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Terry Bowker | all galleries >> Nearly B&W >> P E O P L E > Gujjar
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Gujjars are hypothesized to be descended from the nomadic Khazar one of the Scythian-Aryan tribes that invaded the subcontinent in the 4th century. Their conquests largely amounted to the Gujarat, Punjab and Kashmir regions, where they settled and merged with the local Indo-Aryan population. Much of the population of present day Afghanistan, Pakistan and Northwestern India can claim its ancestry from these sun-worshipping tribes, which they share with the Rajputs and Jats among others.

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Didier Vanderperre06-Feb-2008 01:31
Gorgeous portrait !
Ken Zaret07-Dec-2007 23:23
great shot. Wonderful light and DOF
Julie Aucoin24-Jul-2007 06:14
Fantastic! Big vote.
Latifa Messaoudi15-May-2007 18:05
wonderful portrait!
Guest 18-Jan-2007 20:39
Great portrait, Terry. A real straight-ahead, no pretense expression. V
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