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William Shaheen | all galleries >> Astronomy - Astronomical objects, images and astronomy related projects >> Astro Images by Subject > Jupiter, Io and the Great Red Spot 04-Jan-2013
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Jupiter, Io and the Great Red Spot 04-Jan-2013

Captured as the GRS was transiting on the evening of 04-Jan-2013 (MST). Io can be seen to the far left. (North is up.)

Telescope configuration: EdgeHD 1400 with the Celestron 0.7x focal reducer (fl=2737, f/7.7); no barlow; Celestron NexImage 5 planetary imaging camera, unbinned, yielding an image scale of 0.17 arc-seconds/pixel; captured with Celestron's iCap version 2.2. Mount: Software Bisque Paramount MX with PEC enabled and ProTrack on. Focused using an AstroZap Bahtinov focus mask.

For the corresponding video, see here:

video0018 13-01-04 20-41-35-2.jpg

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