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Pelican ballet

Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel
1/2000s f/5.6 at 360.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Ali Majdfar11-Apr-2006 13:37
Splendid photo!
Arno Meintjes Wildlife10-Mar-2006 07:28
Great timing in this shot.
Guest 07-Mar-2006 21:12
Heheh! yes theylre like dancing ballet. I like the contrast of the sharp image of the pelican on the foreground and the pelican at the back with great dof. Vote.
Guest 22-Feb-2006 21:09
Excellent! I had to look 3 times to work out if if was photoshopped/mirrored! Voted.
Rosi Blaurock13-Jan-2006 07:28
Haha, great shot.
Tom Munson11-Jan-2006 18:45
Nice shot Sheila.
laine8208-Jan-2006 17:38
Reminds me of an old Esther Williams movie !!
Gary Winters07-Jan-2006 07:58
Love the repeating "patterns." Maybe a pair of synchronized pelicans?
QUERIDO07-Jan-2006 07:47
good catch