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Fay Stout | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Recipe Box > Tomatoes
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I am in the midst of doing a food challenge for the month of April for the blog Food Photography and Styling in an effort to improve my food photography. Each day we have a new assignment to shoot and post and I have decided to include some of these food photos in My Recipe Box.

The challenge is great fun with people from all over the world participating. The actual number of people included was limited and I was fortunate to be included.

We had to choose two different foods to photograph for the month and I chose tomatoes and cheese, and thus far have been concentrating on tomatoes... and have eaten my fill as well!

Canon EOS 5D Mark II
1/25s f/7.1 at 92.0mm iso1000 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Isabel Cutler14-Apr-2013 11:30
Very beautiful composition. I can see it as the cover to a book.
Yvonne14-Apr-2013 11:05
Beautifully arranged and superbly captured! v
Martin Lamoon13-Apr-2013 18:49
Well laid out design, like the Tomatoes they look so fresh. v
larose forest photos13-Apr-2013 15:23
Exquisite image of this luscious cascade of tomatoes! V
Ann...13-Apr-2013 13:33
This is a very elegant photo of tomatoes. Well done! v.
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