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Barbara Heide | all galleries >> MAIN GALLERY >> Archives 2006-2009 >> Abstractions and textures >> My rusty favourites >  
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02-JAN-2005 Barbara Heide


part of: rust


FujiFilm FinePix S9000 Zoom
1/45s f/2.8 at 6.2mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Martha Albuquerque20-Apr-2007 11:15
well seen! voted.
Guest 14-Apr-2007 12:39
Just an amazing shot. The symbolism is terrific. zM
Craig Sadler08-Mar-2007 19:43
This Photo really caught my eye. Wonderful abstract with eye grabbing color. V!
Luca Zanoni08-Mar-2007 14:17
ooh my... this is absolutely fantastic!
flowsnow08-Mar-2007 06:49
nice shape. Looks like horns. V
Paco López08-Mar-2007 06:25
Very good shape!! ¡V!
12308-Mar-2007 04:47
Awesome Barbara and replete of synbolism this one.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 04:36
wow... wonderful shot- great composition and color... :O
Jola Dziubinska07-Mar-2007 23:52
Excellent form and color.
Guest 07-Mar-2007 22:42
Looks like the devil!Wonderful colours and texture!
Barbara Corvino07-Mar-2007 22:18
Funny this double hook!
Ciao Barbara
Silvia Roitman07-Mar-2007 22:14
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