1 10th, This was tough, it just barely beat out number 2. I like that dark, grainy, B&W feel. I really like you got it without the Sun making a huge flare on the building. This is a very well done shot simple but great DP
2 15th, I also like the B&W in this one. Ive ridden that a few times in my life and always reminds me of a younger time. Like the angle here also.
3 16th, I think this is a well exposed shot. You used what you had the best you could and came away with a good shot. I dont think the flash is noticeable could just as well be a street lamp. I say that because sometimes with flash it can make the photo a tad harsh not the case here. Nicely done.
4 12th, This was quick thinking on your part. Really like how you caught it looking over its shoulder You did an awesome job not being able to open the door. You get the Quick Finger award for this one but you already won that title long ago.
5 21st, I like night shots and long exposures, but when you can pull something like this off hand held without the entire image blurry Id say you did a great job. Really like the car in the front, it makes the shot and it even looks kinda futuristic with its wheels like that. Well done now here is the Steady Hand award. Two awards in one month thats a feat!!