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William Shaheen | all galleries >> Astronomy - Astronomical objects, images and astronomy related projects >> Comet Collection > Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) 12-Dec-2012
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Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) 12-Dec-2012

Images taken between 4:04am and 5:04am MST 12-Dec-2012. The comet is about to cross from Cancer into Gemini.

Click on "original" size to display movement.

Original FITS images were 5 minute exposures unbinned captured with the SBIG STF-8300M using TheSkyXPro's Camera Add-On. DDP and alignment in ImagesPlus 5.0. The resulting tifs were then reduced to 25% then ran through Ulead GIF Animator 2.0.


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