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David Malin Awards 2009

On Saturday night, 18 July, during the CWAS AstroFest dinner, the winners of the 2009 "David Malin Awards" were announced and presented with their awards.

The Overall Winner this year was Gary Hill for his magnificent picture of the LMC (Wide-Field).

The other category winners were Phil Hart (Solar System), Terry Cuttle (Open Theme), Eddie Trimarchi (Semi-Pro) and Marcus Davies (Deep Sky).

Honorable Mentions were awarded to Michael Sidonio, Bill Christie, Paul Haese, Mike Salway, Russell Cockman, Fred Vanderhaven, Peter Ward, Doug Robertson, David Hough, Darrin Nitschke and Max Kilmister.

Congratulations to all the winners.

During the Parkes Observatory's Open Days weekend, nearly 7,000 people came through the Visitors Centre and viewed the exhibition.

Parkes is the home of "The Dish" the 64m Parkes Radio Telescope

For a full report and results of the 2009 David Malin Awards see:
David Malin Awards - Finalists images
David Malin Awards - Finalists images
Finalist images
Finalist images
Finalist images 2
Finalist images 2
Finalist images 3
Finalist images 3
2009 IYA David Malin Award Winners
2009 IYA David Malin Award Winners
David Malin presenting me with my award
David Malin presenting me with my award
Presented with a Canon camera
Presented with a Canon camera
Sarah's Nebula
Sarah's Nebula
My favourite heavenly body!
My favourite heavenly body!
Fred and Eddie
Fred and Eddie
Gary Hill,  Max Kilmister and Marcus Davies
Gary Hill, Max Kilmister and Marcus Davies
John Sarkissian
John Sarkissian
Our table - got on like a scope on fire!
Our table - got on like a scope on fire!
Phil, Eddie and Gary
Phil, Eddie and Gary
The Dish pointing up
The Dish pointing up
She's Big!
She's Big!
An electric Fan..?
An electric Fan..?
Three Italians
Three Italians