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Spinach Omelet with Home Fries and Cheese

Since turning vegetarian, I am learning to cook for one as my husband has no interest in eating the foods I eat.
He is perfectly happy with a package of meat and seldom shares in my food... his choice!

I am finding it easy to prepare a few vegetables in advance and refrigerate them and then repurpose them as needed
by adding a sauce, or incorporating them in another quick dish such as a pizza, quesadilla, pannini, soup, salad or a pasta dish.

Years ago we would often eat eggs at a meal other than breakfast and
I recently prepared this spinach omelet filled with home fries and cheese.
I am always looking for ways to incorporate fruits and vegetables in my meals.

HOME FRIES: (red potatoes, onions, parsley, butter, salt/pepper)
For this recipe you will need cubed red potatoes and chopped onions.
Melt a bit of butter in your frying pan and toss the potatoes and onions with the butter and fry,
turning frequently until cooked through and browned on the edges.
Season with some salt and pepper and sprinkle with fresh chopped parsley or cilantro.
Make extra to use for another meal.

OMELET: (2 eggs, spinach, butter, home fries, cheese, salt/pepper)
Cook frozen spinach in the microwave and refrigerate what you are not going to use immediately.
Break up and scramble two eggs in a bowl using a fork.
Gradually add some of the well-drained spinach just until you have streaks of green throughout the eggs.
Melt some butter or your favorite oil in a pan and pour in the egg and spinach mixture.
Swirl it around in a non-stick pan with the fork
until it begins to cook and then lift the edges with the fork letting the raw egg run beneath.
Continue to cook until the eggs are cooked through.

Top with the previously made home fries (heat them in the microwave if not freshly made).
Top with the grated cheese of your choice and roll the omelet around the filling.

I had this with creamed peas (the cream sauce was made with almond milk which I really love),
toasted sourdough bread and a bunch of grapes which made for a satisfying meal.

Canon EOS 5D Mark II
1/50s f/8.0 at 105.0mm iso2000 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Chris30-Sep-2014 06:23
Pete, my husband, enjoys vegetarian food with a slice of lamb, pork or a steak on the side.
This looks yummy.
borisalex28-Sep-2014 11:51
I just changed not eating anymore red meat and any ham or sausages. I agree with you the ease in preparing great veggie dishes. This look great as always! v.
Martin Lamoon27-Sep-2014 18:01
I do love your food and would certainly eat it all! I still do like some meat also!!!!
larose forest photos27-Sep-2014 00:17
I LOVE your recipes and your presentations. I am keeping this one too, as it sounds and looks delicious. I am sorry to say, but I think your hubby is missing out on some fantastic meals! V
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