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Risotto with Green Herbs and Lima Beans

I love risotto and love making risotto and have never minded the stirring while adding hot broth as I find it quite relaxing.
This recipe is from the cookbook Passionate Vegetarian by Crescent Dragonwagon (honestly... that's her name!)
and was actually written to be cooked in a pressure cooker but I cooked it like a regular risotto.

1 Tbsp. BUTTER
1 small ONION, finely diced
4-6 cloves GARLIC, chopped
1 pkg. (10 oz.) frozen LIMA BEANS, cooked
32oz. VEGETABLE BROTH, heated
1/2 c. ITALIAN PARSLEY, finely chopped
1/2 c. CILANTRO, finely chopped
1/2c. DILL, finely chopped
1/2 c. SCALLIONS, thinly sliced
SALT and freshly ground PEPPER
PARMESAN CHEESE, grated to serve on top

Melt butter and olive oil together in a saucepan. Add onion and cook until softened but not browned. Add garlic and cook until fragrant... about 30 seconds.

Add the rice and coat with the oil in the pan.
Add wine and stir until wine is nearly absorbed.
Add ladles of the heated vegetable broth, stirring constantly. When that liquid is absorbed add another ladle.
Continue until all broth is used and the rice is tender.

Add the fresh herbs, scallions, and lima beans and gently stir together.

Serve with Parmesan cheese to sprinkle on top, if desired.

Canon EOS 5D Mark II
1/20s f/7.1 at 65.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Isabel Cutler27-Aug-2013 14:21
Fascinating story about the name change. I did some research about her, but didn't find that one. I can only relate the young couple's decision to the current rage in tattooing. At least a name change can be fixed without too much cost, but a tattoo????
Fay Stout27-Aug-2013 13:24
Isabel... you have sent me scurrying off to find how Ellen Zolotow came to be known as Crescent Dragonwagon and now I have uncovered the rest of the story. What a good read!
Isabel Cutler27-Aug-2013 09:16
I have the Passionate Vegetarian, too, and besides having delicious recipes, it's a great read. Her original name was Ellen Zolotow.

I bought a pressure cooker a year or so ago when I decided to TRY to go vegetarian. (It worked for a while) and have read that it makes risotto so much less labor intensive, but try as I might I can't get enthusiastic about pressure cooking, because I can't forget how scared I was of my mother's Presto. She never had an accident, but I remember how frightened I was of the angry hissing and placing the heavy weight over the steam spout.
borisalex27-Aug-2013 07:51
The lima beans will make the risotto much lighter, love the dish and as always your food photography! V.
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