First LRGB image taken with the new QSI 583wsg. 3 - 10 minute frames on each LRGB filter. Needs more data, of course.
3 - 600 second exposures per channel with the QSI 583wsg (monochrome) CCD camera at -10C. Astrodon Tru-Balance Generation 2 E-Series - LRGB 1.25" filter set. Telescope configuration: EdgeHD 1100 (2800mm, f/10) and no focal reducer, binned 2x2. Image scale of 0.79 arc-seconds/pixel. Field of view: 16.6 x 22 arc-minutes. Mount: Losmandy G11 w/Gemini. Focused using a Bahtinov focus mask. Post processing: dark frame subtraction (12 darks), aligned and average combined in ImagesPlus 4.25; no bias frames and 3 flat frames per channel; DDP and curves in Nebulosity2. Multiresolution sharpening, color adustments and smoothing in ImagesPlus 4.25. Autoguided with a Starlight Xpress Lodestar connected to the internal guideport of the QSI 583wsg and controlled by PHD autoguiding software.