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October 30.

They were just lying on the beach, no-one around. As I was taking the pic, a woman came running up and said, "They're mine!" then she smiled sheepishly as she realised I wasn't pinching them. "They do look rather photogenic", she said.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Photo Club Pavillonnais12-Sep-2007 18:08
... belle lumière, sujet drôle, ambiance vacances réussie !
René Gysi07-Nov-2006 08:59
Wow..great. Good lighting.
Greg Harp01-Nov-2006 04:47
Excellent shot.
shatterbug31-Oct-2006 18:51
:-) Lovely simplicity!
joanteno31-Oct-2006 10:00
Love the lighting - as we are heading into winter, I am definitely the days of summer by the beach!
Gayle P. Clement31-Oct-2006 03:38
This is a photo that makes me smile.
Char31-Oct-2006 02:32
Excellent lighting and shadows in this Shelia. A terrfic shot. V
Guest 31-Oct-2006 00:34
Which way to go?
Guest 31-Oct-2006 00:29
Not your colour ! ;-)
Guest 31-Oct-2006 00:05
Lovely shot.
Tom Munson30-Oct-2006 22:46
Cool shot. V
Chris30-Oct-2006 21:59
Sun, sand, sea and sandals then...! Chris
Neil Horner30-Oct-2006 21:26
alien abduction ???? anyone seen Sheila ????
Ralph and Kylie Whitten30-Oct-2006 20:00
Great image of contrasts, textures and mystery. Nice. Ralph
Guest 30-Oct-2006 19:42
Gone swimming? A minimalistic shot that tells a lot.
beverley harrison30-Oct-2006 19:21
my sort of flip flops! very colourful!!
Jackdad30-Oct-2006 18:54
very nice, carefree atmosphere in this.
ewa toll30-Oct-2006 17:45
looks very nice
Shayne30-Oct-2006 15:32
Great image... that sand is not quite as white as our 18" of snow though ~sigh~ LOL
AL30-Oct-2006 15:26
Very inviting indeed. Wanna feel the sand under my bare feet! Really nice :-)
Guest 30-Oct-2006 13:29
kick off them shoes and head for the sea girl:-))))
Guenter Eh30-Oct-2006 12:28
Love the light...!
royalld30-Oct-2006 12:16
I see it must be warming up nicely in that part of the world.
laine8230-Oct-2006 12:09
Yours ?? Good shot !!
Nicki Thurgar30-Oct-2006 11:59
Beautifully done, great lighting!
Guest 30-Oct-2006 11:53
love the simplicity of this shot! Very nicely done - voted
Yvonne30-Oct-2006 11:04
Now that looks VERY inviting sand Sheila! Love all the detail :)
Susan Leigh30-Oct-2006 10:44
I see your working on your thong tan again ;-))
Nicely composed, love the subtle shadows.
Guest 30-Oct-2006 10:19
Lovely! It's getting to be that time of year, again!
Victoria30-Oct-2006 10:18
Exquisite!! love the slips sleeping on this softness sand.Excellent