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Fay Stout | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Recipe Box > Cucumber Agua Fresca
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Cucumber Agua Fresca

I had copied this recipe from the Food Network to try prior to joining my daughters at one of the new restaurants in the area called Lyfe Kitchen.
And there on the menu was a cucumber water with cucumber juice, mint, lime and agave.
It was delicious and very green!

So... here is the one from the Food Network that I tried today.

2 unpeeled CUCUMBERS, cut in small pieces saving a few slices for garnish
Juice of 2 LIMES
3 Tbsp. SUGAR
1 cup WATER

Buzz all ingredients in a blender.
Strain and serve over ice.

-----------MY RENDITION-----------

I used the "burpless" English cucumber.
I didn't have a serrano and used a pickled jalapeno slice.
I added some cilantro as I REALLY like cilantro.
I added a sprinkling of salt.
I didn't strain it and just poured it over ice.

You may need to adjust the sugar depending on how sweet you would like it.

Canon EOS 5D Mark II
1/60s f/13.0 at 73.0mm iso3200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Terry Sprague22-Aug-2014 12:25
Fabulous composition. V
larose forest photos14-Aug-2014 00:37
You excel at food styling! This is such a fabulous composition, really exceptional. V
Martin Lamoon13-Aug-2014 21:03
Like the greens in the different pieces, a great image
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