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Sheila | all galleries >> Galleries >> Dragonflies and Damselflies > April 12. Diplacodes bipunctata (Wandering Percher)
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April 12. Diplacodes bipunctata (Wandering Percher)

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Guest 15-Apr-2006 18:01
Superb work here, Sheila!
Guest 13-Apr-2006 07:05
Excelent shot - superb detail and lighting!
Greg Harp13-Apr-2006 02:49
Outstanding! GMV
Guest 13-Apr-2006 02:29
I'm still lusting for your lens :):) Wonderful!
Jackdad12-Apr-2006 23:07
I can almost count the individual hairs. voteworthy pic!
BAS Photography12-Apr-2006 21:20
Speechless! GMV!
chrisse12-Apr-2006 19:51
Stunning macro, the details are just amazing. How did you get so close without him flying off. Big vote !
Al Chesworth12-Apr-2006 19:49
That's a cracking shot Sheila, best this week. Voted.
Neil Horner12-Apr-2006 19:12
awesome, awsome, awsome,V.
Guest 12-Apr-2006 18:47
This one is wonderful . Sheila Thanks for sharing.
purpod12-Apr-2006 18:05
Wow, Great image, Sheila! I love the details you've captured ~ GMV2
Johnny JAG12-Apr-2006 17:57
Nice detail.
ewa toll12-Apr-2006 17:04
Tom Munson12-Apr-2006 15:21
Terrific clos-up. sharp.
carol j. phipps12-Apr-2006 15:18
Excellent macro, as observed by others. These macros of insects magnify (no pun intended) such amazing creatures, incredibly detailed, miniture body parts. I marvel. Thanks.
Bryan Murahashi12-Apr-2006 15:14
Terrific macro shot.
Guest 12-Apr-2006 15:00
Amazing shot. Great macro.
Victoria12-Apr-2006 14:38
wow, amzaing shot , how can you too close to catch it , amazing LOL
Peter Stahl12-Apr-2006 13:53
Impressive shot!! So detailed and perfect DOF.
arminb12-Apr-2006 13:42
WOW, that's close, the Tamron must be a great lens?!
Gayle P. Clement12-Apr-2006 12:58
Terrific macro!
Herb 12-Apr-2006 12:44
Super macro
Guest 12-Apr-2006 12:41
Superb shot!great macro!!
Yvonne12-Apr-2006 11:52
Wow - fantastic Sheila! Love all the detail & movement!
Karen Stuebing12-Apr-2006 11:39
Superb close up and detail. Love the bright sunlight and red tones on the dragonfly.
Jola Dziubinska12-Apr-2006 11:29
Outstanding macro and colors. Voted.
Guest 12-Apr-2006 11:18
Magnificent. Incredible sharpness, superb colors. A great great shot! Vote.
Arno Meintjes Wildlife12-Apr-2006 11:15
Fantastic capture Sheila. V.
Bob White12-Apr-2006 11:11
Wow what big ears he has terrific shot and lots of detail
Graham Tomlin12-Apr-2006 11:09
fab regards Helen