04-Feb-2025 03:21
General Property Photos
28-Nov-2024 23:25
03-Nov-2024 13:14
NGC 1300 in Eridanus
21-Oct-2024 12:18
Excellent seeing conditions
20-Oct-2024 06:55
NGC 1365 in Fornax first light with SXTriusPro-814
08-Oct-2024 11:02
NGC 7424 in Grus
18-Sep-2024 05:52
Astrophotography Prize
10-Sep-2024 01:56
"Eagleview" - The Highest Observatory in Australia
09-Sep-2024 15:37
NGC 267 region in the Small Magellanic Cloud
02-Sep-2024 05:58
Building Eagleview Observatory (2022)
22-Aug-2024 05:12
NGC 6744 in Pavo
10-Aug-2024 16:13
The Devils Mask