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William Shaheen | all galleries >> Astronomy - Astronomical objects, images and astronomy related projects >> Astro Images by Subject > Saturn 11-Jun-2015 (2x Barlow)
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Saturn 11-Jun-2015 (2x Barlow)

To see how Saturn's ring system has changed since 2004, see

Telescope configuration: Celestron EdgeHD 1400 with no focal reducer and 2x Barlow (fl=7820, f/22).
Mount: Software Bisque Paramount MX with PEC enabled and ProTrack on. (North is up and east is to the left.)
Camera: Canon EOS 6D unbinned, yielding an image scale of 0.17 arc-seconds/pixel.
Image capture: 60 sec video captured with EOS Movie Record at ISO400, 1/8th sec, 30 frames per second using the 5x center crop.

Image processing: Video processing (grading, alignment, combining) in ImagesPlus 6.5 beta. Multiresolution sharpening, Adaptive Richardson-Lucy deconvolution, color channels split, aligned and recombined and final color adjustments in ImagesPlus 6.5 beta. Not resized, original capture size of 1104x736. Slight gamma boost, contrast enhancement and saturation increase in ThumbsPlus.

(Revised 06/14/2017)

other sizes: small medium large original auto