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Halong Bay, Vietnam
Halong Bay, Vietnam
Halong Bay, Vietnam
Halong Bay, Vietnam
Halong Bay, Vietnam
Halong Bay, Vietnam
Halong Bay, Vietnam
Halong Bay, Vietnam
Halong Bay, Vietnam
Halong Bay, Vietnam
Halong Bay
Halong Bay
Halong Bay Square Head fishing boat
Halong Bay Square Head fishing boat
Water Buffalo
Water Buffalo
Chickens from Hanoi
Chickens from Hanoi
Chu Dong Xuan Market, Hanoi
Chu Dong Xuan Market, Hanoi
Chu Dong Xuan Market, Hanoi
Chu Dong Xuan Market, Hanoi
Văn Miếu 文廟 Temple of Literature, Hanoi
Văn Miếu 文廟 Temple of Literature, Hanoi
Chu Dong Xuan Market, Hanoi
Chu Dong Xuan Market, Hanoi
The Third courtyard. 82 Stone Stelae, mounted on tortoises, are inscribed with the names of 1,307 laureates
The Third courtyard. 82 Stone "Stelae", mounted on tortoises, are inscribed with the names of 1,307 laureates
Halong Bay, Vietnam
Halong Bay, Vietnam
Halong Bay, Vietnam
Halong Bay, Vietnam
Văn Miếu 文廟 Temple of Literature, Hanoi
Văn Miếu 文廟 Temple of Literature, Hanoi