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Sheila | all galleries >> Galleries >> Birds > Yellow-billed Spoonbill
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Yellow-billed Spoonbill

other sizes: small medium original auto
Arno Meintjes Wildlife23-Feb-2006 06:33
Fantastic. We have them as well plus a pink one. Regards Arno
Guest 22-Feb-2006 21:15
Great capture Shiela! And what about that metallic - looking grass! I like that too!
Guest 03-Jan-2006 10:20
Very nice ... :)
Guest 03-Jan-2006 08:06
what a F.L.B! :P
QUERIDO03-Jan-2006 07:04
great shot
shatterbug03-Jan-2006 06:43
Great shot! Light and clarity are superb!
coaster03-Jan-2006 05:25
Yvonne03-Jan-2006 03:02
I'm absolutely green looking at your birds now you have your new lens!!!
Karen Leaf03-Jan-2006 02:21
Wow Sheila it's great. Have to go to original to really appreciate the detail and sharpness.
I don't want to look anymore.
laine8203-Jan-2006 00:42
Oh I love your new lens, I'm seeing birds I can only wish to photograph !! Spose I should thank Kev too ;)
Cindy Flood03-Jan-2006 00:39
Sheila, I've never seen a yellow-billed Spoonbill. Thanks for sharing this unusual bird with me.