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26-JUN-2010 Matylda Lempel-Chareza

"How Do You Do It?"

KLADNO,Czech Republic

Nikon D700 ,Nikkor 135mm f/2.8 Ai-S
1/15s f/4.0 at 135.0mm iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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SHAUKHEEN04-May-2011 18:01
M.Reyes02-May-2011 01:45
Timing is everything,,,,, exelente..
Fred Gary25-Jul-2010 12:22
Great candid, the caption really goes with the action. Good eye for the less obvious shot.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography08-Jul-2010 19:33
Good shot, Vote.
Lee Rudd05-Jul-2010 20:49
definitely with style!
Silvia Roitman05-Jul-2010 15:59
LynnH04-Jul-2010 19:03
:) How does she do that? My feet hurt, my knees hurt... but I look good. V
Brenda04-Jul-2010 16:29
I'm with Cindy. I'd prefer the other shoes. Great idea for this song!
Cindi Smith04-Jul-2010 15:47
I'm asking the same thing. The other shoes look far more comfortable.
Mieke WA Minkjan04-Jul-2010 07:34
great image Matylda, perfect for the title V
borisalex04-Jul-2010 05:37
Good exercise and LOL@ Franz!
Jeff Lobaugh04-Jul-2010 02:54
Great image for the song title!
Guest 04-Jul-2010 02:37
Well seen and captured Matylda! V
larose forest photos04-Jul-2010 01:29
Good humorous take on the song! V
laine04-Jul-2010 00:34
Well I could once..but now I'll take those comfy ones :)) Excellent shot, Maty!!
Laryl04-Jul-2010 00:16
nice catch
Bill Ewart Jr03-Jul-2010 23:48
Great shot! Should be used even if not a Beatles song!!!!!!!!!!
PauloCGama03-Jul-2010 22:25
Great timing, Just great!! Big V
franz03-Jul-2010 22:14
Schichtwechsel. BV Matylda!