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Jerk Pork Nachos

This recipe is from Food Network Magazine and I immediately wanted to try it as I love the flavor of jerk seasoning. No need to mix your spices, just buy a jerk seasoning blend at the store.

3 c. PEPPER JACK CHEESE, shredded
JALAPENOS (red, green, or both), sliced
CILANTRO, coarsely chopped
l LIME, cut into wedges to be served with the nachos
SOUR CREAM (optional) for serving

You may vary the amounts depending on how many you plan to serve.
You may want to prepare twice as much meat and save half for sandwiches later.

Thickly coat your pork with the jerk seasoning.
You may grill your pork if desired but I simply sauteed it in a pan coated with a small amount of oil over medium high heat to get a brown crust on the outside
and then put it in a 400 degree F. oven and roasted until cooked through.
Use a meat thermometer to check after about 20 minutes.
When done, allow to cool for a bit to make it easier to chop into small pieces.

Arrange your tortilla chips on a serving pan. Top with pork, pineapple, cheese and place in the 400 degree oven until the cheese has melted.

Top with jalapeno slices (or you may chop more finely), cilantro and a good squirt of lime juice.
I like these served with some sour cream on the side.

Pour a cold beer to enjoy with your nachos and dig in!

Canon EOS 5D Mark II
1/40s at 50.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
borisalex26-Jan-2013 16:56
Wow... this looks great! One of my favorites! The combination and presentation is fabulous, makes hungry! V.
Dick Stout 26-Jan-2013 01:58
They were can always pick off the jalapeno's.
Isabel Cutler26-Jan-2013 00:39
Gorgeous dish - for jalapeno lovers, I suspect!
Martin Lamoon25-Jan-2013 20:06
This looks like it might be HOT! v
Gary A. Rich (GRainelev)25-Jan-2013 18:13
Thanks for the beer offer, but I prefer a frozen magurita with sugar, please!!! You are making me hungry, Fay. This sounds like an interesting receipe. V.
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