul-2010 03:13
What a terrific shot of that beauty! Nice choice for the song!
Knox O29-Jul-2010 02:53
what a cool creature, like this entry
Guest 29-Jul-2010 02:38
I would have missed seeing this guy in the wild. Nice find and catch.
Cindi Smith29-Jul-2010 02:29
Wow, he really blends in! Well seen and shot. Love the saturated colors!
Sandra Cooper29-Jul-2010 01:53
Well spotted, Carol; once again it shows how amazing nature is in disguising some creatures.
Stephanie29-Jul-2010 00:45
Pretty and hungry grasshopper!
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