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Black Spanish Radish

Just another quirky vegetable from Crazy Rick at the Rockwall Farmers' Market!

So he shows me this thing and asks if I know what it is.
Well, at first I thought it looked similar to a beet but it was black and then I thought maybe it looked like the shape of a turnip. Wrong on both counts!
It's a Black Spanish Radish!

I had never heard of such a crazy thing and then... how do you eat it?
From what I have read, you can boil it or roast it. Evidently you can also cook the green leafy tops like spinach.

I simply cut the radish into wedges leaving a bit of the stems on and boiled it in water for about 15 minutes, until tender.

I added the radish to some red pepper strips that I had sauteed in some garlic butter (you know I like colorful food!) and served them over sauteed polenta rounds.
(The polenta is not shown in this photo)

I had never before cooked a radish and I must say, these have a kick.
They have a strong aroma as well as flavor and I would like to try them again but would put them in with an assortment of roasted vegetables.

Thank you Rick for growing this crazy "new" vegetable!

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Martin Lamoon25-Jun-2013 09:01
Great pictures, never seen one of these. V
Isabel Cutler24-Jun-2013 17:10
Always fun to try a new veggie. Until this year I had never tasted arugula...what I've been missing all these years! Hope you loved this.
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