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Sheila | all galleries >> Galleries >> Western Australian scene > Back of beyond
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Back of beyond

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Outback Western Australia

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Karin Doeling19-Oct-2012 20:01
Wow, the red is incredible!
MarcWildPassion08-Jan-2009 22:11
These are the roads ... I like.
Jim Ross04-Apr-2008 12:21
Wow...Its like the road out of Mad max... Truly is the back of beyond... :-)
Giancarlo Guzzardi22-Nov-2007 20:01
splendid shot, great perspetive and impressive landscape
lorand01-Sep-2006 22:33
Absolutely stunning photo!
Guest 20-Apr-2006 09:35
Beauty of the man made strip in the desert. Superb colors.
Sue Robertson02-Apr-2006 10:24
I love the colour of the outback.
Guest 18-Nov-2005 13:58
Superb shot.. I like that orange colour of the ground.. Very nice photo with great composition.. :) Vote!
Guest 02-Nov-2005 18:11
Impressive image, Sheila.
This is a gorgeous landscape. Thanks for sharing this.
Guest 30-Oct-2005 08:34
Now this looks very exotic to me with all this red sand!
Yvonne30-Oct-2005 07:47
Amazing true to life coloured sand - great to see it again - and the low growing saltbush & mulga scrublands - it has a special bush-smell. SUPERB shot Sheila! VOTE!
Gary Winters30-Oct-2005 06:29
It's beautiful. Where's the nearest sign of civilization? Does it stay this nice because there isn't much rain, or does someone have to maintain this road?