Distance 6500 +/- 1600 ly. North is up, east to the left.
Telescope configuration: Celestron EdgeHD 1100 with the Celestron 0.7x focal reducer (fl=1960mm, f/7.0).
Camera: Canon EOS 7D MkII un-binned, non-IR modified. 4 - 8 minute exposures at ISO 800 using TheSkyX Pro Camera Add On on 1/29/2016, Ambient temp +26C. And 5 - 10 minute exposures at ISO800 using ImagesPlus 6.0 Camera Control on 2/2/2016, CCD temp +1C (34F).
In camera High-ISO Noise Reduction set to high. Long Exposure NR Off.
Image capture scale: 0.43 arc-sec/pixel. Image capture using Software Bisque TSX Pro Camera Add On and ImagesPlus 6.0 Camera Control.
Mount: Orion HDX110 German equatorial mount. Autoguided with an SBIG Sti autoguider, a Celestron OAG (off-axis guider) and a Starlight Xpress SXV-AOLF (Adaptive Optics Large Format) device using PHD2 autoguiding software, not dithered.
Post processing: ImagesPlus 6.5: Calibration, alignment, stacking using 0 dark frames, 0 bias frames and 0 flat frames, Min/Max Excluded Average combined, Histogram Contrast Stretch, DDP, Noise suppression, Adaptive Richardson-Lucy deconvolution, Microcurves and levels all in ImagesPlus. Cropped to final dimensions (2000x2000), Saturation, Lightening and Contrast adjustments, in ThumbsPlus.