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Konica-Minolta DiMAGE Z10 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 07-Jul-2004
Megapixels: 3.2
Random Konica-Minolta DiMAGE Z10 Samples from 5949 available Photos more
g3/85/517185/3/58861109.PICT1044.jpg g3/38/616438/3/56516685.FWJPG.jpg g1/69/649869/3/94092682.yaIDoGIw.jpg g3/85/517185/3/111153637.jfH4bZVg.jpg
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Barbara Heide28-Aug-2006 08:44
I love my Z10...since I have joined pbase I have explored the technics mor and my pictures do improve...
This camera is easy handling light weight perfecxt camera to be taken out every day to do some shots...and the zoom is fantastic...even hand held: great results
Coach Rob - ( Rob Wille ) - Foto`s by Coach Rob28-Apr-2006 07:03
I got this as my first digital camera..It is great for the money..I have now moved up to the Nikon D50..but I still use this for quick shots or if the weather is not the greatest..Keep in mind this is not a weather proof camera..but a good back up to my Nikon system.
Hernan E. Enriquez31-Dec-2005 21:38
Fantastic value!Excellent outdoors, aircraft, boats, nature. I'new but I love it! Look at
Guest 29-Aug-2005 07:54
Nice camera with great value for money. It'll do for most of the jobs, for my concert photography it lacks a bit of light-sensitivity. For samples see

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