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September 26. A little ray of sunshine

Last spot of sunlight in my laundry.
Found the little parrot feather this morning.
(no sharpening)

other sizes: small medium original auto
Yiannis Pavlis10-Apr-2008 04:34
The dimensionality of this is gorgeous.
Richard Calmes28-Dec-2006 15:43
What a great eye you have to see this! Great capture! V
Andrew Cornick15-Oct-2006 05:15
Wonderful image, I love the light coming the through the droplet
Guest 10-Oct-2006 09:11
Very nice indeed! I would take one similar but I haven't a laundry (or a parrot) - plenty of rain here though!
Thierry Lucas05-Oct-2006 17:46
Wonderful composition.
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik02-Oct-2006 20:41
Wonderful image! VOTE
Leo Charette28-Sep-2006 09:36
Nicely done Sheila!
Greg Harp27-Sep-2006 13:16
Marvelous capture. GMV
Susan Leigh27-Sep-2006 09:23
such a wonderful image, well spotted..great composition!
Of course,a superb use of Macro! love the drop ;-) big V
Steven Jusczyk27-Sep-2006 07:43
Gorgeous! So well composed!
chrisse27-Sep-2006 05:32
Super light and sharpness ! Gorgeous.
shatterbug27-Sep-2006 04:24
Excellent capture in beautiful light! V.
AL27-Sep-2006 03:43
A gorgeous find. Fascinating light, color and detail. Would love to see a close-up take.
carol j. phipps27-Sep-2006 02:40
Fantastic. Vote
Mindy McNaugher27-Sep-2006 02:22
Stunning capture!!! Vote!
Doria27-Sep-2006 00:48
sheesh...wish I could find lovely colorful feathers like that just a layin around! Nice shot...
Char27-Sep-2006 00:16
Wonderful capture Sheila. V
Guest 27-Sep-2006 00:13
Perfick drop shot ! ~v~
wernere0126-Sep-2006 23:24
Brilliant! v
royalld26-Sep-2006 22:46
Wonderful light and composition. I love the colors too. -v-
Jackdad26-Sep-2006 22:37
the lighting is spot-on! ;-)
JW26-Sep-2006 22:03
Amazing detail and colours
Carole Stevens26-Sep-2006 19:45
Ooo Ive done this with mine, but this is beautifully done Sheila!
Johnny JAG26-Sep-2006 19:28
Love how the drop magnifies the light. v
Guest 26-Sep-2006 19:23
Beautiful drop on a feather. :)
Olaf Herrig26-Sep-2006 18:20
A very nice work!
Graham Tomlin26-Sep-2006 18:17
wonderful regards Helen
QUERIDO26-Sep-2006 16:59
very nice shot,vote
Guest 26-Sep-2006 16:10
Very beautiful composition! You took the best of the chance here!
Love the light on the drop. V
Bryan Murahashi26-Sep-2006 15:33
Excellent macro. Great light, color and detail here. GMV.
Al Chesworth26-Sep-2006 15:05
Fantastic abstract Sheila. V.
Guest 26-Sep-2006 14:24
wow !
Guest 26-Sep-2006 13:07
Yvonne26-Sep-2006 12:53
What a fantastic shot - you are so innovative! ~v
Guest 26-Sep-2006 12:33
Stunning! Great macro, Sheila. Voted
Guest 26-Sep-2006 12:28
Magical shot!!
Herb 26-Sep-2006 12:27
Great macro
Guest 26-Sep-2006 11:01
absolutely magical! voted
Guenter Eh26-Sep-2006 11:00
This is delicate Sheila!
BAS Photography26-Sep-2006 10:56
Amazing composition!!! ~Big vote!~
Buz Kiefer26-Sep-2006 10:27
Wonderful macro. That is really sharp.
Mary Beamond26-Sep-2006 09:45
Very lovely shot, Sheila ~ V
Christin Tröger26-Sep-2006 09:44
Wonderful shot!
Guest 26-Sep-2006 09:41
Elegant shot. Love the diffusion of the light by the drop.
Nicki Thurgar26-Sep-2006 09:37
Absolutely gorgeous! I thought it was a leaf of some kind.. love the clarity in the the drop & the lighting! ~V~
joanteno26-Sep-2006 09:33
Amazing shot..
Bob White26-Sep-2006 09:33
Excellent shot GMV
Zak26-Sep-2006 09:31
Larry Ahern26-Sep-2006 09:11
Guest 26-Sep-2006 09:09
i see a ray of sunshine.... :)
Donald Verger26-Sep-2006 09:08
i love this ... feather?
vote! i love the light and the natural magnification!
laine8226-Sep-2006 09:07
Been a while since you did a waterdrop...worth waiting for ~v
Guest 26-Sep-2006 09:03
Wonderful green tone show. I love to naturel spot light here. Drop is impeccant in there. GMV