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© 2007 Tomasz Dziubinski

Tired game player :)

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Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography30-Mar-2008 21:56
very nice!
QUERIDO19-Nov-2007 06:51
Beautiful shot,vote
Paco López19-Nov-2007 06:46
Very good and colourful shot! V!
Gayle P. Clement19-Nov-2007 05:21
Beautiful clear bright color. I love that rug.
Guest 19-Nov-2007 04:43
Dog tired, cozy room great dolors. v
Guest 19-Nov-2007 03:55
A neat room for a youngster!
Guest 19-Nov-2007 03:48
Cindi Smith19-Nov-2007 00:30
Something seen around the world. Well caught. Naptime between games is a good thing!
Marcia Colelli19-Nov-2007 00:22
that is exactly what I feel like doing right now, cute capture V
Bryan Ramsay19-Nov-2007 00:03
Looks like it was a long day ;0) -BJ
Jonathan Popp18-Nov-2007 23:55
Totaly funny!
Josée V.18-Nov-2007 23:02
Really nice !! good idea for our teenagers... ;-)
an nguyen18-Nov-2007 22:59
Too tired, gotta take a nap before playing again. Great shot. V
CM Kwan18-Nov-2007 22:34
Interesting! Was he playing a very special and unique game? V
Guy Dube18-Nov-2007 22:21
Nice shot Tomasz!